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The Subjunctive


Submitted By juanfchia
Words 2779
Pages 12
The Subjunctive

Of all the conjugations that Spanish has, the subjunctive is probably the most difficult one. The objective of this work is to explain this tense as easily as possible. The explanation will be divided in two parts. The first part is a summary for students who want to receive a practical explanation, and the second part is a deep explanation of this tense.


The most common reason why the subjunctive can be so difficult for English speakers is because there is not a similar tense in English. It is a structure that is used only whenever certain expressions are used. Think it this way, you use it when you want to express a desire for something to occur but only someone else can make it happen.
This acronym can help you understand in which cases the subjunctive should be used.

W - wish/will
E - Emotion/opinion
I - Impersonal expressions (es importante que..., es necesario que...)
R - Request
D - Doubt/Denial
O - Ojalá

The structure of sentences using the subjunctive is usually the following.

Noun + WEIRDO expression + que + the someone else who could make your desire happen + the subjunctive verb conjugated according to the someone else person +

the end of the sentence.

Note: The Noun and the “someone else” who make the action do not need to be written since the conjugation of the verb can tell us who we are talking about.

(Yo) quisiera que (tú) juegues conmigo.
Yo and tú could be interpreted because of the conjugation of the verbs. Quisiera is conjugated in the first person for the present tense, and juegues in the second person for the subjunctive tense. The action juegues conmigo does not depend on yo, only tú can make it happen. In this sentence we know that we have to use the subjunctive because quisiera expresses a wish, and our WEIRDO list tells us that wishes use the subjunctive.

Common Expression
The subjunctive can also be conjugated when certain expression are mention in sentences. Here a list with the most common used expressions:

no es cierto que es necesario que es bueno que es conveniente que es mejor que es raro que más vale que es imposible que es improbable que es importante que

When using these expressions, the WEIRDO list is not necessary anymore.

Es necesario que estudiemos para aprender la lección.
Es importante que prestes atención a la clase para entender la lección

There are some clues to help you decide between the indicative and subjunctive: • Definite articles and possessive adjectives usually indicate a fact, so the indicative is used. Indefinite articles and indefinite and negative pronouns tend to indicate uncertainty about whether the noun exists, so the subjunctive is needed

Deep explanation of the Subjunctive
I. Regular Verbs
AR verbs: Take the present tense of the verb and change the A (or O, in yo form) at the beginning of the suffix to E.
|HABLAR | |Present |Subjunctive |Subj. Ending |
|...que yo | |hablo |Hable |-a |
|…que tú | |hablas |hables |-es |
|…que él/ella/Ud. | |habla |hable |-e |
|…que nosotros | |hablamos |hablemos |-emos |
|…que ustedes | |hablan |hablen |-en |
|…que ellos/Uds. | |hablan |hablen |-en |

ER verbs: Take the present tense and change the E (or O) to A.
|COMER | |Present |Subjunctive |Subj. ending |
|…que yo | |como |coma |-a |
|...que tú | |comes |comas |-as |
|...que él/ella/Ud. | |come |coma |-a |
|...que nosotros | |comemos |comamos |-amos |
|...que ustedes | |comen |coman |-an |
|...que ellos/Uds. | |comen |coman |-an |

IR verbs: The conjugation rules for -IR verbs are a bit more complicated. • yo form - change O to A • tú, él, and ellos forms - change E to A • nosotros form - change I to A • vosotros form - change Í to ÁI
If this seems too complicated, try this: take off the present tense ending and add the subjunctive ending.
|ABRIR | |Present |Subjunctive |Subj. ending |
|...que yo | |abro |abra |-a |
|...que tú | |abres |abras |-as |
|...que él/ella/Ud. |abre |abra |-a |
|...que nosotros | |abrimos |abramos |-amos |
|...que ustedes | |abren |abran |-an |
|...que ellos/Uds. | |abren |abran |-an |

Stem-changing verbs: Stem-changing -AR and -ER verbs follow the above rules; they use the same stem as in the present tense and thus maintain their stem changes in the subjunctive.
|PENSAR | |Present |Subjunctive |
|...que yo | |pienso |Piense |
|...que tú | |piensas |pienses |
|...que él/ella/Ud. | |piensa |piense |
|...que nosotros | |pensamos |pensemos |
|...que ustedes | |piensan |piensen |
|...que ellos/Uds. | |piensan |piensen |
| | | | |
|PODER | |Present |Subjunctive |
|...que yo | |puedo |pueda |
|...que tú | |puedes |puedas |
|...que él/ella/Ud. | |puede |pueda |
|...que nosotros | |podemos |podamos |
|...que ustedes | |pueden |puedan |
|...que ellos/Uds. | |pueden |puedan |

II. Irregular Verbs
Note: All irregular verbs except for dar and estar use regular endings for subjunctive conjugations.
Stem-changing verbs: There are three kinds of stem-changing -IR verbs.
1. E --» IE • All singular forms (yo, tú, él) and plural (ustedes, ellos) maintain the stem change • Nosotros form change E in stem to I
|SENTIR | |Present |Subjunctive |
|...que yo | |siento |sienta |
|...que tú | |sientes |sientas |
|...que él/ella/Ud. | |siente |sienta |
|...que nosotros | |sentimos |sintamos |
|...que ustedes | |sienten |sientan |
|...que ellos/Uds. | |sienten |sientan |

2. E --» I • All forms have an I in the stem, whether or not they have it in the present
|PEDIR | |Present |Subjunctive |
|...que yo | |pido |pida |
|...que tú | |pides |pidas |
|...que él/ella/Ud. | |pide |pida |
|...que nosotros | |pedimos |pidamos |
|...que ustedes | |piden |pidan |
|...que ellos/Uds. | |piden |pidan |

3. O --» UE • All singular forms and third person plural maintain the stem change • Nosotros form change the O in the stem to U
|DORMIR | |Present |Subjunctive |
|...que yo | |duermo |duerma |
|...que tú | |duermes |duermas |
|...que él/ella/Ud. | |duerme |duerma |
|...que nosotros | |dormimos |durmamos |
|...que ustedes | |duermen |duerman |
|...que ellos/Uds. | |duermen |duerman |

Note: Stem-changing -AR and ER verbs are regular in the subjunctive and are thus explained on the regular conjugations section. Irregular first person singular: Most verbs, including all *G verbs, which have an irregular first person singular conjugation use that conjugation as the subjunctive stem.
*G verbs.- There are a number of Spanish verbs which are regular in all but the first person singular. These are known as G verbs, because the first person singular requires an unexpected G.
|Verb |Yo form |Subjunctive |
|caber |yo quepo |quepa, quepas, quepa, quepamos, quepan, quepan |
|Caer |caigo |caiga, caigas, caiga, caigamos, caigan, caigan |
|conocer |conozco |conozca, conozcas, conozca, conozcamos, conozcan, conozcan |
|construir |construyo |construya, construyas, construya, construyamos, construyan, construyan |
|Decir |digo |diga, digas, diga, digamos, digan, digan |
|distinguir |distingo |distinga, distingas, distinga, distingamos, distingan, distingan |
|elegir |elijo |elija, elijas, elija, elijamos, elijan, elijan |
|hacer |hago |haga, hagas, haga, hagamos, hagan, hagan |
|Oír |oigo |oiga, oigas, oiga, oigamos, oigan, oigan |
|parecer |parezco |parezca, parezcas, parezca, parezcamos, parezcan, parezcan |
|poner |pongo |ponga, pongas, ponga, pongamos, pongan, pongan |
|Salir |salgo |salga, salgas, salga, salgamos, salgan, salgan |
|tener |tengo |tenga, tengas, tenga, tengamos, tengan, tengan |
|Traer |traigo |traiga, traigas, traiga, traigamos, traigan, traigan |
|Valer |valgo |valga, valgas, valga, valgamos, valgan, valgan |
|Venir |vengo |venga, vengas, venga, vengamos, vengan, vengan |
|Ver |veo |vea, veas, vea, veamos, vean, vean |

Irregular stems: The following verbs have irregular subjunctive stems:
|Verb |Stem |Subjunctive |
|haber |Hay- |haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayan, hayan |
|Ir |vay- |vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayan, vayan |
|saber |sep- |sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepan, sepan |
|Ser |se- |sea, seas, sea, seamos, sean, sean |

Irregular stem endings: The following verb groups change the final letter in the stem due to the issue of hard/soft vowels:
|Verbs that end in -car (c --» qu) |
|buscar |busqu- |busque, busques, busque, busquemos, busquen, busquen |
| | | |
|Verbs that end in -gar (g --» gu) |
|pagar |pagu- |pague, pagues, pague, paguemos, paguen, paguen |
| | | |
|Verbs that end in -zar (z --» c) |
|lanzar |lanc- |lance, lances, lance, lancemos, lancen, lancen |

Dar and estar: These verbs have irregular subjunctive forms due to accents:
|Verb |Subjunctive |
|Dar |dé, des, dé, demos, den, den |
|Estar |Esté, estés, esté, estemos, estén, estén |

III. Impersonal Expressions
The subjunctive is supposed to be a verb mood, not a tense. Mood refers to the attitude of the speaker towards the action of the verb - how likely the statement is. The subjunctive mood is subjective; it expresses emotional, potential, and hypothetical attitudes about what is being. The "normal" verb mood is called the indicative and is used for factual or definite statements about reality. However, being English the first language of the majority of students reading this paper, I think you should look at it, at least while you are learning, as a new tense. Eventually, you should comprehend the real meaning, but for now we just want to conjugate correctly.The Spanish subjunctive is often found in dependent clauses introduced by que. The subjects of the dependent and main clauses are usually different.
|Quiero que tú lo hagas. |I want you do it. |
|No es cierto que yo venga. |It's not certain that I will come. |

The subjunctive is used when the main clause expresses subjectivity, as summarized below.
I. Verbs/expressions of will or want which express an order, a need, a piece of advice, or a desire:
|aconsejar que |to advise |
|decir que |to tell |
|dejar que |to let, allow |
|desear que |to desire that |
|es hora que |it's time that |
|es importante que |it is important that |
|es necesario que |it is necessary that |
|esperar que |to hope that |
|es preciso que |it is necessary that |
|evitar que |to avoid |
|exigir que |to demand that |
|hacer falta que |to be necessary that |
|hacer que |to make, force |
|impedir que |to prevent |
|insistir en que |to insist that |
|invitar que |to invite |
|mandar que |to order |
|necesitar que |to need |
|pedir que |to ask (someone to do something) |
|permitir que |to permit |
|preferir que |to prefer that |
|prohibir que |to forbid |
|proponer que |to propose that |
|querer que |to want that |
|Recomendar que |to recommend |
|rogar que |to request, beg |
|sugerir que |to suggest that |

II. Verbs/expressions of emotion or feeling which indicate fear, happiness, anger, regret, surprise, or other sentiments or biases.
|alegrarse de que |to be happy that |
|es bueno que |it's good that |
|es conveniente que |it's convenient that |
|es difícil que |it's hard |
|es extraño que |it's strange that |
|es fácil que |it's easy |
|es increíble que |it's incredible that |
|es interesante |it's interesting that |
|es inútil que |it's useless that (there's no point) |
|es justo que |it's fair that |
|es (una) lástima que |it's a pity that |
|es malo que |it's ( too) bad that |
|es mejor que |it's better that |
|es peor que |it's worse that |
|es preferible que |it's preferable that |
|es raro que |it's strange that |
|es triste que |it's sad that |
|es útil que |it's useful that |
|estar contento que |to be happy that |
|estar triste que |to be sad that |
|gustarse que |to like |
|más vale que |it's better that |
|sentir que |to regret, be sorry that |
|sorprenderse que |to be surprised that |
|temer que |to fear that |
|tener miedo que |to be afraid that |

III. Verbs/expressions of doubt, possibility, opinion
|detestar que |To hate |
|dudar que |To doubt |
|es dudoso que |It is doubtful that |
|es imposible que |It is impossible that |
|es improbable que |It is improbable that |
|es posible que |It is possible that |
|es probable que |It is probable that |
|negar que |To deny |
|no es cierto que |It is not certain that |
|no es claro que |It is not clear that |
|no es evidente que |It is not obvious that |
|no es obvio que |It is not obvious that |
|no es que |It is not that |
|no es verdad que |It is not true that |
|tal vez |perhaps |

Note: the following verbs and expressions do not take the subjunctive when they are used in the affirmative, because they express facts which are considered certain. When negative or interrogatory, they require the subjunctive.
|conocer (alguien) que |to know (someone) that |
|creer que |to believe that |
|estar seguro que |to be sure that |
|es cierto que |it is certain that |
|es claro que |it's clear that |
|es evidente que |it is obvious that |
|es seguro que |it is certain that |
|es una realidad |it's a fact that |
|es un hecho |it's a fact that |
|es verdad que |it is true that |
|pensar que |to think that |
|saber que |to know that |

The verbs dudar (to doubt) and negar (to deny) take the subjunctive when they are affirmative, but not when they are negative.
|Dudo que venga. |I doubt he'll come. |
|No dudo que viene. |I don't doubt that he'll come. |

IV. Subjunctive with conjunctions and relative pronouns
The Spanish subjunctive is required after a number of common conjugations and relative pronouns, whereas its usage is optional after others.
a. Conjunctions which require the subjunctive:
|A condición de que |on the condition that |
|A fin de que |so that |
|A menos que |unless |
|antes (de) que |before |
|con tal (de) que |provided that |
|en caso de que |in case |
|ojalá que |hopefully |
|para que |so that |
|por miedo de que |for fear that |
|siempre que |provided that |
|sin que |Without |

b. Conjunctions of time take the indicative when the action in the subordinate clause is either habitual or in the past. The subjunctive is used when the main clause is a command or in the (potential) future:
|así que |as soon as |
|cuando |when |
|despues de que |after |
|en cuanto |as soon as |
|hasta que |until |
|luego que |as soon as |
|Tan pronto como |as soon as |

|Trabajé hasta que mis niños me llamaron. |I worked until my kids called. |
|Trabajo hasta que mis niños me llaman. |I (usually) work until my kids call. |
|Trabaja hasta que tus niños te llamen. |Work until your kids call. |
|Trabajaré hasta que mis niños me llamen. |I'll work until my kids call. |

c. Conjunctions of (un)certainty may be followed by the indicative or the subjunctive, depending on the certainty and reality of the subordinate clause.
|aunque |although |
|como |how |
|de manera que |so that |
|de modo que |so that |
|donde |where |
|mientras que |while, until |
|quizás |perhaps |
|según |according to |

For example...
|Quizás tu puedes hacerlo. |Maybe you can do it (I think you can). |
|Quizás tu puedas hacerlo. |Maybe you can do it (but I doubt it). |
| | |
|Yo vengo aunque no tengo dinero. |I'll come even though I don't have any money (I know I don't). |
|Yo vengo aunque no tenga dinero. |I'll come even if I don't have any money (I don't know if I have any). |
| | |
|Hágalo como quiere. |Do it the way you want to (you've already told me how). |
|Hágalo como quiera. |Do it the whatever way you want to (I don't know how that is) |

d. Conjunctions which do not take the subjunctive express facts which are considered certain:
|así como |just as, in the same way |
|porque |because |
|ya que |since, as |

V. The subjunctive in adjective clauses
Adjective clauses are relative clauses: a relative pronoun (usually que) + some description that modifies a noun. Some adjective clauses require the indicative, while others need the subjunctive. What's the difference? Reality and existence of the noun described by the adjective clause.
Verbs like buscar, deber, necesitar, and querer commonly require the subjunctive. Whether or not to use it depends on the speaker's perception of reality.

|Busco el libro que estoy leyendo. |I'm looking for the book I'm reading. (I know it exists = no doubt) |
|Busco un libro que me interese. |I'm looking for a book that interests me. |
| |(it may not exist = doubt) |
| | |
|Quiero el perro que tiene ojos negros. |I want the dog that has black eyes. (It's sitting right here. |
|Quiero un perro que esté domesticado. |I want a dog that is housebroken. (I haven't found it yet.) |

When verbs are used in questions or negative statements, they may also followed by the subjunctive.
|Conozco a alguien que habla italiano. |I know someone who speaks Italian (this person exists). |
|¿Conoces a alquien que hable italiano? |Do you know anyone who speaks Italian? (don't know if this person exists) |
|No conozco a nadie que hable italiano. |I don't know anyone who speaks Italian. (this person doesn't exist) |
| | |
|Hay un libro que es interesante. |There's a book that's interesting. |
|¿Hay un libro que sea interesante? |Is there a book that is interesting? |
|No hay ningún libro que sea interesante. |There is no book that is interesting. |
| | |
|Tengo un profesor que vive en Madrid. |I have a teacher who lives in Madrid. |
|¿Tienes un profesor que viva en Madrid? |Do you have a teacher that lives in Madrid? |
|No tengo un profesor que viva en Madrid. |I don't have a teacher that lives in Madrid. |

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...Manhattan SIMPLE PRESENT general definitions SIMPLE PAST a specific, completed time period SIMPLE FUTURE Simple Tenses (In general, the GMAT prefers the simple tenses) express"eternal"states or frequent events future actions Progressive Tenses (ongoing,happening right now) Verbs that express general states do not normally take progressive forms Keep Verb Tenses Consistent, However, some sentences with more than one action do The Perfect Tenses: require you If an action began in the past and continues into to switch VERB verb tenses. the present (or its effect TENSE does ), use the Present (Meaning) Perfect tense. If one action in the past precedes another, and need to clarify or emphasize the time sequence, then use the Past Perfect tense. In a more subtle example, you can use the Past Progressive to describe a background event , while you use Simple Past to describe a more important event in the foreground .(语 义不在一个层级) PRESENT PROGRESSIVE PAST PROGRESSIVE FUTURE PROGRESSIVE Still In Effect… PRESENT PERFECT= HAVE/HAS + Past Participle the Present Perfect indicates either continued action or continued effect of a completed action. only to clarify or emphasize a sequence of past events. BUT if the sequence is already obvious, we often do not need Past Perfect. The Earlier A sequence of verbs with the same subject does not require Past Perfect. Rather, use Action(also indicate the Simple...

Words: 1425 - Pages: 6

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...S + V + too + adv + to + V = S + V + so + adv + that + S + can’t + V 12. S + be + so + adj + that + S + V = S + be + not + adj + enough + to + V 13. S + be + too + adj + to + V = S + be + not + adj + enough + to + V 14. S + V + so + adv + that + S + V = S + do/does/did + not + V + adv + enough + to + V 15. Because + clause = Because of + noun/gerund 16. Although + clause = In spite of + Nound/gerund 17. Although + clause = Despite + Nound/gerund 18. S + V + N = S + be + adj 19. S + be + adj = S + V + O 20. S + be accustomed to + Ving = S + be used to +Ving /N 21. S + often + V = S + be used to +Ving /N 22. This is the first time + S + have + PII = S+be + not used to + Ving/N 23. S + would prefer = S + would rather S + Past subjunctive (lối cầu khẩn) 24. S + like … better than … = S + would … than … 25. S + prefer = S + would rather + V 26. S + V + O = S + find + it (unreal objective) + adj + to + V 27. It’s one’s duty to do sth = S + be + supposed to do sth 28. S + be + PII + to + V = S + be + supposed to do sth 29. Imperative verb (mệnh lệnh)= S + should (not) + be + PII 30. Imperative verb (mệnh lệnh)= S + should...

Words: 814 - Pages: 4

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Jew Life

...Exercise 1: Stress and the Written Accent Name _____________________________ For each word, underline the stressed syllable and, if needed, add a written accent mark. Example: elefante No written accent mark 1. taza 2. sabor 3. razon 4. rio 5. agua 6. aguila 7. espiritu 8. espiritual 9. adios 10. pequeño 11. pequeñito 12. pequeñisimo 13. enseñabas 14. enseñabamos 15. America 16. religion 17. religiones 18. religioso 19. religiosos 20. dramatico 21. quien (= question “who?”) 22. mi (= “my”) 23. haz 24. hazlo 25. hazmelo Exercise 2: Noun Gender Name _____________________________ A. Indicate the gender (m., f., or either) of each noun. 1. persona 2. novio 3. serpiente 4. testigo 5. plato 6. montaña 7. hogar 8. héroe 9. vez 10. guardacostas 11. dilema 12. tele 13. dentista 14. coche patrulla 15. incertidumbre 16. bailarina 17. voléibol 18. látex B: Provide the feminine form of each noun, or indicate that there is no unique feminine form. Examples: el hombre—la mujer el niño—la niña el profesor—la profesora el estudiante—la estudiante 1. elefante 2. lobo 3. soldado 4. escritor 5. pariente 6. mesero Exercise 3: Noun Number Name _______________________________ A: Provide the plural form of each noun. Examples: la casa–las casas el maniquí–los maniquís/maniquíes el énfasis–los énfasis ...

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...1. El Alfabeto A B C CH D E F G H I J K L LL M N Ñ O P Q R RR S T U V W X Y Z a a e i o u (Vocales/vowels) be ce che a= a as in father de e= ay as in say e i= ee as in see efe o=o as in go ge u=u as in tulip hache i CH, LL, Ñ, RR --4 letters that are different jota ka K , W---2 borrowed letters ele elle Special Pronounciation eme “c” with “a,o,u” sounds like “k” ene “c” with “e,i” sounds like “s” eñe “g” with “a,o,u” sounds like “g” o “g” with “e,i” sounds like “h” pe “h” is always silent cu “j” is always “h” ere “ll” is always “y” erre “ñ” is always “en-yay” ese “q” always uses a “u” like English te “qua, quo” sounds like “kwa” u “que, qui” sounds like “kay and key” respectively ve “rr” is a rolled r sound doble ve “v” is softly spoken (“b” is sometimos the same) equis “x” in the middle of a word sometimes “h” i griega “z” is never harsh but almost the same as “s” zeta Rules of Stress: 1. If a word ends in a vowel, n, or s the stress is placed on the next to the last syllable. 2. If a word does not ends in a vowel, n, or s the stress is placed on the last syllable. 3. Exception: a written accent will put stress on the accented syllable. Ga- to (ga is stressed) Can- tar (tar is stressed) A-yú-da-me (yu is stressed because of accent) ...

Words: 11113 - Pages: 45

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Part of Speech

...Parts of Speech Pengertian, Bentuk-bentuk dan Macam-macam Nouns Pengertian Nouns Nouns (kata benda atau nomina) adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan nama orang, tempat, hal, benda mati/ hidup, kualitas, gagasan, dll. Noun merupakan salah satu bagian dari parts of speech yang merupakan salah satu elemen dalam grammar bahasa inggris (tata bahasa inggris). Bentuk-bentuk Nouns 1.  Concrete Nouns Concrete nouns yaitu kata benda yang berwujud, dapat dilihat atau disentuh. Contohnya: gold, iron, table, chair, dog, cat, book, pencil, pen, car, etc. Contoh kalimat: I bought a new book. She washes her car every afternoon. He borrows my pencil. I really love this cat. The chair in my room is broken. 2.  Abstract Nouns Abstract nouns yaitu kata benda yang tak dapat dilihat atau di sentuh. Contohnya: agreement, kindness, statement,honesty, complaint, etc. Contoh kalimat: Thank you for your kindness. His statement is very explicit We have new agreement with our client from Dubai. I appreciate your honesty, you are a loyal man. I have a complaint from my customer. Macam-macam Nouns 1.  Proper Nouns (Kata Benda Nama Diri) Contohnya: Adam, Surabaya, Medan, New York, Miami, New Orleans, Detroit, etc. Contoh kalimat: I go to Surabaya twice a week. New York is a big city. I visit my grandmother in New Orleans today. She gives Adam a new car. They have lived in Detroit for 4 years. 2.  Common Nouns (Kata Benda Umum) Contohnya: stone (batu), iron (besi), diamond (berlian), sand...

Words: 3247 - Pages: 13

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Marketing Mix

...商务函电英语的语法特点 (中文) 继教(公开)学院 商务英语 自考 The grammatical Features in English Business Correspondence Abstract: As a variety of English, English of business correspondence has its unique grammatical features. This paper discusses the grammatical features in English business correspondence from sentence types, sentence structures, the location of adverbial phrases, tense, aspect, subjunctive mood , compound words, modal verbs and passive voice. Key words: grammar; feature; business correspondence. 商务函电英语的语法特点 摘要: 商务函电英语作为一种有自己特点的英语,有其独特的语法特点。本文从句子类型、句子结构、状语的位置、时与体、虚拟语气、复合词、情态动词和被动语态八个方面探讨了商务函电英语的语法特点。 关键词:语法;特点;商务函电   Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Sentence types of English of business correspondence 1 2.1 Declarative sentences 1 2.2 Imperative sentences 2 2.3 Interrogative sentences 2 3. Sentence structure of English of business correspondence 3 4. The locations of adverbials of English of business correspondence 4 5. The use of tense and aspect of English of business correspondence 5 6. The use of subjunctive mood of English of business correspondence 5 7. The extensive use of compound words of hereby category in English of business correspondence 6 8 The use of modal verb in English of business correspondence 7 9. The use of passive voice in English of business correspondence 7 10. Conclusion 7 Works cited 8 The Grammatical Features in English Business Correspondence Guangdong University of...

Words: 3242 - Pages: 13

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...CONTENTS 1 GRAMMAR Present and Future Tenses 7 17 GRAMMAR 2 VOCABULARY 3 GRAMMAR Past Tenses, used to / would 14 18 20 Business and Employment REVIEW 1 REVIEW 9 VOCABULARY 23 19 GRAMMAR VOCABULARY REVIEW 2 5 GRAMMAR Modals, Semi-modals, Modal Perfects 30 20 37 Entertainment VOCABULARY VOCABULARY Body and Mind 40 21 GRAMMAR 7 GRAMMAR Gerunds and Infinitives 56 VOCABULARY Travel and Tourism 9 GRAMMAR Passive, Causative Forms VOCABULARY The Natural World 72 11 GRAMMAR Reported Speech, Subjunctive 87 Reported statements, imperatives and questions; reporting verbs; subjunctive 12 VOCABULARY Language and Literature 13 GRAMMAR 95 102 REVIEW 6 Conditionals 105 Zero, first, second, third, mixed conditionals; temporal clauses; inversion in conditionals; conditional sentences without if 14 VOCABULARY Homes and Lifestyle 15 GRAMMAR 111 116 REVIEW 7 wish, Unreal Past 119 wish; would rather / sooner, would prefer; it’s time; as if / though; imagine 16 VOCABULARY REVIEW 8 Science and Technology GRAMMAR 151 126 132 Arts and Crafts 158 165 Connectors and Conjunctions 168 Nutrition 174 181 Adjectives, Adverbs, Comparison 184 Common ways of forming adjectives; order of adjectives; adverbs; adjectives and adverbs with similar forms;...

Words: 443 - Pages: 2

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...Even if you are trying to use a fragment for a particular effect – no 2. Comma Splices: a. Definition: i. A comma separates two complete sentences ii. Example: 1. The boys left town, they took the money with them. b. Ways to fix a comma splice (there are more ways; these are just the easiest and most common) i. Use a comma and a conjunction (and, but, yet, for, so, nor, or) – There are only seven of them. 1. The boys left town, and they took the money with them. ii. Use a semi-colon 1. The boys left town; they took the money with them. iii. Use a semi-colon and a subjunctive adverb and a comma (subjunctive adverb = transition word or phrase: however, therefore, on the other hand) 1. The boys left town; in addition, they took the money with them. iv. Make them independent sentences 1. The boys left town. They took the money with them. v. Make one of the independent clauses (sentences) a dependent clause by using subordinating conjunctions (dependent words). There are many of these words (since, although, because, while, etc). 1. If the first independent clause is changed to a dependent clause then a comma goes between the clauses: a. When the boys left town, they took the money with them. ...

Words: 412 - Pages: 2

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Compare and Contrast the Poem ‘Sonnet Cxxx’ by William Shakespeare and an Extract Describing Iranian Love Poetry from the Book Censoring an Iranian Love Story by Shahriar Mandanipour Published in 2009.

...Compare and Contrast the poem ‘Sonnet CXXX’ by William Shakespeare and an extract describing Iranian love poetry from the book Censoring an Iranian Love Story by Shahriar Mandanipour published in 2009. The poem and text are connected the the techniques used by the poets to describe women in love poetry. Shakespeare’s sonnet, written for his mistress the Dark Lady is part of his sequence parodies of Petrarchan blazon objectification of the female form, similarly the extract from Censoring an Iranian Love Story explores the technique used by Iranian Sufi poets in the past, the humour here is also tongue in cheek as the narrator makes reference to body parts that were ignored in comparisons as their use would be considered inappropriate. The form and structure of of both texts vary, Text A is a Shakespearean sonnet with a abab, cdcd, efef, gg rhyme scheme with a volta before a couplet, whilst using iambic pentameter in a first person setting. Text A additionally uses caesurae to present stereotypical images of idealised beauty. Text B on the other hand is a single paragraph of continuous prose and detailed descriptions which similarly are used to portray the ideals associated with Iranian beauty, Text B however uses a third person narration. Text A written for Shakespeare’s mistress uses comparative nouns to describe desired qualities of an Elizabethan woman, and the qualities which have been bestowed own his mistress. He does this by pairing nouns such as “red”,“coral” as...

Words: 702 - Pages: 3

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Frnch Grammer

...determiners 3 Personal and impersonal pronouns 3.1 Subject pronouns 3.2 Object pronouns 3.3 Stressed pronouns 3.4 Demonstrative pronouns 3.5 Possessive pronouns 4 Adjectives 4.1 Adjectives modifying the noun 4.2 Adjectives which follow verbs or verbal expressions 4.3 Adjectives with complements 4.4 Indefinite and negative noun phrases with adjective complements 4.5 Adjectives used as nouns 4.6 Adjectives used as adverbs 4.7 Masculine and feminine forms of adjectives 4.8 Plural forms of adjectives 4.9 Adjective agreement with nouns 1 1 5 17 23 23 24 29 32 33 34 37 39 40 40 53 71 75 76 78 78 83 84 85 85 86 86 89 91 vi Contents 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 Invariable adjectives Compound adjectives Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives Subjunctive versus indicative in clauses dependent on a superlative adjective Absolute use of the superlative 91 92 93 96 97 98 98 98 101 102 104 104 122 126 126 133 134 135 138 140 142 143 143 147 147 148 149 152 153 154 186 186 186...

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