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The Importance Of Eugenics In Education

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eliminate the reproductively inadequate. Eugenics presented two worldviews of women, one the ideal women who was empowered to improve and protect the family, and race, the other the degenerate women who needed to be controlled to stop the spread of inferior genes.
Eugenics played a prominent role in the regulation of children and the educational institutions they attended, which had adverse effects on the family. For example, within the American context, a literature of ‘normality’ was being developed to contrast healthy children with their ‘feebleminded’ counterparts. The advent of educational programs for children with learning difficulties began to be implemented in Canadian provinces in the 1910s. However, these programs were designed to kick ‘imbecile’ children out …show more content…
However, when children were permitted into school, they were categorized and targeted with tailored pedagogy. One category of classes was developed for the ‘mental defectives.’ This category acted as a funnel to remove the inferior stock from the population and eventually confine them to institutions to prevent their contamination of society. The impact on the working-class family was immense. Besides internment at a state institution, the only way for a child to be educated outside of the home was costly, whether at special care centers or cross-border schools. This leaves ‘homecare’ as an option, but this was fraught with stress as parents whole worked could not tend to a disabled child, or conversely those who did not work might be consumed with that child’s care neglecting the operation of the home. While there was state assistance available, such as home visits, it was unlikely to be accessible. Moreover, the social reality meant that having a mentally impaired child could negatively impact the family’s standing

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