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Submitted By danyelle13
Words 5983
Pages 24
Chapter Seven:


Personality Defined
SCOPE & the Five Factor Model
Interpretation of SCOPE Personality Profile
SCOPE Reliability
Comparison of SCOPE with Other Personality Scales
High and Low Interpretations of SCOPE
Emotionally Steady



• Personality can be thought of as the characteristics of a person that lead to consistent patterns of feeling, thinking and behaving (Pervin and John, 2001). This definition, while simple, generally provides a good framework from which to understand personality.
• Counselors who adequately understand personality are better able to predict how certain individuals will typically respond to others, to conflict and to life in general. Different views of personality allow researchers and counselors to funnel large amounts of information about an individual into smaller, more digestible terminology that offer useful descriptions of behavior and functioning.
• An important aspect of personality is that it tends to be relatively stable over time. A common misperception is you can change personality traits if you don’t like them. While one might achieve slight adjustments in personality over time, personality traits are largely stable throughout life.
• For couples, this means a person should not try or expect his/her partner to change their personality traits. Relationship skills can be learned and improved. An individual can learn to communicate or manage finances more effectively. But an extrovert should not be expected to somehow become an introvert. Couples who set out to change one another’s personality will embark on a journey of frustration.
• No matter how much a couple has in common, it is impossible two individuals would think, feel, and behave in exactly

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