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The Value of Community Corrections


Submitted By swoodard5367
Words 1019
Pages 5
The Value of Community Corrections
Sharvon P. Woodard
Professor: Tiffani Davis
Introduction to Sociology
January 29, 2012

Society defines community corrections as a set of penalties and sanctions given to people convicted of crimes that are unrelated to imprisonment. Community corrections frequently come in the form of probation or commuted sentencing from a parole board, often upon release from prison. Examples of these penalties include residence in halfway homes, monitoring by reporting centers, work release programs, house arrest, and general community supervision. Community corrections programs serve the purpose of monitoring behavior of the convicted criminal, evaluating the likelihood of recidivism, holding criminals accountable to monitoring standards, establishing rehabilitative programs that serve a positive socializing function, and contributing to financial efficiency goals of the community. The type of corrections program is typically adjusted across a range of factors, including supervision, rehabilitation, and counseling. Each of these interests has the long-term goal of reducing the risk of future criminal activity and keeping the community safe.

The most properly functioning community corrections programs streamline punishments with the needs of the criminal based on active assessments and risk awareness (Belenko & Taxman, 2011). The idea is that these personalized programs will ultimately be more helpful than a simple stay in local penitentiary. The top priority when an offender enters a community corrections program is to evaluate the extent to which he or she may repeat the offense. Assignment to officers and programs is made based on this variable, with high-risk cases being accorded higher levels of supervision, special types of monitoring, and random substance abuse testing. These offenders are also normally placed in

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