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The Eu and the Usa

In: Other Topics

Submitted By moatazabdulwali
Words 1560
Pages 7
Module 8 part 1
Abdulwali saleh
In the promise of Europe, Steven Hill has raised many points in many areas that he believes EU has been achieved. He compares those areas to the United States, and clearly in his book prefers the EU policy than that in the United States. After he mentions the three models, actually the forth models; THE USA, china, Japan, and the EU model, He believes that EU developed model is the best one for the world in the 21 century. In order to present the model as the suitable one, Steve stresses many points that EU pass out the USA and show how USA continues to miss lead the public and presents its model as the bet one. Among those issues that he has stressed, USA media and what has associated with it in term of European economy and American view , welfare and social system and what associate with it. Steven Hill stresses that because of American media and political leaders taken a model adaptation, in term of who is right or who is wrong, and which model beats the other. Instead take it, from the point that we just need to learn from together, and we have to teach together in order to save ourselves and the world as the whole. Taken for consideration that there are countries round the world who needs to get to where we are now, to have the same chance that we had have, but how they going to achieve it without burning the world, without global warming environment chaos, if our media until today doesn’t has a transparency in presenting the best for us. He express that USA medias has been hid the truth about Europe achievement, He indicates that media is missing the real story and presenting to the USA a couple countries in Europe that have economic struggle such Greece, Spain and imply this perception at the rest of Europe . In the last 20 year They portrayed the EU as a weak, straggle, social

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