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The Meaning of Pentagram in Metropolis


Submitted By pinkett15
Words 868
Pages 4
Liberal Studies 386-01
Mid Term Essay
February 18th, 2010
The Meaning of Pentagram in Metropolis
The Pentagram is a five pointed star that is symmetrical with one point on the top and two points at the bottom. It is a symbol that has been used in many eras, cultures and religions. Groups such as by ancient Israelites, Christians, Magicians, Pagans and Wiccans have used this symbol. An inverted pentagram has two points on top and one point at the bottom. This symbol is used by groups such as Satanist and some rock bands in the Black Metal scene. In the film Metropolis, the director places the pentagram both upright and inverted in a few scenes. The symbol can be seen on Rotwang’s front door, a few doors inside his home and one in his laboratory. Some possible reasons why the director uses the pentagram include symbolizing protection, the carnal desires of man and also as a sign of evil.
Metropolis is dystopia. It is a futuristic society under authoritarian control. The leader and thinkers of the city rule from the giant skyscrapers while the laborers work under harsh conditions for long hours beneath the ground. In Metropolis, technology is portrayed to be evil and invasive. Technology has affected every part of the city. Every building seems to be modern except for the home of Rotwang, the inventor. His house is described as a “strange house, overlooked by the centuries.” On his front door is an upward pentagram. One meaning the Pentagram is believed to have is that it’s a protection against evil.
The five point Pentagram each stands for the things that “contribute to life and are a part of us.” The top point of an upward Pentagram represents the spirits. The other points represent four elements: air, water, earth and fire. The spirit being at the top above the elements symbolizes the spirits rule over matter or the mind ruling limbs. It is a sign of rightness; In contrast, the inverted Pentagram has one point down signifying the spirit is submissive to matter, which means that a man is overcome by carnal desires. In this way, the inverted pentagram represents the dark side and ultimately, a symbol of evil. In an article on Anti-Christian aesthetic within heavy metal scene, Jonathan Cordero from research says that the inverted Pentagram is the official symbol of the Church of Satan and it represents the primacy of human nature of the spirit. When Joh Fredersen, the leader of Metropolis discovers that there might be a plan of rebellion by the workers, Fredersen went to Rotwang’s house. While he was waiting, Fredersen looked behind a curtain and discovered a bust of woman with the words engraved on a pedestal that read “Born for my happiness and mankind’s blessing.” Here we find out that Rotwang is a former lover of Hel and the lost of her is the cause of his agony and madness. In Rotwang’s laboratory, behind a curtain, the Machine-Man is revealed on a chair with a large inverted Pentagram on the wall behind. A reason why the director might have placed the inverted Pentagram in this scene is because it represents Rotwang’s obsession of Hel. His carnal desires has taken over and caused him to create a woman in place of Hel. He has even lost a hand in the process. As commanded by Fredersen, Rotwang gives the robotic Machine-Man the face of Maria. Rotwang uses this opportunity as a way of revenge to Fredersen and commands the Machine-Man to destroy Fredersen, Fredersen’s son and his city. The Machine-Man in the form of Maria causes discord amongst the men. She becomes an exotic dancer, seducing men. Another indication that the inverted Pentagram placed above the Machine-Man stands for evil and the carnal pleasures of men. Its purpose was to cause chaos and destruction.
The inverted Pentagram has come to represent an Anti-Christian perspective (Cordero). Maria is portrayed to be a heavenly being that men looked up to and found hope in. She tells the workers the story of the tower of Babel, which is found in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. By giving Maria’s face to the Machine-Man who sits behind the inverted Pentagram, an Anti-Christian perspective can be implied. Maria is no longer a saint, but a woman set out to cause destruction by causing jealousy between Joh Fredersen and Feder, and make men lust after and fight over her. In addition to that, Maria caused a violent rebellion.
When the Pentagram in Metropolis was discussed in class, the term “Pythagoreanism” was mentioned. Pythagoreanism is the belief that everything in the universe can be explained by numbers. Pythagoreanism was a thinking developed by Pythagoras who was known as a great mathematician and scientist. The Pentagram was fundamental in his ideas. Perhaps, the Pentagram on Rotwang’s doors symbolized that an intelligent mind lived inside. The inverted Pentagram may also symbolize the misuse of such insight by Rotwang, the scientist and creator. Also, Pythagoreas may have revealed that they thought that an understanding of numbers gives insight to nature.

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