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The Host


Submitted By mony26
Words 1055
Pages 5
Essay #4: The Host ‘The Host’ was a very interesting novel to read and discuss. Reading the novel made me think of how someone could portrait the scenes in a movie or a visual act. Therefore, watching the movie made things even more interesting. The novel had quite a few scenes that could have been shown in the movie and made the movie more like the book. Also, changes of character appearance really changed and got some focused off the movie. One of the main character difference that I found interesting was the Seeker. The Seeker from the movie was not what I expected after reading the novel. While reading a novel I always have interesting thoughts such as, what if there was a movie that portrayed this book? Would all the scenes be shown on the movie or would they take some out? Would the characters look the way they are described? As I was reading the novel ‘The Host” I imagined and made pictures in my head of how each character looked by the way the book described it. I would always have the picture in my head of how the characters looked to me. After finishing the novel and proceeding to watch the movie I expected the characters to look somewhat how I imagined. First of all Melanie looked somewhat how I imagined, young and innocent looking. I imagined Wanda like some sort of bright, flashy soul looking thing, and that’s how it kind of looked in the movie. Yet, I found one big difference in a character. The Seeker did not look nothing like I imagined or how it was described in the novel. In the novel ‘The Host” the Seeker is a small lady, dark-haired, and dressed mostly in black. I imagined her evil looking, with a serious face and a very dark person. Yet, in the movie it was a whole different appearance. In the movie “The Host” the Seeker is very blonde, stands regally on some serious wedge heels, dressed in a futuristic cream-colored pant suit and does not look old like I imagined her. After reading the book and having a visual image of the Seeker then watching the movie and having a whole different perspective of the look, really changes the way you see the movie. At first when the blonde actress in the movie, I did not think that was the Seeker. It was confusing at first because I was expecting to see a dark, evil looking lady. I was not sure if the blonde actress was really the Seeker till ‘Wanda’ called her Seeker. After seeing this changed in the movie from the book I got interested in seeing what other changes had been made from the book to the movie. Also, in the book, the Seeker seemed irritable and edgy for her species but in the movie all the souls did what she said and agreed with her decisions. The appearance was not the only change in the movie that I noticed from the Seeker. The way she talked and expressed herself was also one difference between the book and the novel. In the book, every time she would demand something or tell the souls something she seemed kind of rude to me and careless. Yet, in the movie she talked calm and demanding, but kind in a way. This made me think that the Seeker from the book was a whole different character than the Seeker from the movie. If I would have watched the movie first and then read the book, the book would have made no sense in the way they portray the Seeker. This made things confusing and hard to understand at first but throughout the movie things made sense and kept coming together. Yet, there are some major things that the movie showed from the book. This was the Seeker’s personality. The personality of the Seeker in the book and in the movie was the same. They both wanted to capture Melanie and to find out how the Seeker could fight the host so it would not stay inside the bodies after a soul was inserted. The same perspective followed the movie. They showed how the Seeker was eager to catch Melanie/Wanda and how obsessed she was. She did not stop and was willing to do anything to capture her and find out what she wanted to know. Even though the appearance was not the same the actions of the character in the movie reflected the actions of the character in the book. The Seeker follows Wanda everywhere, believing that she can help her find the humans. She does not give up. She finds Melanie/Wanda and the other humans and is willing to do whatever to capture Melanie/Wanda to proceed with her desire. Even though the personality is the same in the book and the movie from the Seeker, her appearance changes many points of views. The drastic changed of character appearance of the Seeker was a shock. I did not expect the movie to change the original visual imagine of the Seeker as it was portrayed in the book. Since I thought the actual appearance of the Seeker would be evil, dark looking lady that is trying to get to humans the appearance in the movie made me thing different from the Seeker at the beginning. Changing appearance, taking out scenes or changing them form a book to a movie can have a big impact in the story and the perspective of the story. Also, it can have many points of views of the reader and the viewer. People that read the books may love the book and are excited to watch the movie. Yet, once they see the movie they realize it is nothing like the book and nothing like they expected. On the other hand, some people may be the reverse experience. They may not have liked the book, yet loved the movie. It all depends on their point of view of the story and their understanding. Personally, I liked the book better than the movie. Just by the fact that it had way more detailed and the characters matched their personalities. The movie was okay, but it was not what I expected after reading the novel “The Host.”

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