Premium Essay

Theme Park Design Guidelines


Submitted By jeremybautista
Words 32924
Pages 132
& Data
Province of
British Columbia
Ministry of
Lands and



Simplicity in design and restraint in construction creates park facilities suited to what attracts visitors in the first place – recreation in the natural park landscape.


The aim of Park Design Guidelines & Data is to help BC Parks staff use their park expertise to produce appropriate facility landscapes.

These guidelines identify design criteria and planning processes for BC Parks staff to provide sustainable, appropriate park recreation facilities. They promote facility design that requires the least visible development. q

A design approach to visitor facilities is defined that: Recognizing the facilities are an integral part of a park means reducing the impact of use and basing planning and design decisions on local and regional considerations – for the park environment’s long term health. Maintaining natural park landscapes and environments will help ensure the quality of visitor experiences now and in the future.
At neighbouring Bromley Rock Provincial
Park and Stemwinder Provincial Park, illustrated left, natural site elements create facilities that blend into the natural park landscapes. These examples show the careful expenditure of resources and the thoughtful use of native materials. What is natural, and what has been constructed?

blends with, or complements, natural park landscapes conserves or restores park environments q A design and planning process is outlined for BC
Parks project teams to achieve these objectives.


Park Design Guidelines & Data were initiated by
BC Parks and prepared by landscape architectural consultants assisted by staff from

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