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The Impact Part Time Work Toward Academic Performane


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Life at the turn of the 21st century are exceptionally testing and not the us effectively we anticipated. Besides, the monetary emergency that is hitting the world these days is no special case for Malaysia likewise influences somewhat by ordinary life in life. As an aftereffect of this, of numerous who wander into the business to oblige the minimal present as a consequence of the present downturn now including understudies. This study is to see the effect of the college understudy working low maintenance on the execution of learning. The purpose of this study was to examine the work while the impression towards academic achievements. Percentage shows between 55% to 80% of students will work while learning (Miller, 1997; King, 1998). This high percentage is also causing some researchers to believe that the students who will work towards the achievement of academic decline (Steinberg, Dornbusch, & Fegley 1993). At the same time also, there are a discovered that work while learning provides a positive impact if they follow the correct percentage (In & Hoyt, 1981). Inquiry about "impression of working part time on academic Achievement" is mixed. Along these lines, the study will endeavour to give more proof of a much clearer and point by point to comprehend the impression of working low maintenance towards scholastic accomplishments in North Malaysia College understudies particularly. 1.2. STATEMENTS OF PROBLEM AND JUSTIFICATION
Disclosures problems have jobs or work part time is not something foreign students’ school at nowadays. They select part-time work is to pay daily expenses. They involved in part-time work was presented with early subjection before reaching for the world as well as add their experience to find the money themselves. As humans, have a tendency to business of activities cannot be separated. In the Quran, even, Allah s.w.t. Says in Surah Nisa ' a-; verse 29 of its meanings;
يٰۤـاَيُّهَا الَّذِيۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡا لَا تَاۡكُلُوۡۤا اَمۡوَالَـكُمۡ بَيۡنَكُمۡ بِالۡبَاطِلِ اِلَّاۤ اَنۡ تَكُوۡنَ تِجَارَةً عَنۡ تَرَاضٍ مِّنۡكُمۡ  وَلَا تَقۡتُلُوۡۤا اَنۡـفُسَكُمۡ ؕ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ كَانَ بِكُمۡ رَحِيۡمًا‏ ﴿4:29﴾

(4:29) Believers! Do not devour one another's possessions wrongfully; rather than that, let there be trading by mutual consent.50 You shall not kill yourselves.51 Surely Allah is ever Compassionate to you.52
In the other, the Prophet pointed out that S.A.W, تِسْعَةُ أَعْشَارِ الرِزْقِ فِي التِّجَارَةِ "Nine times out of ten the door there is a provision in the trade" (narrated by At-tarmizi).Although they offer a good impact to human beings, but among students should it provide a positive impact to the students of the university and does it give impact on education if students are involved in part-time work. Besides, we shall see the impact of students engaged part-time against education, but at exactly the same time we can see if the factors influencing students work in your free time. Is the financial factor, influence peers, looking for experience, environmental factors and many others.
Once the students begin working part-time, between the symptoms which is often monitored and impact to students one of them is their attendance to lectures is less reasonable and the skipping lectures/classes is high. If it persists among students, they likely will be at the mercy of disciplinary action, such as cannot be entering the examination hall, providing a warning notice and so many more.
In addition, the performance of students in the examination is low and less satisfactory. They (the students) who's involved immediately or indirectly in this part-time. Their true target of the ongoing work they actually with no caveat in the educational aspect in life. So much so that they feel that the work is everything up to ignore his academic. 1.3. THE PURPOSE
The purpose of this study is to identify the causes of students who work part-time and in effect against the student learning/I to a student University of North Malaysia especially science students for session disconnection A131. 1.4. THE RESEARCH OBJECTIVES
The objective of this study is 1. To identify the factors that encourage students to work. 2. To identify the pattern and type of work performed by the student 3. To identify the stages of primacy in the lead in the use of the students. 4. To identify the impression the process of learning and academic achievements of its students.

The topic of research is selected. From the topic, we listed all the possible question and issues about the topic. The general idea of research also stated. Then the best question that really related and relevance its the topic is selected to find its answers and solutions. The question to include : * What are the factors that encourage the students to do a part-time job? * What is an impression against the process of learning for students? * When the time allocated for the divide between academic and work part-time? * Does part-time work have an impact on the students ' social life and well-being?

1.6. DEFINITION OF TERMS TERMS | CONCEPTUAL DIFINATION | Impact | 1. Impact - The Striking Of One Body Against Another a) Blow, Bump - An Impact (As From A Collision); "The Bump Threw Him Off The Bicycle" b) Slam - A Forceful Impact That Makes A Loud Noise c) Impinging, Striking, Contact - The Physical Coming Together Of Two Or More Things; "Contact With The Pier Scraped Paint From The Hull" 2. Impact - A Forceful Consequence; A Strong Effect; "The Book Had An Important Impact On My Thinking"; "The Book Packs A Wallop" a) Consequence, Effect, Result, Upshot, Outcome, Event, Issue - A Phenomenon That Follows And Is Caused By Some Previous Phenomenon; "The Magnetic Effect Was Greater When The Rod Was Lengthwise"; "His Decision Had Depressing Consequences For Business"; "He Acted Very Wise After The Event" | Part time | Not meeting the requirements or standards of being full-time. Participating in something part-time typically means spending a fraction of time compared to a full-time counterpart. For example, accountants are required to continue their education in accounting, and some accountants opt to enroll part-time in university courses. In this case, they are attending courses half as frequently as their full-time classmates.Read more: | Academic Achievement @ performance | * Academic achievement or (academic) performance is the outcome of education — the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. * Academic achievement is commonly measured by examinations or continuous assessment but there is no general agreement on how it is best tested or which aspects are most important — procedural knowledge such as skills or declarative knowledge such as facts.[1] |
The literature assessed researched Danvers ' examination part-time in reputation among students, What is the feeling against the procedure of learning for students, When the right time allocated for the separate between academics and work part-time,When the right time allocated for the individual between work and academics part-time,What's the factors that encourage the students to implement a part-time job, What's the factors that encourage the learning students to do a part-time job, they still have time for leisue and study and just how does indeed this academics performance and well-being.
Ronald D'amico (1994) uncovered that part-time occupation "provides opportunities to assume responsibility, ability, interdependence and better cooperative". Those that work part time opportunity so that you can eventually improve various skills, add contacts and becoming reference mean for job opportunities in the future thus. They'll gain the trust of the employer as a result of management skills they have very powerful and strong. Green (2001) also mentioned "that they [students] boundaries gained job skills, experience, knowledge of a variety of jobs, a sense of accomplishment, a sense of responsibility, and money for personal and institutional expenditures" (p. 329).
The academic interests of the effects of part-time jobs have an impact on the academic achievements and has begun growing in the early 1980 's. Students who study work is increasing. Regarding to Steinberg, et al (1982) discovered that those who work part time spend less time to household tasks including having a lower GPA. Some of the pressing issues elevated such as total hours worked and many more. However, predicated on national data through research of youth (NLSY)-covering the period (1979-1982) who recommend that build up to 20 hours weekly could boost the ranking (ranking) in class and level glitches and lagging in education able to be reduced. Generally in most previous studies, previously considered as a unified experience regardless of the sort of work part-time and non everlasting work and part-time work against time and income studies students.
However, not absolutely all studies also show impacts the full total results of the GPA from the number of hours a person worked well. A number of researchers, for example, learned that hard work {to build academic features more powerful since it teaches students skills in time management, providing them with experience outside the classroom, and bestowed them with an increase of satisfaction in College (Pennington, Zvonkovic & Wilson, 1989). Dallam and Hoyt (1981) in his research recommended that working hours and the number of credit hours of review in plan and care for them well and proper.
According to Smith and Green (2001) student who work, learn a whole lot and they develop self-efficacy quite the low-achievers. In her research Singg (2002) found out that students who work part-time tend to show more responsibility in their daily personal situations and also have greater career maturity than those students who do not work.
Stern (1997) states that students will establish a more positive attitude to work when increasing work experience whilst studying. Managing to work part time through the studies will be beneficial on the job application also. Employers look for students who are capable of managing time, employed in teams, able to communicate and work on their own initiative.

The Research Methodology is a systematic way to solve a problem. It is a science of studying how research is to be carried out. Essentially, the procedures by which researchers go about their work of describing, explaining and predicting phenomena are called research methodology (Rajasekar, 2006). * DESCRIPTION OF RESEARCH APPROACH/DESIGN
In this study, the research will be used descriptive method approach, also known as quantitative approach. Implying that, quantitative approach is a research that based mainly on the aggregation and analysis of statistical data and to obtain an amount of the large number of respondents. * SELECTIONS OF SUBJECTS/REPONDENTS
Through this type of research methodology, the selection of subjects or the respondent will be using random sampling where it is more structured and systematic. This approach mainly will be concentrated on collecting primary data. The respondent will be selected among PhD students, master students, and undergraduate students. To collect data and get the right information some of the methodologies used. Beside that, there are two sources of data that researchers use which is the primary data and secondary data. a) Population:
Our population is 27,945 UUM’s students located in Sintok Kedah, Malaysia. There are three colleges in UUM which is namely CAS, COB, and COLGIS. Under college of CAS, there are five schools, namely School of Multimedia and Communication, School of Education and Modern Languages, School of Quantitative Sciences, School of Computing, and School of Social Development.Under SQS, there are programme offered named Decision Science. The total number of students in SQS for batch A131 that take Decision Science course is 95 students.

b) Sample:
Using simple random sampling, the 76 students are selected as the sample target of study. The amount of sample taken is according to Uma Sekaran – Fourth Edition (2003) in Table 11.3 page 294. (Figure 1)
Data collection:
Primary data
You can find two types of available data reference to be used which is supplemented and major data. Primary data are the researcher's first-hand collection or generation of new (primary) data while secondary data is one type of quantitative data that has already been collected by another person (Harvey, 2012). Because of this research purpose, the principal data are being used as the primary reference in data collection. The given information and data are gathered by utilizing a questionnaire method. You can find two ways how we distribute the questionnaire sets to out target sample. The foremost is through online medium such as Facebook or by email. By using website of "", the pieces are created by us of questionnaire and send the accessible link to aim for test to answer the questionnaire. The submission of answering questionnaire will automatically record and analysed by the website and we can directly collect the results from there. The second way is by personally distribute the printed out questionnaire to target sample and gather it by hand. The key reason why we use both of these ways because it can optimise our data collection to ensure we focus on the data may be accomplished. Form reserved study was presented with to respondents with by hand and meet in person with the respondent.*Questionnaire divided into (how section) i.e. (...............). Part A is approximately the demographics or the backdrop of the respondents. Whereas part (..................)
Secondary data
Secondary Data is data secondary source research is obtained indirectly through an intermediary or in specific media was data that has been reviewed by others like shaped evidence, records or reports, and others again. Secondary data as to support and help the investigator to continue the study. These data were derived through:
i. Books and articles in the library Sultanah Bahiyyah, UUM.
II. The Internet iii. The newspaper
IV. And others

The instrumentation is through a questionnaire which will be as the media to collect the data that obtain from respondents. The questionnaire will be constructed following structured type of questionnaire. All the questionnaire will be passed out randomly by using random sampling, and the respondent will be chosen randomly to avoid any prejudices. * DATA COLLECTION AND PROCEDURE
For data collection, the list of student population will get from the Students Affairs Department of Universiti Utara Malaysia and pick from the list by using random sampling and using computer method. The computer will give total of the amounts of questionnaires should be distributed among the students. * DATA PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS
Trough collection of data, the data processing will be analysed by using Statistical Package deal for the Public Science (SPSS) in 22.0 versions. Through the use of SPSS, all the info can be analysed effectively, easily and efficiently. All of the given information will be changed into visual aids such as pie chart, bar graph for easier understandings. The hypothesis testing using the z-test is utilized to test the association of effectiveness and factors. The z-test is a statistical test for the mean of the population. It can be used when n > = 30 or when the population is normally distributed and thresholds derivation unknown.


Figure [ 1 ]
1. Research Question
The topic of research is selected. From the topic, we listed all the possible question and issues about the topic. The general idea of research also stated. Then the best question that really related and relevance to the topic is selected to find its answers and solutions.
2. Literature Review
The process of reading and study the past researcher papers or any sources that are related to the research topic. From the reading, we gain and collect information of the research besides give us more understanding towards the topic. We applied the systematic reviews to avoid any duplication of other work from past researcher.
3. Methodology
The Research methodology is a systematic way to solve a problem. It is a science of studying how research is to be carried out. Essentially, the procedures by which researchers go about their work of describing, explaining and predicting phenomena are called research methodology (S. Rajasekar, 2006).
There are two types of available data resource to be used which is primary and secondary data. Primary data are the researcher’s first-hand collection or generation of new (primary) data while secondary data is one type of quantitative data that has already been collected by someone else (Harvey, 2012). For this research purpose, the primary data are used as the main resource in data collection. The information and data are gathered by using a questionnaire method. There are two ways how we distribute the questionnaire sets to out target sample. The first is through online medium such as Facebook or by email. By using website of “”, we create the sets of questionnaire and send the accessible link to target sample to answer the questionnaire. The submission of answering questionnaire will automatically recorded and analysed by the website and we can directly collect the results from there. The second way is by manually distribute the printed out questionnaire to target sample and collect it by hand. The reason why we use these two ways because it can optimize our data collection to ensure our target data can be achieved.
In this research, the simple random sampling is used to get the target sample. This sampling method is selected as we know that every student in target population have an equal chance of being selected as a subject without any bias. An important benefit of simple random sampling is that it allows researchers to use statistical methods to analyse sample results (StatTrek, 2016). For example, given a simple random sample, researchers can use statistical methods to define a confidence interval around a sample mean. Statistical analysis is not appropriate when non-random sampling methods are used.
Our population is from UUM students located in Sintok Kedah, Malaysia. There are three colleges in UUM which is namely CAS, COB, and COLGIS. Under college of CAS, there are School Of Quantitative Sciences. The total number of students in SQS for batch A131 that take Decision Science course is 95 students. Using simple random sampling, the 76 students are selected as the sample target of study. The amount of sample taken is according to Uma Sekaran – Fourth Edition (2003) in Table 11.3 page 294.
The SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) was employed to obtain the results. The hypothesis testing using Z-test is used to test the association of factors and effects. We choose this test as it fulfilled the requirement which is our sample is above 30. Beside that Z-test is considered very useful because the fact that in the analysis or study of a group of people, the data that appears are wide selection or variability, so this test let us have concrete number or result for us to achieve a strong conclusion of the research.

4. Analyse and Interpret Data
After we gather all data and information from the questionnaire, the process of analyzing the data is conducted. Using hypothesis testing of Z-test, we test all the claims based on the collected data and information. We use SPSS software to obtain the results. After the result produced from the analysis, we will interpret the data to determine the research findings.
5. Implications of Research
From the obtained result, we can identify the implications of this research. There will have a positive and negative side from the findings of research. From that, we will provide recommendations or any suggestion that can be contributed to others.
6. Report
The report will consist of the complete procedure of the research.

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