Premium Essay

The Effects of Exercise on the Body


Submitted By spacegem
Words 1972
Pages 8
The human body is a clever organism. Whatever we are doing, at any time whether it is resting, walking around or sleeping, our body and the complicated systems within it are constantly working to keep us alive. In order to maintain a healthy heart and circulatory system it is important to exercise, but what demands does exercise have on the body? In order to investigate some of the effects that exercise has on the body we conducted a practical experiment in small groups in which a subject carried out gentle exercise (jogging on the spot) for five minutes. Using a heart rate monitor the heart rate was measured at rest, after five minutes of exercise then at two minute intervals. The breathing rate was measured using a timer. The results were then recorded, analysed and collated with the rest of the class. From that the mean data was created.
The purpose of this investigation as to measure effects that exercise has on Heart rate and Breathing rate within the body. In this we will be looking at the demands placed on a healthy body during short term exercise and particularly the respiratory and circulatory systems also, what the body goes through and which other systems such as the digestive system contribute to these processes and how cellular respiration occurs.
The hypothesis of the experiment is that the heart rate will rise sharply then steadily go back down after exercise is completed. Similarly the breathing rate is expected to rise whilst exercising then go back to normal in recovery.
The results are displayed in attached graph. These results show that at resting the Heart

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