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Tinnitus Response Paper

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Tan, Lecluyse, McFerran and Meddis conducted a study comparing cochlear function between individuals with hearing-impairment with tinnitus, hearing-impairment without tinnitus, and a control group of individuals without hearing-impairment or tinnitus. The specific pathophysiology of tinnitus is unclear, some believe it is associated with outer hair cell damage.
Outer hair cell damage as a cause is questionable since some patients continue to have tinnitus sensations “after cochlear ablation or auditory nerve section” (Tan, Lecluyse, McFerran &
Meddis, 2013, p. 275). This study found that both groups had a similar average hearing loss, but
“tinnitus patients were observed to have better frequency selectivity and compression than those
without …show more content…
The article was written for an audience more familiar with all of the tests and measurements for hearing assessments. Therefore, it was easy to get lost in the different probes and hertz used and various measurements and averages collected. Moreover, it would have been helpful if the writers had given more explanation of the tests and how they related to the aspects of the cochlea that they were trying to measure. For example, I would have liked to know why a temporal masking curve showed compression, but an iso-forward masking curve showed frequency selectivity. For that matter, I would also like to know what is being compressed that they are trying to measure. Is it the compression of the fluid in the cochlea?
Furthermore, how do these tones and hertz reflect a measurement of that compression?
Though I would have preferred more definitive conclusions about the causes and treatments for tinnitus, this study is another step in the right direction to understanding more about the pathophysiology of tinnitus. Consequently, with a complete pathophysiology,

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