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The Art of Persistence


Submitted By herm1122
Words 3531
Pages 15
“April Kudson!” shouted the police officer, loudly and carelessly ticking off the roll call. The sounds of juvenile prisoners screaming in anger, kicking on the concrete walls in frustration and the banging on the hard, cold metal bars started echoing in the gloomy hallways. April couldn’t catch her breath, “How could my life come to this? Seventeen years of trying to survive in misery and i ended up in this hell-hole.” Her head was spinning, blood rapidly rushing to her head all at once. She felt a firm hand wrapped around her neck tightly, “Getting released today, huh? Well here’s my present, happy birthday bitch!” screamed a girl, jealousy in her eyes and flared nostrils like a true savage. Five against one, bulky girls with tattoo sleeves all crowded April, pounded and kicked her until she was choking on her own blood, wounds gushed out pain, anger, humiliation. The police officers aggressively pried and tackled the girls off April. Sadly enough this was the least amount of torment she had felt in years.

April was finally released that very same day, 18th of September. Stepping out into the sun, feeling the heat, sending a satisfying shiver down your spine, that should feel liberating but all she could feel was remorse and the scorching sun burning her skin. And there she was, the devil herself, Mrs. Hornburg, of all the people in West Virginia she had to be the head of Greenwood orphanage. She gave a coy smirk as she saw April coming down, her dark brown hair blowing in the wind, tall and slim silhouette, copious amounts of freckles sitting on her rosy cheeks, green, almond-shaped eyes and pink plump lips surrounded by bruises and cuts. “Now you stay out of trouble ,alright? I don’t want to see you here again.” the hefty police officer said sternly. “Of course officer, thank you and I will definitely make sure of it.” Mrs. Hornburg replied in a sweet tone but evidently false intent, smiling she showed her black and yellow stained teeth. If anyone knew her, they’ve all felt the temptation to rip her fake curly white and grey wig right off her round, old head.

The crummy, run-down car pulled up to the orphanage, April looked up at the disgusting dirty grey brick building, leaves were everywhere scattered along the lawn to which looked like it hadn’t been mowed in months with letters on the sign hanging off by just one nail. This place looked like an asylum for the mentally insane except the only insane person living here was Mrs. Hornburg.
“Oh right, we also had to throw a few of your paintings away in the hard rubbish because we, well actually I needed more space for my new shoes.” Mrs Hornburg said selfishly.
April knew there was no point in arguing since it was probably going to mean no dinner for her tonight. “Well if you spent more on renovations and our necessities instead of your own junk then we wouldn’t be starving and getting sick all the time, would we?” April furiously exclaimed, slamming the car door in annoyance.
“APRIL, YOU’RE BACK, HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY!” twelve screaming kids came out of the house shouting in joy for her arrival. From one excited child to another the questions were endless. “What was it like in there?”, “Wow, were the people in there mean, did you get in trouble?”, “How did you feel in there, was it scary?”
“Sorry guys, i will answer all your questions later, I have to unpack.” April apologized, trying not to disappoint them. She walked slowly upstairs trying to carry her heavy luggage with all the strength she had left. Foot steps started scurrying around her room like little hungry mice, the door creaked open and out of no where, “SURPRISE! We missed you April !” two little voices chanted with excitement. The room was decorated with drawings from the orphans and all sorts balloons floating around with glitter and silly string scattered everywhere. Tears rolling down her cheeks, she wrapped each arm around her little brother, Miles and little sister, Nathalie. April never wanted to let go, “How could i ever survive 6 months without you guys ever again?” she said still squeezing them to what seemed like the warmest and longest hug.
“It’s so obvious, you can’t i mean look at us, we’re irresistible.” Nathalie said, flipping her dirty blonde hair. The three bursted out in laughter and ended up talking all night like they have been best friends for decades.
Time flew by fast and it was best time already, everyone was tucked in fast asleep.April quietly tiptoed to the bathroom when a piece of paper flew past her and caught her attention. Without a thought she read the letter addressed to Mrs. Hornburg. The letter read:
Dear Mrs. Hornburg,
After visiting Greenwood orphanage I have taken interest in adopting one of the twins, I believe her name is Nathalie, the 10 year old girl with curly blonde hair, dark brown eyes, beautiful olive skin dressed in quirky clothing. My husband and I have been trying for a little girl but unfortunately we are unable to conceive and the doctor recommended that the only other safe option is to adopt. We are hoping the twins aren’t a package since we can only offer to support one child at the moment. We can’t stress enough to you how much this would mean to us as a family. Both my husband and I will be visiting again on the 19th of September to prepare the paper work and legal documents.
Kind regards,
Mr and Mrs. Cauldwell.
This couldn’t be happening. Miles and Nathalie were all April had left, there was not a single moment in her life that she wasn’t thinking of them, caring for them or concerned about them. Nothing could stop Mrs. Hornburg from stopping the adoption, for her it was just one less problem to deal with. She couldn’t stop shaking, heart beat racing in synchronisation with her panic and palms sweating from anxiety. She raced to the room cautiously, Miles was sleeping peacefully; his pale lips slightly open, ruffled brown hair with blonde streaks through his short quiff and big brown eyes opening gradually, lifting his bushy eyebrows. “April, why aren’t you in bed asleep?” he asked softly, still half-asleep.
“Miles we need to go and now, we need to run and hide, we need to go as far away as we can!” April’s voice still shaking in fear.
Nathalie woke up unfazed, “Whats wrong? It’s only 2 in the morning.”
“Guys i will explain later just pack up all your belongings but quietly and grab all the food you can then meet me down stairs at the front door.” April said tensely with trepidation written all over her face.
The twins hastily packed all their belongings and started speculating about what in the world was going on with April. A few minutes later they headed out the door and said goodbye to what seemed like their home for 7 years.

It was pitch black outside, not a creature to be seen. April explained everything to the twins as she shone her torch on the bus timetable and grabbed the money she took from Mrs. Hornburg’s savings. She was going to use for her own unnecessary ‘needs’ anyways so April thought she might as well use it for a beneficial purpose.
After waiting twenty long minutes in the cold, the bus finally arrived, they hauled their luggage on the vehicle and tried to look for the most comfortable place to sleep for the next four hours. The twins dozed off immediately but April being the eldest in the orphanage couldn’t help but think of all the other little children she left behind. She grew up with them and loved them as if they were her own little brothers and sisters. Her heart sank and drowned in a pit of sorrow.

The sun was shining through the windows with the rays forming unconventional but strangely beautiful patterns in the shadows. Although the day was untroubled and beaming with joy but it definitely was not reflecting what the three were feeling. The bus passed a crooked, old wooden sign, ‘Welcome to Carolina, West Virginia’ , April rested her head against the glass window, squinting as she saw locals walking in and out of quaint little stores, everything looked so harmonious and tranquil. One by one everyone hopped off the bus, looking around in awe and stretched like they had been caged in a tiny crater for days. “So, um, April, we’re staying at your friend’s place right?” Miles asked apprehensively. April gave an uneasy half-smile, “Well, friends is a pretty broad term.”
And there they all stood, in front of a homeless shelter, the twin’s eyes slowly turning and giving April the infamous death glare. “Oh come on, look! It’s so homely and you also get to make new friends and I mean think of all stories you can learn from them.” she tried to comfort them with forced enthusiasm but they weren’t fooled one bit.
The room was filled with noisy clattering dishes and utensils, men, women and children's faces were glowing whilst chatting amongst their friends and every one of them listening in on each others fascinating stories.
“Hey! I’ve never sen you in here before! Are you new? WOW, we rarely get any new visitors here, what’s your name? I’m Maizy.” a little girl said, jumping up and down enthusiastically. April looked at this little girl in amazement, ‘how could she be so happy in her situation?’
“Hi Maizy, nice to meet you! I’m April and this is my little brother, Miles and sister, Nathalie.” April politely replied.
Maizy was wearing the cutest yellow dress with a multitude of tiny daisies, her curly black hair in two mini size buns and the brightest smile that could light up the darkest of nights. She took April’s hand, skipping around and introducing the 3 siblings to everyone in the room. Eventually after the quick tour they sat down to eat with Maizy’s mum and her little 2 year old brother. The twins were stuffing their faces, filling their ravenous stomaches with watercress soup and bread rolls.
“So April, how did you end up here?” Maizy’s mum curiously asked.
“Long story short, we escaped from what really made us feel homeless, only the young kids there at the orphanage were what made the place less dreadful and not urge us run away sooner.” April tried to explain with a mouth filled with bread.
“Oh, well i guess we have something in common, we had to escape from my abusive husband when Maizy was 3 years old and one year later here we are.” Maizy’s mum replied like she had been asked that question a thousand times.
“WOW where did you get that shirt? It looks like a rainbow threw up on you!” Maizy interrupted.
April chuckled, “Actually, I made it, it’s called abstract art and it’s how i escape from my reality. I just let all my emotions convey through my paintings really.”
Maizy gasped astonishment, “Can you paint me something or draw for me? Pretty please with a cherry on the top!”
“Of course, anything for you!” said April, cheerfully.

It was close to 10:30pm, after an eventful day and endless chatting, the six decided to sleep and let all their worries fly away for tomorrow’s ventures.
“Hey guys, I’m going to go for a walk around town, can you stay with Maizy for a few hours?” April asked, ready to leave. The twins nodded in unison with a mouth full of cereal.
April in her usual attire; loose white shirt tucked in effortlessly in skinny, tight black jeans, black leather jacket and black combat boots, headed down town strolling in the streets of Carolina. Head in the clouds, she payed close attention to the graffiti and street art, it was hypnotising. One shop caught her eye, she looked up, ‘Fist 2 Face’, April looked around in wonderment, there were records and vinyls everywhere from ‘The Beatles’ to ‘Simon and Garfunkel’. She searched through all the big hits, studying each cover with a keen eye.
“Can i help you? What type of music are you interested in?” a raspy voice asked.
April looked up perplexed, she saw a chiseled jawline, smirking lips, blue eyes under bushy, thick dark brows topped with a black fedora blending in with a black quiff merely poking out. They were practically wearing the same clothes, leather jacket and all.
“Oh, um, I’m kind go more interesting in the art and the graphics on the vinyl covers.” April nervously giggled, “I don't really know anything about music.”
“Sweet, who are your favourite artists?”
“Uh, Frida Kahlo, Pablo Picasso, I just love their pieces, they really make you contemplate, I mean i could stare at their paintings for hours on end and try to wrap my head around the hidden meanings, emotions and patterns, it’s spell-binding.” she felt as if she went on and on.
“So you paint your own pieces too?” he asked, eager to hear her answer.
“Yeh, but I had to stop for a while, there was just too much drama and…I” April stuttered.
“No excuses if you love something with a burning passion. Is it your escape from reality? Does your life revolve around art? Does your world stop turning when you take hiatuses? Go for it, don’t turn back just keep going.” he lectured with such longing and fire in his eyes.
“It’s just that I was in juvie for 6 months for drug-related problems and then the head of our orphanage was this cruel, cynical woman who cared for no one but herself and lets just say some people are alive because it’s against the law to kill ‘em, then i had to take care and raise my two little siblings along with 10 other kids!” trying to catch her breath and calm down, “Phew, so what’s your name? I’m April.”
“Haha, I’m Jason but people call me Jase for short.” he chuckled, “So, is this going to be the start of our love story?”
“Wait, what?! no, no.” April blushed in embarrassment.

Back at the homeless shelter Nathalie kept persisting to know what it was like to meet Jase and wanted a detailed explanation. Suddenly, Nathalie shouted calling out Jase near the kitchen helping out with dishes whilst bringing in some new vinyls. Jason walked over giving a smile and April looking down in humiliation, ‘Oh gosh, what is he going to think of me living in a homeless shelter?’ she thought. She stood up straight slipping her hands comfortably in her pocket trying to act natural as he was approaching her and after they started talking, he asked whether April, Nathalie and Miles wanted to stay at his family friend’s place. Jase reassured that they would love the company and be comfortable with the idea. To top it off, they had an art studio since they were both artists, so April can finally continue to show grow as an aspiring artist again. Without hesitation she politely accepted his offer and the next day they were ready and packed to live in a proper house again after years and years of living in despair.

Nathalie, Miles and April were in complete shock, they were staring right at what seemed like the biggest most magnificent white mansion they had ever seen. It was a dream come true; the thinnest yet largest plasma screen hanging proudly a top the mantle piece, outside the clear blue swimming pool surrounded by freshly cut lawn and limestone stepping stones. The Heathertons came down stairs with radiant smiles on their faces and greeted their guests with the warmest hugs. They clicked almost instantly with the twins and April, it was like being reunited with a mother and father they never had.
Robert Heatherton was also an artist and met Linda, his wife at her very own gallery, from then on it was just love and their mutual adoration for art.
One day, April was intently watching Robert paint with flawless brush strokes, he was known for his black and white paintings, no mess, no colour, just simple shades.
“So April, I’ve seen your work and your potential is truly unbounded and I was wondering along with Linda whether you would like a few of your pieces featured in the opening of Linda’s new gallery opening in New York.
April was dumbfounded, “What? Are you seri…oh my goodness! But my skills and paintings they aren’t fully developed yet and it’s still rough around the…”
“No my dear, that’s the thing, your youth and rawness in the paintings give off this unique new taste of authenticity. It’s every artist’s dream to have their work admired by hundreds, thousands even millions! I know how long you have waited to really be able to put all those cooped up emotions inside of you, out there. What you’ve been through will show through your art, every single brush stroke. Perseverance is the key, find that one little ounce of determination in you and doors will open. Rejection is inevitable but so is success when you put your all into it and when negativity tried to knock you down, success will come.” Robert said this with such passion, April couldn’t help but believe.
The hustle and bustle of the Big Apple and April in the middle of it all, she wished Nathalie and Miles could be here but she knew her support system was still solid and secure.
She introduced people to her favourite piece but all she could feel and see was people smiling out of pity for her, no one took interest in the troubled, aspiring artist, they took one brief look and rolled their eyes in disappointment. A tongue has no bones but it can break a heart and shatter it into pieces. All she could concentrate on was the whisperings of negative criticism, April was beyond devastated even Robert’s encouraging words couldn’t stitch the wounds together again.

Months pasted by, April still kept on painting but only darkness and sadness surrounded her heart by now.

One day a call shook the Heatherton family, everyone was rushing trying to all hurriedly race into the car all at once. They arrived at the hospital, the five hastily trying to cram into the elevator to get to the 20th floor. Robert opened the door, Linda and April in tears their eyes were red and blurry trying to process the sight. The twins with hands over their mouths, looking at each other like they had just seen a ghost. Jason was lying on the bed, tubes, medicine and needles all surrounding him. His cracked pale lips trying to murmur words, gasping for air and his dull skin looked like his life had just been drained out of him, every muscle so tender and weak he could barely move a finger.
The doctor came in unannounced, “I’m sorry, he isn’t going to make it, the tumour has reached the limit in stage 4 and it’s too severe to try and stop the growth, we can’t save him. I will give you some time alone.” The room bursted in tears, “Why didn’t you tell us?” April said in agonising pain, her voice shaking and cracking.
“How could I, all I ever wanted to do was live for music, that’s why I opened the record store, my parents didn’t even know and they're flying in to visit me in my last hours now. Look, I’m 19 and if this is how I am going to die then so be it. Having to live up to people’s expectations, coming from a successful, wealthy family is too much but I knew I wanted to accomplish something for myself. I have a tumour growing almost the size of my own brain but look at all I have done. Screw the judgemental critics, focus on yourself. I achieved my dreams, owning my own record shop just diving into a world of music and only music. What about you April? Stop trying to search for approval from others, it isn’t join to get you anywhere otherwise you’re just going to find yourself in an empty abyss of despair.” Jason said, never has he looked this serious, talked and meant it with all his heart, convincing and inspiring her with every ounce of energy he had left.

Jason’s last words to April lingered and felt so present wherever she was. What she had been through with her parent’s abandonment, mistreatment, abuse, indignation in the youth detention centre, the orphanage, the heartache and affliction; through Jason’s death came her greatest masterpiece.
There it was in the gallery, a young girl’s struggle to find joy and her true identity and all she had felt from devastating pain to jubilant joy on a single canvas.
“I did it, I finally did it, blood, sweat and tears shed into the making of my artwork, my masterpiece.”

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Persistence, Resilience, And Grit In Hillbilly Elegy

...While reading Hillbilly Elegy, there were three main ideas that stood out: persistence, resilience and grit. In my own words, I would describe persistence as not giving up in any situation. Resilience would be explained as dusting yourself off from a difficult situation that knocked you down in life. Grit would be explained as having courage to succeed in your main goal in a situation. I believe that, out of those three topics, resilience would be my strongest characteristic, while grit is a characteristic I would like to work on. To me, persistence and resilience go together hand in hand. You need a characteristic like persistence in order to never give up. Once you push through the initial not wanting to give up, you need resilience in order...

Words: 636 - Pages: 3

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...(1881-1973) 'Factory, Horta de Ebbo', 1909 (oil on canvas) Cubism was a truly revolutionary style of modern art developed by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braques. It was the first style of abstract art which evolved at the beginning of the 20th century in response to a world that was changing with unprecedented speed. Cubism was an attempt by artists to revitalise the tired traditions of Western art which they believed had run their course. The Cubists challenged conventional forms of representation, such as perspective, which had been the rule since the Renaissance. Their aim was to develop a new way of seeing which reflected the modern age. POP ART Andy Warhol – Mickey maus the early morning of July 18 in Stockholm, a major theft occurred. Unknown broke the door to the museum Aberga (Abergs Museum), stormed inside and stripped from the walls of famous works of masters of the pop art of Andy Warhol (Andy Warhol) and Roy Lichtenstein (Roy Lichtenstein). Robbers also took a poster to the old film The New Spirit, probably thinking that this is also Warhol. Police are looking for villains in the entire Stockholm, but the search has not yielded results. Stolen masterpieces of pop art experts estimated in 500 thousand dollars. The museum is named after the famous Swedish filmmaker, artist and musician Lasse Aberga (Lasse Aberg). In the 1960's, he was carried away by pop-art aesthetics, and in 1970 started to collect various objects associated with the film studio of Walt Disney...

Words: 1612 - Pages: 7

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Grae Inflation

...scored by college students without evidence of a concurrent increase in their actual performance'' (Kassahun, 2008, p. 33). There are several reasons that could contribute to the grade inflation, some of which are considered to be sin. Achen and Courant (2009) point out continuing increases in average grades have been widely documented in many universities over the several decades. They concur systematic differences in grade levels by field of study is associated with grade inflation. Achen and Courant (2009) argue, they find it difficult to explain persistence of these relative differences than persistence of modest grade inflation in general. The article was primarily focussed to understand these differences, by analysing the detailed data they had from College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA) at the University of Michigan. Achen and Courant (2009) study was limited to Michigan’s College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA) with 16000 students. LSA provides the basic science and math courses to students in the College of Engineering, which is the second-largest undergraduate College at Michigan. The data is from 25 departments from Fall 1992 through Winter 2008. Main claims and evidence or arguments used in the article Achen and Courant (2009) point out the data showed continuing grade inflation throughout the period 1992–2008. Measured absolutely on the standard four-point scale, average rates of grade inflation at the University of Michigan over the period...

Words: 1542 - Pages: 7

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Dadaism and Surrealism

...Dadaism and Surrealism Dadaism and Surrealism The Dadaism art movement is part of history now. The movement began in Zurich and New York around the time of the First World War. ("Dada," n.d.) Dadaism was aimed at the artists who felt art created spiritual values. There was a focus on the failure of this by the endless days of war, the art of previous era’s had done nothing to create spiritual values in the followers mind. Dada was a protest against what they felt was the root cause of war. Dada was an “anti-art” according to Hans Richter, one of the founders of this movement. Dada was used to offend people; it ignored aesthetics and was generally preposterous in form. Many of the art displays were made of different mediums such as urinals, garbage, bus tickets, even snow shovels. One of the more known pieces from the Dadaism period is from Marcel Duchamp “Fountain” in 1917 it was simply a urinal. This shows us that with Dadaism they were able to create art even from objects that would normally not be considered art. Surrealism as an art movement officially started in 1924. In 1924 The Surrealist Manifesto written by Andre Breton was published. Many of the artistic pieces of this era are dream like. Some type of art to wonder and marvel at, not an art of reason. ("Dada," n.d.) Surrealism is thought to have been formed as a reaction to Dadaism art movement, which was a protest of the carnages of World War 1. Surrealism was more focused on the positive outcomes of...

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