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The Challenges and Their Determinants of Supply Chain of Pharmaceuticals in South West Ethiopia


Submitted By qorichee
Words 2866
Pages 12
The determinants and Challenges in Supply Chain of Pharmaceuticals in South West Region
The determinants and Challenges in Supply Chain of Pharmaceuticals Fund and Supply Agency (PFSA) 1 Jimma Hub to Supply Quality Assured Essential pharmaceuticals to Health Facilities in South West Region 1 !Unexpected End of Formula 1. Introduction 2 1.1. Statement of the Problem 3 1.2. Study goal, objectives and indicators 3 1.2.1. Goal 3 1.2.2. Objective & Indicators 3 1.3. Hypothesis 4 1.4. Significance of the Study 4 1.5. Scope of the Study 5 2. Literature Review 5 2.1. TODAY'S CHALLENGES 6 2.2. Supply Chain Pain Points 6 2.2.1. Lack of Visibility, Particularly Upstream 6 2.2.2. Alignment with Third-Party Service Providers 7 2.2.3. Supply Chain Traceability 7 3. Methodology 8 3.1. Sources of Data 8 3.2. Method of Sampling Technique 8 3.3. Method of Data Collection 8 3.4. Study Population 8 3.5. Plan of Action 9 3.6. Management Plan 9 4. Conclusion 10 5. References 11

The Pharmaceuticals Fund and Supply Agency is focusing on supplying 100% Essential Medicines to public health facilities. The focus stems from the increasing health problem of the public that the health facilities should address accordingly. The objective of this study is, therefore, to identify challenges in supply chain of pharmaceuticals and determining factors that contribute to these challenges at PFSA Jimma hub. The study will use both an observational and self-administered questioner methods. This study method will involve all technical employees of PFSA, 10% health centers and 20% hospitals.

Data analysis will done using descriptive statistics which will be employed to examine the finding of the study, it refers to produces for organizing, summarizing and describing qualitative data, which is more descriptive of words. The relevant

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