...April 6 2012 Table of Contents 1. Thesis 2. Introduction 3. Obsession 4. Murder Thesis Statement Falling in love with a student has always been frowned upon. Even so, what happens when that love turns into an obsession? What happens with that obsession turns to murder? Evelyn-Viktoria Ross was a petite forty –year-old school teacher, who had various degrees ranging from teaching to psychology; she even won the “Teacher of the Year Award “for the past three years at her current high school she taught at. Life was good; she didn’t think it could get any better that was until she met the new student Michael Jasper. Michael Jasper was a blond hair; blue-eyed, baby faced seventeen year, who came from a rich family. Anything Michael wanted he got with the snap of his fingers Evelyn knew that Michael would not pay any attention to her. However, that didn’t stop her from convincing herself that she was in love with her new student. Evelyn knew a teacher-student relationship would be frowned upon; nevertheless, there was something about Michael that made Evelyn’s heart skip a beat, whatever it was it stirred up desires that Evelyn had never had for a student before. Michael had transferred to the school and into her class a little over three months ago. Evelyn at first just saw Michael as another rich student who was popular with all the girls. It wasn’t until he stayed late after class to ask her a question about the previous night’s homework that she...
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...Based on research from official statistics, there is clear evidence that in most countries, men commit far more criminal acts than women. For example, by their 40th birthday, approximately one in three males have a conviction of some kind, where as one in ten females have been convicted. This essay will explore the fundamental reasons as to why there is such difference between crime rates concerning men and women. It will also analyse theories from different sociologists including Carlen, Heidensohn and Lombroso. The statistics show how recorded crime comes predominately from males. This type of research reveals that males are responsible for approximately four know offences for every one committed by women, they are more likely to be repeated offenders as well as committing, in general, more serious offences. It also found that men are many times more likely to be found guilty of cautioned for offending. For example, men are 50 times more likely to be convicted for sex offences, approximately 8 times more likely to be found guilty for robbery and drug offences, and 5 times more likely to be convicted for violence against a person. Otto Pollack (1950) argues that official statistics regarding gender and crime are misleading, arguing that they do not account for the true extent of female criminality. He suggests that there are a number of crimes that females are more likely to commit than males. He states that nearly all shoplifting offences and criminal abortions are committed...
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...You’d think that for a teenager (a high school senior at that) writing such a self-regarding thesis would be a piece of cake. Well, you’d be wrong! Having sat at a desk for hours upon hours, staring menacingly at a blank page and scouring through my slowly but inevitably malfunctioning brain for any tips concerning my -so far- second-rate personality was most definitely not on my schedule, but here I am. Alright, maybe “second-rate” is too harsh of a label. Pending? Would “pending” be a better fit? Self-deprecation isn’t one of my dominant traits, so you’ll be relieved to know that, yes, I am a pretty striking piece in my generation’s palette. Self-admiration, however, might be. In any case, I suppose getting on with my “story” would be best. To state the obvious, from birth, everyone is given a unique mold and no two can ever be quite the same....
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...see prisoners as a lost cause therefore they do not wish to waste their time on them. They criticise other theories for being too soft on criminals, especially the left realists. Right realism tends to focus on the solutions to crime, rather than the causes. Right realists reject marxist views that crime is caused by poverty and exploitation of the working class. In 'thinking about crime' (1975) wilson argues that an individual will commit crime if the reward outweighs the punishment. Wilson also argues that harsher punishments and more visible policing would have a positive impact on crime rates. However, despite these efforts, there are still flaws in how crime is dealt with according to right realists. Providing alternative benefits, such as giving methadone to drug addicts proves to be pointless as the individual then becomes addicted to methadone and therefore still has a drug addiction. Wilson argues that we must keep communities strong so that the criminals will feel ashamed due to society being disgraced at them. Kelling and wilson 1982 argue a concept called the broken windows thesis. They argue that in order to prevent the collapse of communities, it is crucial that agencies act swiftly to stamp out any signs of disintegration. The theory argues that signs of decay e.g. litter, broken windows, graffiti are all signs of public disinterest and the area will soon be totally criminalised, and will therefore be a lost cause. Real life examples of right realism...
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...STUDY HABITS OF GRADE 10 STUDENTS AT TINAJEROS NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL: A BASIS FOR INTERVENTION PROGRAM ________________________ A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Applied Research City of Malabon University City of Malabon ________________________ In Partial Fulfilment Of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts in Educational Management ________________________ By CHERYL B. CISTER 2016 RECOMMENDATION FOR ORAL EXAMINATION This thesis entitled “STUDY HABITS OF GRADE 10 STUDENTS AT TINAJEROS NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL: A BASIS FOR INTERVENTION PROGRAM” prepared and submitted by CHERYL B. CISTER in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Arts in Educational Management, has been examined and is hereby recommended for Oral Examination. LUCILA B. BONDOC, Ed. D. Adviser APPROVAL SHEET Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master in Educational Management by the Oral Examination Committee. MARCELINA A. STO. TOMAS, Ed. D. Chairman GLORIA O. GOMEZ, Ed. D. LOURDES B. CABAÑERO, Ed. D. Member Member _________________________________________________________________ Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Arts in Educational Management. December 22, 2015 Date ATTY. RAMON M. MARONILLA Acting Dean Graduate Studies...
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...Introduction. The polemical debate in understanding why crime occurred in society had invited a cornucopia of theoretical ideas based on ideology, pragmatism, and concomitant paradigmatic shifts. This debate, sometimes vitriolic and vexatious in equal measure, had resonated across the centuries mostly via philosophical thought. In the last two hundred years, however, the debate had become increasingly interwoven and complicated by newly-developed and derivative theories (sometimes polar or diametrically opposed) through the complex entanglement of modern societal development and socio-political thought. Insodoing, unpacking and defining the etiology of crime has proved to be a noteworthy adversary. This essay would seek to examine this unfolding drama of etiological proportions by addressing one of these key modern-day ideological polarities: right realism and left realism. It would critically discuss the relational polarity between these two theories by first examining and then comparing their respective etiologies. Second, it would examine and critique the interplay between ideology and British crime policy. Left Realism (LR): Etiology. “Left realism was explicitly, although not exclusively, concerned with the origins, nature, and impact of crime in the working class” (Lilly, Cullen, & Ball, 2007: p.191). It was a radical criminology and a very British development (Newburn, 2007). It was ‘Left’ as crime was envisaged as endemic owing to the class and patriarchical...
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...Youth and Behaviorism Jeffrey King Western Governors University Thesis Statement: Researchers believe that many childhood behavioral issues are often caused by external conditions, such as poverty, unhealthy living conditions and a negative home life. Some behavioral issues are a direct cause of mental health problems, but for this study, we will not look at the mental health issues that cause behavior issues. A growing body of research has examined the cause of youth violence, among peers and parental relationships. The world we are living in today is full of violent images; from video games to movies, even much of today’s music can promote a violent message. There are other external influences that can also influence many children’s behaviors; such as impoverishment, inferior living conditions, inadequate housing, which often leads to illicit activities; such as drug and alcohol abuse and other criminal activities. In this research study, we will try to answer several questions the effects of violent images, or video games may have on our youth today. We will also examine if coming from a broken home has any direct correlation on the behavior of the child or children? This paper will examine several studies on this subject in the hopes of discovering the possible solutions to the questions raised in this paper. * Do violent images, video games, etc. influence children’s behavior? * Does coming from a broken, or abusive home, etc. influence children’s behavior...
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...DEVELOPMENT OF TIME SERIES MODEL TO STUDY HISTORICAL TRE ND OF ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS IN THE UNI TED STATES AND INSPECT THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE TREND Ashutosh Kedia M.Tech Project Thesis 2015 DEVELOPMENT OF TIME SERIES MODEL TO STUDY THE HISTORICAL TREND OF ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS IN THE UNITED STATES AND INSPECT THE FACT ORS AFFECTING THE TREND Thesis submitted to the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur For award of the degree of Master of Technology by Ashutosh Kedia Under the guidance of Prof. Sudeshna Mitra DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KHARAGPUR MAY 2015 ©2015 Ashutosh Kedia. All rights reserved. Page i M.Tech Project Thesis 2015 APPROVAL OF THE VIVA-VOCE BOARD 05/05/15 Certified that the thesis entitled DEVELOPMENT OF TIME SERIES MODEL TO STUDY HISTORICAL TREND OF ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS IN THE UNITED STATES AND INSPECT THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE TREND submitted by ASHUTOSH KEDIA to the Indian Institute of Technology, for the award of the degree, Master of Technology, has been accepted by the external examiners and that the student has successfully defended the thesis in the viva-voce examination held today. (External Examiner) (Chairman) Page ii (Supervisor) M.Tech Project Thesis 2015 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Development of Time Series Model to Study Historical Trend of Road Traffic Accidents in the United States and Inspect the Factors Affecting the Trend” submitted by Ashutosh Kedia...
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...essays, each of which has a unique purpose, form, and style. We call these different types of essays “modes of discourse,” and they include expository, persuasive, and comparecontrast essays to name just a few. This section of the Guide has a dual purpose. First, various types of essays are described and suggestions are included about how to approach each particular type of writing. Second, the sample essays are good tools for you to see how these different essays look in their final form. These are not templates (no essay can be a carbon copy of another even in form), but they will give you a good idea of what a final piece of writing for each mode of discourse looks like. It would be advantageous to critically analyze the form and content of each sample against the instruction for how to write each type of essay. chapter 21 expository essays Jennifer propp An expository essay explains something using facts rather than opinions. The purpose of this type of essay is to inform an audience about a subject. It is not intended to persuade or present an argument of any kind. Writing this type of essay is a good way to learn about all the different perspectives on a topic. Many students use the expository essay to explore a variety of topics, and do so in a wide range of formats, including “process” and “definition” essays. Who Is the Intended AudIence for An exposItory essAy? The audience for an expository essay is a general one, and can vary widely...
Words: 21609 - Pages: 87
...in the United States of America. Instructors may reproduce portions of this book for classroom use only. All other reproductions are strictly prohibited without prior permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Please visit our website at: http://www.ablongman.com ISBN: 0-321-13157-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - D O H - 05 04 03 02 CONTENTS THEMATIC CONTENTS vi COLLABORATIVE AND/OR PROBLEM-SOLVING ACTIVITIES TEACHING COMPOSITION WITH THE LONGMAN WRITER A SUGGESTED SYLLABUS ANSWER KEY 19 PART 1: THE READING PROCESS Ellen Goodman, “Family Counterculture” PART 2: THE WRITING PROCESS Chapter 2: Getting Started Through Prewriting 20 Chapter 3: Identifying a Thesis 22 Chapter 4: Supporting the Thesis With Evidence 24 Chapter 5:...
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...BABY THESIS It's the poster characteristic of the teenager years: adolescent rebellion. And it's one that causes many conflicts with parents. Two common types of rebellion are against socially fitting in (rebellion of non-conformity) and against adult authority (rebellion of non-compliance.) In both types, rebellion attracts adult attention by offending it. The young person proudly asserts individuality from what parents like or independence of what parents want and in each case succeeds in provoking their disapproval. This is why rebellion, which is simply behavior that deliberately opposes the ruling norms or powers that be, has been given a good name by adolescents and a bad one by adults. The reason why parents usually dislike adolescent rebellion is not only that it creates more resistance to their job of providing structure, guidance, and supervision, but because rebellion can lead to serious kinds of harm. Rebellion can cause young people to rebel against their own self-interests -- rejecting childhood interests, activities, and relationships that often support self-esteem. It can cause them to engage in self-defeating and self-destructive behavior - refusing to do school work or even physically hurting themselves. It can cause them to experiment with high-risk excitement - accepting dares that as a children they would have refused. It can cause them to reject safe rules and restraints - letting impulse overrule judgment to dangerous effect. And it...
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...INTRODUCTION Much of the literature about the liberation struggle in the South-East Lowveld has documented different counter strategies by the RSF but propaganda as one of the strategy has been partially covered. The study focuses on Rhodesia Front government’s propaganda as a counter insurgency strategy to the guerrilla activities. Propaganda is the control of public opinion. There are three types of propaganda that is white, grey and black propaganda. White propaganda is the dissemination of the truth to someone’s advantage, grey propaganda is the mixture of lies and truth and black propaganda consists of largely but not total lies. All these types were exploited upon implementation of propaganda at different levels through different tactics. Psychological operations which were executed as forms of propaganda involved planned use of communication through words, symbols and actions to influence the behaviour of the targeted audiences and achieve set objectives. The government’s use of propaganda warfare was prompted by a number of reasons which ranged from economic, political, social and military factors. It is worth noting here that, the tempo and conduct of the war varied from one locality to the other depending on the terrain and proximity to strategical areas like borders, transport networks and close to government’s administrative offices. The study is presented in three chapters. The first chapter outlines the reasons for the introduction of propaganda warfare in Chilonga...
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...High Performance Executive Teams Sonia Taneja Texas A&M University-Commerce Scott Sewell Texas A&M University-Commerce Mildred Golden Pryor Texas A&M University-Commerce Strategically and tactically, organizational leaders often establish teams to accomplish the missions, visions, goals and objectives of their respective organizations. Teams exist in all types of organizations including financial institutions, factories, healthcare organizations, and educational institutions. Yet executives often struggle to maintain high performance of their own leadership teams. This research seeks to answer several questions, including: (1) What are the characteristics of a high performance executive team? (2) What problems do executive teams face that negatively impact their potential for high performance? And (3) What can executives do to increase their respective teams’ potential for high performance? INTRODUCTION Holmes (2012) recognized that organizations are changing from traditional hierarchical work structures to team-based approaches to work. He noted that high-performance teams must “develop goals and plans, enhance communication among members, develop and maintain positive relationships among members, solve problems and make decisions on a timely basis, successfully manage conflict, facilitate productive meetings, clarify roles for team members, operate in a productive manner, exhibit effective team leadership, provide development opportunities for team members”...
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...Introduction to Criminal Justice Electronic Monitoring and House Arrest Katelyn Fritz November 24, 2013 Introduction Electronic Monitoring (EM) and house arrest (HA) is a system that has been met with both trepidation and acceptance since its integration in the 1980’s. Though it goes by many names, including Community Sentencing and Intermediate sanctions, it still maintains a single identity. It is a form of punishment for offenders as an alternative to incarceration. This program applies to offenders chosen at the judge’s discretion and is based upon the offenders compliance, the nature of the infraction, and the burden on the system. Involved is a period of time where the offender is confined to his home under the supervision of a probation officer and some form of electronic monitoring. These monitoring options include the random call method (RC), an ankle monitor using radio frequency (RF) or GPS technology, or a combination thereof (Burell & Gable, 2008). Electronic monitoring is touted as an ideal means of reducing overcrowding in jails and prisons, but how effect is electronic monitoring and house arrest really? More than 30 years after its integration, there are several issues that have developed, or that have yet to be resolved. To demonstrate this lets us look at one example that occurred in the year 2000. Gerald A. Jones, a young, 18 year old man, was convicted of a robbery after sticking a gun into a woman’s face and stealing her watch. As a...
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...Outline: RESEARCH 1) NATURE AND SCOPE OF RESEARCH 1.1) Definition – purposive, systematic and scientific process of gathering, analyzing, classifying, organizing, presenting and interpreting data for the solution of a problem, for prediction, for invention, for the discovery of truth, or for the expansion or verification of existing knowledge, all for the preservation and improvement of the quality of human life. 1.1.1) History of Research Historical records reveal that there is no written document on the beginning of business research as an organized business activity, but this is definitely of modern origin. During the Middle Ages, the merchant families of Fugger and Rothschild prospered in part because their organizations enabled them to get information before their competitors did. These studies were unsystematic, but considered to be well organized during that time. In 1879, more by accident than foresight, N. W. Ayer and Son conducted a crude but formal market survey, to measure markets for agricultural machineries, manufactured by Nicholas-Shepard Company. This market survey is probably the first real attempt at business research in the United States. The Curits Publishing company is generally conceived to have formed the first formal business research department with the appointment of Charles Parlin as manager of the Commercial Research Division of the Advertising Department in 1911. His original idea was that advertising space could be sold more effectively...
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