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The Ford Pinto


Submitted By subuda77
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The Ford Pinto Case
Team B
Management 216
May 10, 2011
Ian Finley

The Ford Pinto Case
The horrific tragedy that took place on August 10, 1978 involving Judy Ann Ulrich, Lynn Marie, and Donna Ulrich was a real eye opener to a lot of consumers regarding the Ford Pinto. A van collided into the back of the young girl’s car causing the Pinto to collapse, the fuel tank to rupture, and the car to engulf into flames. Donna and Lynn Marie were trapped inside and suffered to death as a result of the combustion of the vehicle. Judy Ann was able to be extracted from the wreckage but passed away several hours later at a hospital. Two months prior to the casualty, Ford recalled all Pintos produced from 1971 to 1976 to repair their inadequate gas tanks. Ford only took the initiative for the recall after it was revealed that more than fifty people had died in Pinto-related collisions. With the introduction of the Ford Pinto, Ford’s desire for competition, led the company to overlook known construction flaws and their own moral code to endure higher profits.
Lynne Marie and Donna Ulrich, along with Richard Grimshaw and the unidentified neighbor; how do you assign a value to a human life? According to the Ford Motor Representatives in the Ford Pinto Fires Case, it is quite simply done with a cost/benefits formula analysis. We’d like to believe that those lost are the only people that mattered, the people whom Ford Motor Company should have considered when they turned down a $137.5 million dollar fix over a $49.5 million dollar benefits cost. Does the corporate world really think of a life in terms of dollars and cents? Yes, and often.
Henry Ford II chose to promote Lee Iacocca to President. Subsequently, he was responsible for the two-year launch requirement for the Pinto that caused important vehicle safety processes to be skirted for the sake of “meeting a deadline.” Additionally, the recall coordinator, Dennis Gioia, voted no to a recall on the Pinto on two separate occasions. Utilitarianism at its finest. The greatest good for the greatest number with a very gray area left untouched.
Today Ford’s mission is One Ford. Mission is one team, one plan, and one goal. Every employee at Ford is working toward the same goal. The One goal is delivering profitable growth for all. They have high standards for safety, while offering luxury. According to Ford Motor Company (2011), one team is people working together as a lean, global enterprise for automotive leadership, as measured by: customer, employee, dealer, investor, supplier, union/council, and community satisfaction. One plan is aggressively restructure to operate profitably at the current demand and changing model mix. Also to accelerate development of new products our customers want and value, finance our plan and improve our balance sheet, and work together effectively as a team (Ford Motor Company, 2011). Ford has to keep up with their competition as well as maintaining safety on their vehicles.
The Pinto Case and Ford are comparable when discussing the mission, values, guiding principles and the organizational culture. Most companies today have similar missions and values when it comes trying to obtain a good reputation and overview of their companies. Companies such as Ford want employees to appreciate what they have to offer and give incentives to try to make their employees enjoy where they work. No company enjoys laying off employees due to budget cut or for any reason but at the end of the day it is a part of common day activities and they are in turn faced with negative feedback from decisions. Both companies have good missions that can still be followed but just face angry employees that are faced with more challenges from their decisions and it does not mean they don’t value their employees.

Team Values and Ford Values
Dependability, honesty, accountability, and integrity are a few examples of the ideals which govern the ethical foundations of many. Ford motor company adopted a mission of values which set the standards of ethical decisions to make to better the company as well as meet the needs of the consumer. (.docstoc.2010)An examination of values amongst University of Phoenix team members demonstrated an alignment with Ford’s guiding principles, Values of a sense of conscience and integrity was expressed, which displayed personal beliefs of honor and righteousness. Ford’s principles that integrity is never to be compromised isn’t solely a company code of conduct, but a moral principle which places the consumer’s needs and safety above profit; projecting a reputation of trust and honesty. A sense of character and moral sense of duty is highlighted in Ford’s guiding principles which were expressed in the team as a belief of doing the right thing and maintaining human morality. Conclusion Teenagers lost their lives horrifically in an automobile accident because the Ford Motor Company chose to make $49.5 million dollars instead of spending $135 million dollars to repair a safety issue with new equipment on the production line. Ford believes the importance of meeting deadlines overrides the consideration the lives of the consumers who depend on the automobile industry to provide safe and reliable vehicles. The morality of the company becomes degraded during this time. The old “mighty” dollar rises above the policies of integrity and ethics. In the thoughts of the team members, the well-being of employees and customers are more important that making a few dollars. Morally Ford is wrong to benefit from the cost of human life and improper standards. The reliability level of a company must be higher than the pedestal placed by the people relying on them. Eight years after the unveiling of the first Pinto, Ford realizes the importance of doing what is morally right because it is the moral thing to do.

Ford Motor Company. (2011). One ford mission and vision. Retrieved from
DeGeorge, R.T (2010). Business Ethics (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall
Trevino, L.K., & Nelson, K. A. (2007). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right (4th ed). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Ford’s Statement of Mission, Values and Guiding Principles. (2010). Retrieved from

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