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Submitted By DenenaWhite731
Words 807
Pages 4
RUNNING HEAD: Timeline 1

Interactive Timeline
EDU 324: History of American Education

Timeline 2
Interactive Timeline
I think the most significant event from my timeline was the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended segregation in public places such as schools and prohibited discrimination in the workforce on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The
Civil Rights Act was a stepping stone in changing the future of this entire country. President
Johnson signed the act into law on July 2, “the Civil Rights Act of 1964, was the most comprehensive civil rights statute in U.S. history and one of the nation’s most significant pieces of social legislation” (Webb, 2014). If the Civil Rights Act had not passed into the law, this country would still be very much divided and segregation and racial discrimination would have continued. In 2008, the first African-American man, Barack Obama, was elected into the presidential office. In the upcoming election, a woman, Hilary Clinton will run for the presidential office. These major events in history would have never been possible without the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I think the most interesting person is my timeline is Anne Sullivan and how she became known as “the miracle worker”. Anne Sullivan had vision problems of her own and she began to work with Helen Keller when Helen was just 7 years old. Anne Sullivan had to work hard to figure out a way to communicate with Keller. Anne Sullivan successfully began a hand system where Sullivan was able to teach Keller vocabulary words, multiplication, and the Braille system within six months of her arrival. After a few years of working together, they began to work on
Helen Keller’s speech and although

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