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The Sandwitch Factory


Submitted By logi10
Words 1156
Pages 5
The Sandwich Factory

A) The short story "The Sandwich Factory" is written by Jason Kennedy and deals with a man’s experiences doing a low-paid job at a sandwich factory. It tells the story of how the man needs to be able to deal with a lot of things about himself and other people, to do the work and concentrate about it. We get a very good insight into his situation, but it is very much marked by his personal thoughts about it, and therefore it becomes more or less useless for us to relate to. It is very obvious that this man doesn’t like his job, and we even get the feeling that he doesn’t like his life either.
To begin with the story takes place in the sandwich factory, where he works. He introduces us to some of the people he works with. In the end of the story we have a situation not happening in the factory, but in his car as he drives a girl home. At the end we are back at the factory. The main character seems to be a guy who doesn’t like his life. He is very pessimistic, which is seen in the way he reacts on different things in life, and in the way he doesn’t believe in himself: "I had zero confidence with women anyway […]" (l. 96) It is very obvious that he doesn’t have any self-confidence, as he speaks badly about everyone around him - even his job. The factory is described as a horrible place, and the narrator seems to have a lot of fun thinking about how he thinks the managers have been taught in ‘schools’:
"Remember, never look confused. […] Instead use anger, use the face that says, ‘Someone is going to get fired soon’" (ll.14-18) All the way through the story there is some kind of ironic attitude, which is marked by the narrator thinking that irony is the only way out of the boredom - and the only way not to go crazy. Everything he sees in the factory and everything that happens in the factory is, in his eyes, horrible; the employees, the way the

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