Premium Essay

The Future of Nursing


Submitted By tbell1911
Words 1055
Pages 5
Did you know that 60 percent of all nurses are graduates from an associate’s degree program? (Aiken, 2011) The Institute of Medicine (IOM) was founded in 1970 to help the government and non-government establishments make decisions in health care by evidence base practices. In 2010 The Institute of Medicine, sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and AARP, conducted a study on the future of nursing. The study was involved and asked the questions of “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,” “why,” and “how” of nursing to produce better quality patient care. The IOM instituted initiatives or a project plan to reform nursing care. Lets touch base on how the IOM initiatives made in impact on nursing education, nursing care, and nursing leadership roles.
Education is a very important part of a nursing career, with advancing technology, the nurse has to stay informed and up to date. Education can be acquired by certifications and advancing in higher education. The IOM initiative has increased the awareness of the need of higher educated nurses. Nursing is broad and is advancing to public health care, preventative care, and chronic care, not just acute care. (Aiken, 2011) The IOM initiative drives the education system to help nurses pursue higher education without difficulties, like in the past. There is more programs designed to help the nurse work and go to school at the same time. The initiative implemented the idea for more funding for applicants, as well as, for the schools. The increasing need for nurse practitioners in the public health sector is another motivation to pursue a higher education in nursing. The IOM committee challenges nurses to further educate themselves to meet the needs and complexities of the patient populace. The nurses can improve patient quality care by

improving their own knowledge. The IOM initiative also states to increase

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