Premium Essay

The Symbolism Of Trees In Laurie Hale Anderson's Speak

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Words 222
Pages 1
In the novel Speak, Laurie Halse Anderson uses trees to symbolize how Melinda feels about herself. She identifies herself as a tree struck by lightening which is nearly dead but still holding on to life. For example Melinda, a freshman in highschool, is bullied and teased for calling the cops at a party, however nobody knows or asks for the reason she did so. Without having any close friends and a family that doesn't communicate, Melinda builds up a high level of hatred and depression which can leave a teenage girl broken. As she sits in art class, poking at ideas for her assignment, Melinda expressed, “I've been painting watercolors of trees that have been hit by lightning. I try to paint them so they are nearly dead, but not totally. Mr.

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