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Submitted By adunba02
Words 501
Pages 3
Diagnostic Procedure Thoracentesis
Ariah Dunbar

Diagnostic Procedure Thoracentesis Before the procedure it is important for the nurse to prepare the patient for the procedure to ensure cooperation and prevent complications (Ignatavicius & Workman, 2010). If the patient is taking any medicines that thin the blood or prevent clots the physician should be talked to about stopping, changing, or adjusting the dose of those medications before the procedure. The nurse must gather base line vital signs. The nurse should also tell the patient they may experience a sting sensation when the local anesthetic is given and pressure when the needle is inserted. Instruct the patient not to move suddenly and to avoid deep breathing or coughing during the procedure. After making sure the consent for the procedure is signed and the patient has been asked about allergies to medications and local anesthetic agents the nurse may administer any ordered analgesics. During the procedure if the nurse should make sure the patient is physically supported and stand in front of them to keep them from falling. Since this is a sterile procedure the nurse must make sure surgical asepsis is maintained (Taylor, Lillis, LeMone, & Lynn, 2011). They will also monitor pulse and respiratory rate and observe for diaphoresis, cyanosis nausea, shock, pain, pallor, and any other adverse reactions and immediately report them to the physician. Fainting, nausea and vomiting may occur in patients who are receiving a thoracentesis (Taylor, Lillis, LeMone, & Lynn, 2011). If a specimen is obtained the nurse must make sure it is taken to the laboratory after the procedure. After the procedure a chest radiograph maybe performed to verify the absence of complications. The nurse will monitor the vital signs, paying close attention to respirations. The patient should experience easier breathing if

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