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The Museum of Fine Art


Submitted By adachen
Words 322
Pages 2
The Museum of Fine Art
I went to Boston in this spring break and I visited one of the largest museums in the United States, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts.
The Museum of Fine Art attracting over one million visitors a year. It contains over 450,000 works of art, making it one of the most comprehensive collections in the Americas. It is also the 54th most visited art museum in the world, and the twelfth most-visited in the United States, as of 2010. The Museum was founded in 1870 and opened in 1876, with a large portion of its collection taken from the Boston Athenaeum Art Gallery.
There are tons of different exhibits; some temporary and some more permanent. I went to see some of the temporary exhibits- Degas and the Nude and Aphrodite and the Gods of Love. The permanent exhibits include items of Paul Revere, silversmith, which are really cool. Their early American collection represents a wide variety of art and arts, craft and crafts. I tend to love their artifacts collections. Their permanent modern art gallery is cool but for me, is not as strong as some of their other offerings, like their collection of priceless musical instruments from around the world, throughout history. Their permanent pan-Asian art gallery is strong for its location. I'm not a big fan of their restaurant, but their cafe is open, airy, and pleasant.
The museum hosts art from all over the world and from all different eras like Asia, Oceania, Greece and Egypt, the Americas, and more. But as awesome as those exhibits were actually mummies, Ancient stone carvings or Weapons? They are so amazing! I preferred the specialty exhibits on jewelry, musical instruments, and fashion during WW2, and fashion drawings. They weren't particularly large exhibits but they were definitely among my favorites of the day. I also loved the upstairs exhibit on contemporary

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