Premium Essay

The 2008 Financial Crisis


Submitted By Stephie60
Words 1111
Pages 5
Stephanie King
Professor William Badley
Eng 1020-058
1 May 2013

The US Economic Crisis In the course of my research I have found that there are vastly different views of the crisis, its causes, and the solutions. The starting point of the financial crisis began when brokers from the firm J.P. Morgan met at the Boca Raton Resort in Florida to discuss ways that they could increase their capital and reduce risks. In so doing enabling them to avoid the federal laws that limited the amount of money they could invest by forcing them to keeping millions of dollars of funds in reserve in case the debts turned bad. They came up with the idea of inventing a device to protect these loans and free up capital. They conceived a kind of insurance where a third party would assume the risk of the debts going sour in exchange for a monthly premium, thereby separating the risks from the loans, and leaving them free to invest larger amounts of capital, and so credit default swops were born. The first negative was that these were agreements between two private entities that were not regulated by the federal government, and soon no entity that was guaranteeing these debts realized how big the market had grown, who was guaranteeing these debts, and how much these debts were worth. These debts created huge profits for investors and investment companies causing a worldwide economic boom. The original idea created by JP Morgan mutated so many times, allowing every other investment company to jump on the bandwagon creating an uncontrollable monster that nobody could understand or foresee, until it was far too late. The risks that had been sold and repackaged were not eliminated, but rather transferred from one buyer to the next, and with no disclosure or regulation, slipped under the radar. After the success of the financial markets and the low interest

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