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The Week and Notes


Submitted By danny333
Words 296
Pages 2
In week 13 we read chapter 8 that dealt with test taking skills. I read about how preparing for a test well can help greatly in test performance. First you need to know what type of test your taking like if it’s an essay based test or multiple choice. Making study guides and taking the time to review the information well before the test can make the test easier to take which would reduce your stress level. Chapter 8 also talked about how to work through test anxiety. Some ways to reduce anxiety is to have a positive attitude and to take your time while taking a test so you don’t get nervous and rush through your test. You need to take your time so you don’t make quick mistakes that could hurt you during the test greatly. I also read chapter 10 which dealt with wellness and stress management. Stress can hurt you when taking test because it can cause you to not be able to concentrate all the way and also it can distract you. Chapter 10 gave me some great ways to manage my stress. Some ways were to make sure I eat well so I have energy to do things, another was to get exercise so you feel good overall in a healthy way. One thing I need to work on after reading was to make sure I get enough sleep so my body and mind are ready to work the next days. After reading I felt I had learned a lot on how to prepare and reduce stress factors in life and while taking test. These chapters were very helpful and gave me some good techniques I can use every day to help me keep a good mental and physical

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