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The Giver Response Essay

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Response to Literature Essay for The Giver

The Giver is a novel written by author Lois Lowry. In this dystopian reading selection, the setting is a place called the community. The community is a place where everything is the same. Also, everything in the Giver community is safety-proofed. It is ran by a group of people called The Elders. The Elders are considered the wisest and most powerful people in the community. They are in charge of everything, from picking out job titles for the incoming twelves, to keeping track of the newchildren that are born. The setting of the giver affected the citizens by keeping them proctected from dangerous things. In doing so, trial-and-error cannot occur. Also, many of the citizens are used to everything …show more content…
In The Giver novel, individuality can be seen in the form of emotions when Jonas asks his mother and father if they love him. “‘Do you love me?’ There was an awkward silence for a moment. Then father gave a chuckle. ‘Jonas, you, of all people. Precision of language please!’ (127).” The evidence tells the reader that when everything is the same, there is nothing unique about anyone to truly “love”. Without individuality, nobody is different, which causes people to be emotionless to eachother. Another instance of characters in The Giver having emotions because of individuality occurs when the sixes from another community visit her school and makeher feel angry. “‘I felt very angry this afternoon,’ Lily announced (5).” This quote tells me that, because of the differences between Lily and the other sixes, Lily genuinely feels an emotion. Usually, Lily does not feel angry, but due to a change in her environment, she truly felt an emotion. Because of individuality and diversity, emotions are born. Without diversity and individuality, everything would be meaningless, much like a never-ending cycle of

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