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Thology: Prophecy


Submitted By megatron417
Words 1809
Pages 8
Prophecy is a declaration of something to come, a prediction forth telling by God to man. When God speaks, He sets in motion spiritual activities and the destiny of all things. Many of things which God in the past prophesied have already come to pass with perfect accuracy, other things spoken forth by God are yet to be fulfilled in the course of God's timing. Old Testament prophecy contains exciting expectancy of the coming Christ, the Anointed one while the New Testament contains the manifestation of him. The Old Testament describes 300 prophecies of the first coming of the Messiah, with this there are also 500 prophecies of His second coming; All of these prophecies were made hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus, the Messiah. The Old and New Testament will forever be bonded by the Prophecy recorded in the Old Testament.

In this paper I will focus on two major methods that the New Testament writers used to connect Christian New Testament with the Hebrew Bible. These methods are Fulfillment and Typology. The method that deals with the actual words of the prophets, who, according to New Testament, vocally predicted events that the Messiah would accomplish, is fulfillment. Typology is quite similar, however it is not a prediction, nor does it directly relate to future events in the manner that fulfillment does. Moreover, it is merely an event from the Hebrew Bible that is said to foretell another occurrence in the Christian New Testament.

Concerning fulfillment, the New Testament writers have acknowledged Jesus Christ as the Messiah. They believed that the prophecies from the Hebrew Bible have been completed by Jesus and that He was sent by God. Some of the prophecies could have been easily satisfied by someone that knew them well, whereas others could not have been fulfilled by being self aware.
To start, Abram was told by God in Genesis 12:3 that the

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