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The Sunflower Company Case 2


Submitted By ivens
Words 7145
Pages 29
The current leadership situation is horrible at the company. The sales for the Willamette Company have been slowing down in the past couple of years because of bad customer service (Garlington). John went through the paper work and found that the sales people seem to leave off the specifications and the designers have to spend hours on the phone to understand what the client customer actually wants the machine to be able to do. The company loses time and money to clarify these specifications, and they occasionally need to pay additional costs due to differences in prices for parts so they can meet the changed specifications. Also, the sales people are not asked to correct their mistakes. John also, found a letter addressed to Fred, the previous boss, indicating one of the CAD designers had quit the company due to “…ongoing management harassment AND complete lack of training for the sales people, who do not know how to write a design specification for a standard hydraulic pump” (Garlington).
John has been very successful in leading the team. He had a good relationship with all his employees in the past and doesn’t want that to change in this company. He has realized that in that this team was not in very good hands in the past, and they were under a strict supervision. The employees are used to being told what to do otherwise they don’t know what needs to be done. Their previous leader kept everything under his control. John doesn’t want it to stay like this. He wants his team to be independent and to do what is asked of them without being supervised and told every little detail. He wants the sales to go up and his company to be successful.

A. Model Description
The path-goal theory was developed by Robert House. Mr. House’s theory is that “a leader’s job to assist followers in

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