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The Role of Health Promotion in Reducing/Eradicating Non-Income Poverty Amongst the Rural Population in Developing Countries


Submitted By sylverstarz5
Words 2119
Pages 9
“The Role of Health Promotion in Reducing/Eradicating Non-Income Poverty amongst the Rural Population in Developing Countries”

Health and Poverty are emerging global issues at the front of development debates, discussions and initiatives. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (UNDP, 2013), brings to the global agenda an urging need that deserves proactive global attention if lives will be saved. Non income poverty happens when people may have a little bit of money but otherwise the quality of their life is not good. They do not have access to affordable social and physical services like schooling, health care, medications, safe water, good sanitation, good transport etc., and they may not feel safe in their homes either because they cannot trust the authorities or because they belong to some particularly vulnerable group

The first MDG goal directly stresses out the significance of poverty while goals 4, 5 & 6 relate to health. The rest focus more on the socio-environmental, economic and political issues that largely determine the population’s ill-health and wellbeing. Hence it is inevitable that poverty and health are globalised issues with greater local impacts that both must be addressed well using integrated approaches if quality health outcomes need to be achieved.

The concept of health promotion in particular provides the overarching framework to practically address health inequalities and inequities that are determined by the broader social, environmental, economic and political aspects. Hence, poverty is now popularly debated as one of the main determinant of health, therefore it must be inclusive in addressing health issues. This assumption is supported by Keleher & MacDoughall (2011) referring to poverty as one that still remains as a fundamental determinant of diseases.

This paper will specifically discuss

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