Premium Essay

The Essence of Leadership


Submitted By BrianSears
Words 3710
Pages 15
Leadership is common term used by various groups. With that being said to define leadership is quite simple, but at the same time complex. Merriam-Webster defines leadership as a position as a leader of a group, organization, etc. It is also explains during the time when a person holds the position of leader, or the power or ability to lead other people (Webster). These few words give us a very vague since of what leadership actually consists of. Particularly when looking at a leaders ability to lead people. The first question that could be asked is by what means is this accomplished? One of the things I will attempt to explore is some of the numerous dimensions of leadership, while analyzing different leaders and cultures and organizations that have been on the receiving end of this leadership. The various questions concerning leadership are as intriguing, as the various answers that surround them. This also allows to explore the topics, of what is a good leader? Are leaders born or made? Though there are various answers to these questions, but few would argue that leadership is the integral part to the success of an organization. When you look at a plant seed, you don’t know how big a plant or tree will become. It requires water and other things for its potential to be revealed. A growth mindset is like your intellectual water that pushes you to your potential. A fixed mindset is like a seed without water if you are not careful, it can artificially and prematurely place limits on your achievement (Anderson, 2011). This thought process could also be applied within leadership. This will help us to establish the relativity of rather a leader is born or a leader is made. Many would argue that there is a combination of both. Another interesting thing about leaders is that often times they come from various backgrounds. From the most prestigious and

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