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The Golden One In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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The Unconquered One, for the betterment of all his people, brings forth his invention and discovery of electricity to the elders. This discovery is considered a crime for they fear a peasant, a street sweeper, has outdone his brothers, for it is a crime to be anything but a brother to all. Prometheus, given the task to mould mankind out of clay, with his attempts to better mankind created conflict with the God of all Gods, Zeus. (Aaron J.) The Golden One, a young girl based on love denies the warnings of others and chooses love as her fate. Gaea, the Greek Goddess who supports the seas and the mountains and those of which she loves. This similarity between them is why Equality, after finding out what it means to be an individual from the book, “Anthem”, has decided to give himself the name Prometheus and named The Golden One after the goddess Gaea. …show more content…
Gaea was the primeval divinity of earth, one of the primal elements who first emerged at the dawn of creation, along with air, sea and sky. (Gaia) She rebelled against her husband, as The Golden One rebelled against her people. Gaea is the earth who came out of chaos. (Gaea Greek Mythology) Chaos was made of Void, Mass, and Darkness in confusion. Then Earth, in the form of Gaea, came into existence and from Mother Earth sprang the starry heavens. The Golden One is similar to her by being The Unconquered One’s escape. He realizes that all his brothers live in fear, chaos, and The Golden One is his starry skies. The one among scores of women that only he will look upon. (Rand) The Golden One’s feelings for The Unconquered One grow and soon they must start their lives over, together, where they will bring others, lead and build a better

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