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Tourism in India


Submitted By Amehta
Words 22319
Pages 90

Since the beginning of the time people have travelled In the early periods, people used to travel for food, water and safety or acquisition of resources (trade). But in the recent times, the word travel is also associated with pleasure or exploration. Now, Tourism is the business of providing travel, accommodation, food, entertainment to the people who are travelling for the purpose of either recreation and leisure or business. Tourism may be expressed as the processes, activities, and outcomes arising from the relationships and the interactions among tourists, tourism suppliers, host governments, host communities, and surrounding environments that are involved in the attracting and hosting of visitors. Hence, tourism is the movement of people (tourists) to a destination outside of place, where they normally live and work. Tourism is not only restricted to people (tourists) but it is also the movement of activities of the providers. For example, the services provided during the course of travel. Tourism is about involving people and knowing them better. It is not a short term process of but a long term relationship between the consumer (tourists) and provider of Tourism Service.

Tourism is the collection of activities, services and industries that delivers a travel experience including transportation, accommodations, eating and drinking establishments, retail shops, entertainment businesses, activity facilities and other hospitality services provided for individuals or groups traveling away from home.

Fig: Relationship between leisure, recreation and tourism [1]
Tourism can be hence, called as the process of organised travel and is the theory and practice of travelling.
The origin of the term tourism lies back to the 17th century, from the word “tour”, which is derived from

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