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The Antisocial Character Of Mr. Scrooge In A Christmas Carol

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Pages 3
Mr. Scrooge was thought as through the text as the grinch of Christmas. He was very stingy when it came to money even for charity. This miserly old man needed to see the errors in his ways. He is met with 3 ghosts to help and sees three major events. These events include his co-worker Cratchit, nephew Fred, and his own death. In many stories, the character usually goes from an unfriendly antisocial character to a kind person you want to be around. That is exactly what happens to scrooge and these are the causes to that effect.

First of all, Mr. Scrooge was a vile old fellow. To help change his ways, he was greeted by Present. During this time Scrooge saw Cratchit’s family. What he saw was surprising. He saw and heard Cratchit's Family toast in his honor for their dinner. This was a shock because Mr. Scrooge treats Cratchit horribly. He pays him little for his work and even demanded him to work on Christmas day. As a result, of this encounter, in the end, Scrooge went from vile to marry, by sending a turkey to them, Giving Cratchit a raise, and allowing him to spend Christmas with his family. This ended with a very merry Christmas for Cratchit's family and a warm feeling is side Scrooge's heart. …show more content…
Scrooge was very grumpy when the term Merry Christmas was spoken, even coming from the mouth of his nephew. After seeing Cratchit’s family he then visited his nephew who he treated with no respect. During the visit, they weren’t talking in Scrooge's name with much honor, but still, they wished he would come the party. They all agreed that if he were to come they would give him another chance. Also, deep down he did love his nephew. Therefore, in the end, Mr. Scrooge goes to his Nephew party for Christmas and they party till the break of dawn. This event then gave Scrooge the confidence to right his wrongs and give Cratchit that

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