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The Effectiveness of Body Language in Communication


Submitted By tsarna
Words 1065
Pages 5
The Effectiveness of Body Language In communication.

Body language refers to various forms of nonverbal communication, where in a person may reveal clues as to some unspoken intention or feeling through their physical behaviour. These behaviours include (but are not limited to) facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movement, touch and the use of space. Body language exists in both animals and humans, but this article focuses on interpretations of human body language. It is also known as kinesics.
Body language must not be confused with sign language, as sign languages are full languages like spoken languages and have their own complex grammar systems, as well as being able to exhibit the fundamental properties that exist in all languages. Body language, on the other hand, does not have a grammar and must be interpreted broadly, instead of having an absolute meaning corresponding with a certain movement, so it is not a language like sign language, and is simply termed as a "language" due to popular culture.
Body language, a subset of nonverbal communication, complements verbal communication in social interaction. In fact some researchers conclude that nonverbal communication accounts for the majority of information transmitted during interpersonal interactions.
Body language is a part of communication that very few actually study yet it makes up most of what we use to communicate and is generally much more accurate a judge of meaning than are the words we use. I’m going to share some reasons why body language is so important and then give you a very short quiz to take to see how well you understand its meaning.

They say actions speak louder than words and sometimes we can communicate things even without the aid of a single word. We can shrug our shoulders and, without a word, we’ve just said, “I don’t know.” We can raise our eyebrows and we’ve

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