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lbsale[50]lbsale[这个贴子最后由ombre在 2004/09/12 00:38am 第 1 次编辑]正方 台湾大学反方 复旦大学地点 新加坡 时间 1988年4月 主席: 欢迎观看1988年度亚洲大专辩论会决赛.     正方一辩 王菲菲同学 心理学系二年级     正方二辩 陈嘉林同学 机械工程系三年级     正方三辩 毛任杰同学 商业研究一所一年级     正方四辩 石世豪同学 法律系四年级        反方一辩 罗洁同学 管理系四年级     反方二辩 顾刚同学 新闻系四年级     反方三辩 鲍勇剑同学 国际政治系四年级     反方四辩 李光斗同学 新闻系四年级   正一: 主席,各位女士先生,在座的各位来宾,对方辩友:大家好!在社会日渐进步,物质生活水准日渐提高的今天,我们摆脱了过去祖先们所担滤的贫穷以及困乏,人类日夜向往的幸福日子似乎就要来临了.但是,眼看着大楼越盖越高.而人情味却越来越薄,父母为了子女一辈子任劳任怨,老来还被送进了养老院.而企业辛辛苦苦培养的人才不但带着商业机密离开,而且还罢工怠工,甚至和你打对台.我们有一天终于发现了:皮包里的钱是越来越多,但是快乐越来越少.这一切都是由于西方极度的功利和自私的歪风,使得我们的美梦全被吹散.所幸的是人类并不是短视和冷漠的动物.2000多年以前孔子倡导的儒家思想就指出了个人应该修身养心追求一个完美的人格,协调人际关系,然后达到一个温文有利,有秩序的社会,所谓”大学之道,在明德,在亲民,在止于至善”儒家思想在文化上告诉大家要克己复礼,遵守社会的规范,这样使得人际关系各有分际.而在社会上讲求尊亲睦邻,孝顺和气.这样,使得每个人的行为各有所规,而在经济上注重伦理,使得劳资的关系可以稳定和谐,如此以来代解了劳资的冲突.而在政治上,崇高的是德治,一切以民为本,要求的是政治家个人道德.因此,儒家思想的完全发扬正可以抵御西方歪风的继续蔓延扩大.我方辩友将继续从政治经济和文化社会各方面为大家阐述发扬儒家思想可以抵御西方歪风.   反一:谢谢主席先生! 我方观点是儒家思想不可以抵御西方歪风.对方同学描绘了一副美丽的图画,认为只要有了儒家思想,西方歪风便可以药到病除.但是,对方同学却没有指出一个西方歪风荡然无存的的乐园。事实上,在儒家思想的社会中,极端个人主义的恶性膨胀,彩装少年成群结队,xx情暴力泛滥成灾。西方歪风到底有没有被抵御呢?没有!即便在儒家思想大力提倡的社会中,西方歪风也是没有被抵御的。我们认为儒家思想不可抵御西方歪风,是因为它理论上没有这种功能,实际上不能抵御。第一,儒家思想是一种伦理本位主义的思想,要它对具体的社会行为发生直接的作用,需要一定的条件。任何思想都不能直接对社会行为产生作用,需要有具体的落实,空头大道理抵不上一个具体的实际行动,否则的话,新加坡中央肃毒局只要对那些瘾君子们讲讲儒家思想不就可以万事大吉了吗?但是他们没有,他们是采取了社会学和生理学的方法。第二点,儒家思想作为文化传统有其精华,也有其糟粕。杜维明教授说:儒家思想有庄严的一面,也有其阴暗和落后的一面。其阴暗的一面不仅不能抵御西方歪风,它还能产生东方歪风,使两风结合,愈刮愈烈。(笑声)如:“唯小人与女子难养也”;“宁可使由之,不可使知之”;“存天理,灭人欲”;孔子说:“父母在,不远游。”如果照此办事的话,我们就来不了新加坡了吗?何以到这里辩论抵御西方歪风?我们说抵御当是有效的抵御,就如穿一件棉袄可以抵御严寒,当然是以不感到冷为前提。可是,儒家思想是一件美丽的丝绸衣服,在冰天雪地,人人自危的时候,它是起不到抵御的作用的。西方歪风长驱直入,这是一个现实的事实。现在哪个社会没有西方歪风的侵入呢?儒家思想有没有抵御呢?我方认为抵御西方歪风要靠综合治理,多管齐下。不是思想改变人,而是社会环境改变人。西方歪风产生于一定的社会条件,以滋生于物质主义的极端个人主义为首要因素,抵御它不能光靠理想,光靠说教,对待当今越刮越烈的西方歪风,必然要下猛药,快刀斩乱麻,必须采取社会综合治理的方法。谢谢!   正二:大家好!对方同学这么说抵御西方歪风就是要让所有的西方歪风荡然无存,这是一个错误的观念。因为我们都知道,西方歪风夹带着功利主义吹起来实在是太猛烈了。要看能不能抵御西方歪风,我们要用比较的方法,也就是说在有儒家思想的东方社会里,我们看到西方歪风被有效的抵御压制了。但是,在没有儒家思想的西方歪风吹起之下,西方社会却造成了一片混乱。我们可以举一个例子:我们知道,像现在社会上流行的爱滋病,这些病在东方的国家里,他们的人口都是个位数,因为儒家思想所主张的是男女有别,是要正男女之别。而在西方世界,我们可以看到那些数字都是百位,千位,万位数字。因此,我们用比较的观点就可以发现儒家思想的确在东方社会里面抵御了西方歪风,只是没有像对方同学所希望的那样,将所所有的西方歪风都消灭的荡然无存而已啊。接着,我们来看一看,对方举出的几个没有关系的例子来谈这个问题。首先,对方同学说儒家思想没有办法帮隐君子戒烟。对方同学又认为“父母在,不远游”但是对方同学这一点定在断章取义,因为在《论语》上,下面还有一句话“游必有方”也就是要出门必邀父母,回来要告诉父母。所以说,这是对方同学一个错误的比较。对方同学又说,儒家文化有阴暗的一面,取阴暗的一面当然不能抵御西方歪风,当然吗,阴暗的当然不能抵御嘛!但是对方同学也说了儒家文化有光明的一面,有它可以整治西方歪风的一面,这就是我方要举出来的,在政治部分我们知道,西方歪风今天产生了许多为争取选票,而一味的争取选票的结果,造成了金钱、暴力的介入,本来是想数人头的,结果,还没数呢,头先打破了。儒家思想它主张的是孔子为政以德的观念,大同世界里面的选贤任能的观念,正好抵御了这个西方歪风。我们再看社会上,今天西方歪风吹起之下,老人在不工作以后就被遗弃了父母不重视子女的教育,只管挣钱,但是,儒家告诉我们,要“老吾老,以及人之老;幼吾幼,以及人之幼”,“老者安之,少者怀之”。重视家庭观念、注重伦理思想,孝顺父母,这样子正好抵御了西方这种不重人伦的观念。儒家思想在文化上抵御了社会达尔文主义那样的物竞天择的主张,使得人们重新和谐,重新平和。儒家思想是讲究君子之约,讲究君子成人之美,讲究人以和为贵,都可以抵御西方歪风。最后,我们强调的是,我们要对自己有信心,对传统的文化要有信心,因为,只要大家努力,西方歪风必可在儒家思想之下,强迫的被抵御。谢谢各位!(掌声)   反二:多谢主席!多谢各位!很高兴看到对方同学已经退了他们的第一步,那就是承认并不是所有的儒家思想都可以抵御西方歪风。那么,我们就来看看另一部分,也就是精华的部分,,可不可以抵御呢?我们说儒家思想没有抵御西方歪风的这个职能。如果对方同学一定要说不去正视今天这个现实的话,那么,我们可以稍微的反观一下历史。按照对方同学的论点,孔子,我们的先哲孔子是儒家思想学的最早的创立者。但是,那个时候是怎么样呢?第一,在孔子的时代也有歪风。所谓歪风代代都有只是时代不同,各有变化。那个时候,孔子做司寇的时候,可谓是司法部长,但是,齐国送来了一对舞女,鲁国的季恒子马上三日不上朝,面对这种纵欲主义的歪风,孔子抵御了没有?没有,带着他的学生外流去了。(掌声)这能叫抵御了西方的歪风吗?第二,我们还可以看看,儒学数千年的流变过程中有没有抵御呢?没有,董仲舒的“天人相应”变成了迷信,宋明礼学的“灭人欲”是何其残忍啊,至于八股取仕更是扼杀了多少像对方同学这样的青年才俊啊!这一些糟粕都以被从戴东原到胡适,从鲁迅到殷海光的诸位大师否定过,难道能凭这一些儒学来抵御现代的西方歪风吗?当然不可以。关于新儒学在当代的社会地位问题,对方同学可能想的太好了,不知对方同学可知道台大历史系的黄俊杰先生有过一个著名的论断:那就是儒学在当代的东亚社会还是一只命运未卜的凤凰,他要涅磐,首先就要完成它对自己的道德观的约束的解脱,也就是他如果不摆脱自身旧有的道德观,它就无法在现代社会立足。而我们又怎能要求一个自己都没有涅磐的思想去超度西方之下的芸芸众生呢?这是不现实的。请对方同学三思而言之。至于游必有方,我想游来游去,千万不要游成路上的游离少年。如果按照对方同学的思路,儒家思想一个一个的疗程下来,不知道是猴年还是马月,那个时候,恐怕彩装少年已经变成彩装老年了。到那时,对方同学何以言谢新加坡,何以言对儒家文化。谢谢!   正三:大家好!+对方一辩将思想与社会环境分离,对方二辩同学以历史观来看儒家思想不可以抵御西方歪风,从两个前提来看:第一,思想真的与社会环境分离吗?当然不是。一辩同学说思想不应该可以抵御西方歪风,而是社会的综合方法,请问。社会综合方法的背后究竟是什么在指引它们的行动呢?思想指导着它们的行动,也就是说,如果能够将儒家思想灌进人们的脑袋里面,它就可以化为行动来抵御这个行动的歪风,也就是说,如果思想可以抵御西方歪风的话,它当然也是透过一个行动。儒家思想当然不可能是存在在脑袋里边的东西,而是一个化为行动的抵御动作。第二,顾刚同学刚才从一个历史观告诉我们:儒家思想不可以抵御西方歪风,但是我们也从历史观和事实告诉对方,儒家思想也有抵御西方歪风的时候。日本实行了儒家的教育,台湾实行了儒家的教育,的确西方歪风仍然存在,但是,请你比较,如果没有儒家思想的根深,西方歪风将会更烈。抵御并不代表消灭,西方歪风的存在不能证明儒家思想不能抵御西方歪风。两个逻辑推论上的观点,应该是犯了一个小小的错误。我们再来看一下,我方一辩曾经说过,儒家思想如果化为行动,它可以造成政治、经济、文化以及社会方面的积极效果。让我来阐述一下经济方面到底有哪些可以让儒家思想抵御西方歪风:西方流动率高,西方强调罢工,西方告诉我们劳资要对立,以达到制衡的效果。但是,儒家思想的伦理观点告诉我们:劳动要和谐,要把自己的企业当成自己的家,把一个企业伦理建立起来;儒家思想也告诉我们:经济价值不一定能代表人的生命,人的生命中有爱,人的生命中有其他方面的价值,不要把经济当成唯一的判断标准。在日本,它强调了多元化的目标,除了经济成长以外,日本的文化、日本的风尚,都要成为我们东方民族学习的目标。因此,只要将儒家思想好好发挥,它可以告诉你,西方歪风就会降低,只要将儒家思想化为行动,西方歪风就绝对进不来。谢谢!(掌声)   反三:谢谢主席先生!日本不仅没有抵御西方歪风,而且给东亚的其他地区带来了东洋歪风,我方同学一再说明:儒家思想不可以抵御西方歪风,是因为它从来没有这种功能,。对儒家思想的态度我方同学的态度是非常鲜明的,那就是实事求是,批判的继承。不薄今人,也爱古人。儒家文化是中华文化的一个重要的组成部分,但是它不是灵丹妙药,也不能包治百病。西方歪风不可抵御,是因为:第一,儒家思想中没有抵御西方歪风的抗体,它的价值系统和西方的价值系统是大相径庭的。如果说儒家思想是传统文化心理沉淀的一部分,是一种内在的性格,那么,受过儒家思想熏陶的华人社会应该是天然的就对西方歪风有一种免疫能力呀!但事实并不是这样,在东亚,儒家文化圈内,西方歪风却越刮越烈。怎么能把儒家思想当成新加坡的正红花油到处乱抹乱涂呢?这才是对儒家思想的大不恭和大不敬呢呀!第二,我们看到,儒家思想并没有提供抵御西方歪风的具体手段。由于历史的局限,儒家思想缺乏对现代西方歪风复杂原因的分析。孔孟所生活的时代,社会的、文化的、经济的结构都于现代西方工业社会结构大大的不同,而要儒家思想来抵御西方歪风,着无异于拿着拿着春秋战国时代的矛和盾来抵御对方同学所愿意谈论的爱滋病吗?这可能吗?西方歪风的产生有众多的原因:经济、文化、心理、社会等等,而光靠儒家思想这一味药是无法奏效的。我们看到,儒家思想讲究修身养性,希望能够以此来抵御西方歪风,但是,2000多年过去了,孔夫子没有第二个,孔乙己到出了一大堆。(笑声)综合治理西方歪风,第一要求政治修明;第二要求经济繁荣;第三要求法制完备。政治修明而使人们可以令行禁止;经济繁荣可以做到仓廪实而后知礼节;法制完备则对患上西方歪风的人可以绳之以法。在现代的社会里,法律才是抵御西方歪风的良好的武器。我想请问对方同学:如果有人持刀枪抢劫你的钱包,你是对他念一段《论语》呢?还是让警察把他抓起来呢?我想大家都会选择后者的。新加坡正是这样一个以法治国,综合治理的良好例子,我方同学围绕辩题逐步阐述了儒家思想......谢谢!(掌声)主席:现在进入自由辩论阶段,双方各有4分钟。   正方:我想请教对方同学,如果有人拿着刀子来杀第三位同学的时候,你希望他是因为拿刀子杀人会被判死刑而不做这件事情,还是希望这个人是因为不能杀人,杀人是不好的,残忍的,不做这件事情?是希望他从思想上认识到不做这件事情,还是希望这个人是因为言行重法而不做这件事情?   反方:君子坦荡荡.孔子他老人家从不文过饰非,他就说过”知其不可为而为之”.请对方同学解释什么叫”知其不可啊”?(笑声)   正方:”知其不可为”只是说如果没有办法办到的话,但是请别忘了,孟子也曾说过不为也,非不能也,就是说如果不为的话,仍然可以做.那么再请问对方辩友,虽然孔夫子没有第二个,不过对方辩友四位翩翩的少年,是不是孔夫子教育下的最佳名徒呢?   反方:我想这位同学搞错了,我们爱孔子,但是我们没有受过孔子的教育,受过孔子教育的人像子夏.   正方:谢谢对方辩友在理论上承认了儒家思想有他精华的部分.请问对方辩友,我们应不应该孝敬父母,该不该友爱兄弟姐妹,该不尊亲睦邻呢?该不该敬爱师长,尤其像武教授这样的老师呢?   反方:谢谢对方的朋友,我听清了对方的言论 ,很想听到对方同学举出一个实例来,哪怕一个,哪里没有西方歪风。对方第一位同学说抵御西方歪风就是全盘禁止,而第三位同学又说抵御西方歪风可以有一部分进来,只要削弱,那么题目恐怕就要改了吧.我请对方同学回答.   正方:我方一辩同学从来没有说抵御就代表禁止,第一点澄清。第二点,西方歪风的存在并不能够证明儒家思想不能抵御,因为任何地方都有西方歪风的存在.但是,哪个地方有西方歪风就是儒家思想该发挥它最大功能的地方,它就是抵御的存在.   反方:刚才您说只有当儒家思想深入人心的时候才抵御,我想请问,看作天知今天,看今天知明天,儒家思想2000多年来都没有可以过,我们还要再等2000年吗?(笑)   正方:说到法制,在鞭子下牛马也会往前进的,人比这之上的有什么呢?一,孟子告诉我们只有仁义之别啊,今天如果每个人都靠鞭前进的话,那算什么人类社会呢?说到抵御,儒家在它的著作里头,哪一个不谈具体的行动呢?孝顺不是具体的行动吗?关怀你的兄弟不是具体的行动吗?   反方:请对方同学不要把中华文化的优良传统和儒家思想混为一谈了,这是跑题了.   正方:中华文化的优良传统,儒家的确是它的一部分。我想请问对方同学,如果今天西方歪风是一种慢性的疾病,我们要不要在治疗它的时候,尽管不是一天能治好,都要人来看的时候就说:哎呀,现在还有病,那么这个药是不能治病的,但是我们知道良药苦口,而且治病不是一天两天的事情。那么你能因此说,因为他的病还存在,他就不要吃药了吗?   反方:请不要叫内科医生去开刀。孔子早就说过,画饼不能充饥,巨象不能捕鼠。胡适先生在1934年就告戒我们说,不要穿古代的戏装演现代的悲剧。(笑声)   正方:请对方辩友告诉我们,你们要整治这个社会,要抵御西方歪风,到底要用什么思想?什么行动呢?反方:我们要靠综合治理。请问西方歪风那么多,光靠孝顺能解决问题吗?   正方:光靠儒家思想可以解决。请问你们,你们到底要用什么思想呢?   反方:我再给对方辩友举个例子,前几天,《联合晚报》上登孝女犯法,到底是法大呢还是人情大呢?   正方:正是因为她没有接受儒家思想的关系,(掌声)如果她接受儒家思想的话,就跟我一样。我的父母真伟大。(笑声、掌声)   反方:儒家思想是强调人情而不是强调法律。我们看,新加坡是用什么来抵御西方歪风,它的最大的措施就是罚款。   正方:谢谢对方同学再提法律。我是学法律的,法律都是由道德具体而为的。请问对方辩友,一个没有道德内涵的法律,除了像鞭子以外,它还有什么用呢?   反方:如果抱着子为父隐的孝道,那么那个案子就破不了了,更何况那不是孝道,是一个笑料。   正方:对方同学又误会了,子为父隐不是儒家的观念,儒家告诉我们要讲谏,要告诉父亲是错误的,但态度要委婉,要好好的告诉父亲是错误的。我想请问对方辩友,如果今天民主政治的发展所处在16、18世纪,当时的政治社会应该全盘灌入人类的脑袋里面,让大家来抵御西方歪风呀!   反方:我很想请问对方同学,儒家思想到底在什么时候,什么地点抵御西方歪风?请注意,是抵御西方歪风,抵御,当然是御敌于国门之外。请回答。   正方:我个人看到的就是台湾地区非常尊师重道,我的老师我现在仍然非常尊敬,我的小学老师我还经常回去看他,这正是抵御西方歪风啊!反方:我们可以看一看对方同学爱提的民国初年,从袁世凯到吴佩孚、到孙传芳,哪一个不尊孔,哪一个不读经。但中国不还是被读的千疮百孔啊?(掌声)正方:有尊孔的形象,但是没有尊孔的实质内涵,要把思想化为行动,才是真正的儒家思想可以抵御西方歪风,吴佩孚、孙传芳没有把儒家思想化为行动,他只不过是借孔为名而已。反方:看来这位同学是得到了儒家的真传了,但是如果等你去付注实践,那么高雄街头的飞车少年,恐怕早就跌破了脑袋。正方:抵御决不是说我们一夜之间把它们全部赶出去,要杀敌也要慢慢的把敌人赶出去。尤其西方歪风是这么的可怕,这么的恶劣,因此,我们要好好的慢慢的、有耐心的才能够贯彻儒家思想。反方:现在是乱邦不入,危邦不居,乱邦危邦孔子都不肯去,怎么抵御呢?正方:孟子又说:七年之病不能求三年之爱。对方同学只想求小利,求速成,孔子也说欲速则不达啊。反方:现在西方歪风打进来了。我们怎么抵御西方歪风呢?既然人性如对方同学说的那么完美,那么不会有人犯罪了,可是我们知道,一个人学好3年,学坏3天,我们怎么抵御西方歪风呢?正方:孔子说:进朱者赤,近墨者黑。如果儒家思想能够抵御西方歪风,那么这句话应该改为近朱者不朱,进墨者不墨才对呀!反方:我不反对对方同学食古,但问题是你有没有消化的肠胃正方:对方同学强调.......主席:时间还有一分钟,继续!反方:对方同学强调从政治上、社会上、文化上都治理西方歪风,这似乎正是我方的综合治理的观点,谢谢你们支持了我们。反方:我们来看一看儒家思想是用什么抵御西方歪风的,它用什么来抵御离婚率的上升呢?用的是媒约之命,父母之言,用包办婚姻,造成了多少孔雀东南飞呀!反方:自孔子之后,儒家分八派,对方同学到底要用哪一派,哪一朝来抵御西方歪风呢?反方:余英时先生教导我们说:儒家思想从来就不是一团可以任人揉捏的面粉,它是尚散若水,像流水一样,看得见摸不着。反方:就是孔子也对鬼神抱有称而不论的想法,孔子谈到:鬼神之为德,其盛矣乎!这难道不也说明了儒家思想不可以抵御西方歪风吗?反方:总的来说,千万不要执迷不悟,更是不要抓住......主席:时间已到,谢谢!(掌声)   反四:谢谢各位朋友!我想指出一个事实,那就是实际生活中儒家思想没抵御西方歪风。我们都向往一个没有西方歪风的圣洁之地,可是,此境只应天上有,人间能得几度闻?我们看到在儒家思想站主导地位的华人社会,西方歪风照样刮来刮去,事实胜于雄辩,儒家思想不能抵御西方歪风,不可以抵御西方歪风是一个不争的事实。鉴于辩论难分难解,我有必要围绕辩题作如下的说明:第一,何为抵御,抵御当然指有效的抵御,是御敌于国门之外。对方同学却把抵御理解为压制,理解为销毁,于是,可以抵御变成了不可以抵御,这很巧妙,但是,我提醒这是偷换了概念。第二,何为儒家思想,对方同学对一个思想体系以偏盖全。我们认为,儒家思想尽管博大精深,却也包罗万象,难免泥沙俱下,良莠不齐,因而需要对儒家思想批判的继承。而对方同学割裂儒家思想,把儒家思想神圣化,宗教化,这怎么抵御西方歪风呢?我们不想把今天的辩题弄成儒家思想优劣论,我们同样热爱儒家思想,但是它不可抵御西方歪风,不是灵丹妙药,就像我们在秦始皇的铜马车前,惊叹它的精美,可是我们不会驾着着美丽的古董,开上雪尔斯桥。(笑)儒家思想是文化遗产,但它本身并没有抵御西方歪风的功能。我欣赏对方同学对古籍的记忆力。但是一位好医生,不在于他被多少药方,而在对一个垂危的病人能够起死回生。儒家思想面对西方歪风实在是无能为力啊。孔子不是也发出过“知其不可为而为之”吗?诚然,如同对方同学所说,儒家思想如清风明月般的高雅,但今天探讨的命题是,儒家思想可不可以抵御西方歪风。我们一直想知道哪里没有西方歪风呢?日本没有吗?台湾没有吗?还是某一个地方没有了西方歪风了呢?你哪里抵御了呢?儒家思想本身的品质不在讨论之列,我们也向往一个路不拾遗,夜不闭户的大同世界,可是,对方同学幻想以不变应万变,把一个现实的问题放到真空里去讨论.仔细分析一下对方四位同学的议论,就可以看到,他们事先设想一个没有西方歪风的世界,再来考虑儒家思想的抵御.我提醒各位朋友,这显然是一种诡辩的逻辑.总结我方的观点:我们认为,金钱和物质的诱惑,使人成为了一种情欲和感官享受的奴隶.我方同学一再指出,古往今来,抵御一种歪风,需要综合治理,不是思想改变人,而是社会环境改变人,要经济法律政治手段的多管齐下.儒家思想是一种自然经济的道德观,我们今天面对的是工业社会,当西方歪风劲吹的时候,没有具体的解决办法抵御西方歪风,显然是行不通的.西方学者麦肯德尔指出,抵御西方歪风,需要的是社会性的技术,法制手段.而儒家思想,礼不下庶人,刑不上大夫,追求自身的完美,这怎么抵御西方歪风呢?两年前,余英时先生指出:抵御西方歪风是一种综合的过程,治愈这种社会病,不能靠儒家思想.对儒家思想的考察,我们深入了解了它的没有抵御西方歪风的功能,但是我们并不能因此俯就它,我们愿和对方同学一起抵御西方歪风,但不是用儒家思想.路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索.谢谢各位!(掌声)   正四:如果没有西方歪风的话,那根本不要谈抵御的问题了.如果像对方同学所说的,果然没有病的话,那还谈药干什么呢?今天,儒家思想正像对方同学所说的综合的诊疗之上的医疗技术啊.今天,各种诊疗只是药方而已,如何调配,还要看医师之行.今天医师存在的是人心人术,这就是儒家思想作为所有的综合治疗的指导方针。诚然如对方二辩同学所说的:今天,西方歪风的价值体系和儒家思想全然不同。这就是儒家思想可以它的价值判断选择性地把西方歪风排斥于国门之外,这正是抵御西方歪风啊!今天,对方辩友从历史过程来看,西方歪风蔓延世界各地,我想,在回顾历史的时候,大家不要忘记了从19世纪以来,西方以船尖炮利打破世界各国的国门,使得东方各国社会丧失民族的自信心,这时候西方歪风还夹带着洋货洋枪洋酒大量的冲进世界各地.所以,今天如果要如对方辩友所说的全世界都是无菌之地的话,那么还谈什么儒家思想抵御西方歪风呢?很高兴,对方辩友说:他们要批判的接受儒家思想,而我方也正是持这样一个态度,告诉大家的是我们今天要批判的接受就是要抵御西方歪风蔓延的一种能力.好的,今天对方辩友告诉我们采用社会学的各种办法来抵御西方歪风,那么,这样子一个西方的社会学的综合方式又用什么方式来抵御呢?今天,西方哪一个社会不用社会学的方式来经营他们的国家呢?那么,他们的歪风,果然被医治了吗?显然没有.所以,对方辩友是画了一个更漂亮的花园要我们去期待,这样子的花园在一个所谓综合性的整治后就能够达到较好的疗效吗?今天,我方辩友要提出的就是一个人心人术的医师,告诉你如何用药,如何配药,否则就像西方各国一样,自己乱下药,越吃越病,病到现在为止,让世界各国的歪风越吹越甚,这真是对方辩友们一再忧虑的事情。我也感谢对方辩友对于世界普遍的吹歪风这种现象感到非常的忧虑而希望找到一种抵御之方.我方今天提出了一种抵御之方,对方辩友也希望批判地接受,这一点上我们显然达成了一个共识.好的,今天对方辩友说,儒家有千百门的内容,到底我们选择哪一样呢?我想对方已经给我们答案了,只是他们不愿意承认而已,那就是批判性接受。今天对方辩友所说的种种儒家制度里头可能存在的一个弊病,对方辩友也说并不是借此就要否认儒家思想存在的价值 .今天,虽然孔子不知道2000年后的事情,当然孔子不是一个星相师,他不是预言家,他当然不会看到2000年后的状况,他也没有吉谱塞人的水晶球.所以呢,他本着一种对人的关怀,希望从修身齐家到治国平天下,这难道不是方法吗?从一个人做起,从非常具体的孝顺,友爱兄弟,尊亲睦邻,这难道不够具体吗?这比一个抽象的学术性名词----综合性的整治,哪个比较具体呢?难道我们在场的8位辩手回去都不孝顺父母就可以抵御西方歪风吗?只靠着我们在学校所学的”综合性整治”5个字就能够抵御西方歪风吗?我想回到今天的辩题,不管儒家思想是好,是坏,就像对方辩友所说的,我们批判的接受就能够把西方歪风压制下去

主席、各位评委、对方辩友,大家晚上好! 今天我方辩论的立场是:儒家思想可以抵御西方歪风。俗话说:“名不正则言不顺。”首先请允许我对今天的辩题做一下简单的分析和说明。
1. 我们说儒家思想可以抵御西方歪风,并不意味着西方歪风荡然无存。西方歪风是人类社会文化交流过程中出现的一种客观必然现象,即便是在马列主义的故乡也难以彻底消灭,我们只能发挥主观能动性,采取可行的方法和措施,使它已经或可能产生的有害程度降至最低。
2. 任何事物皆有正反两面,儒家思想有精华亦有糟粕。根据哲学上“整体和部分的关系原理”——部分具有的功能整体也必然有。所以,要证明儒家思想能够抵御西方歪风,我们只需要证明:儒家思想的精华部分在理论上具有抵御西方歪风的功能,并已经在实践中取得成效即可。在这里,我方要强调的是,这种论证方式并没有偷换概念,篡改辩题,而是在用辨证的理论解说既存的事实。
3. 儒家思想可以抵御西方歪风,说明了儒家思想的功能性。但并不表示儒家思想是抵御西方歪风的唯一力量,在西方歪风入侵时我们可采取多种抵御手段。所以,我们不能将抵御西方歪风的全部责任放在儒家思想身上,错误的认为西方歪风仍然存在,唯一的原因是儒家思想没有发挥作用,进而推出儒家思想没有抵御西方歪风功能这一谬论!
4. 在文化交流的时段中,历史并不是直线式向前推进的,不同的历史时期具有不同的时代特点。即便在西方歪风盛行的时期,儒家思想仍然没有丢失其抵御功能,只是因为还有其他更多的相反因素起作用,所以,总体效果上看没有明显的抵御。
明晰了辩题,方向正确了,再来谈“是否”问题。实践证明,儒家思想可以抵御西方歪风:一、在思想根源上:儒家思想告诫我们: “不以善小而不为,不以恶小而为之”,我们身体力行,于是好人好事屡见不鲜; 二、在为人处事上:西方歪风实行任人唯亲,急近功利。而儒家思想则主张唯才是举,竞争上岗;三、在学习工作上:儒家思想主张学无止境,不耻下问;而西方歪风则使人贪图享乐,安于现状。于细微处见精神,看一下这些彰显儒家思想抵御功能的细节,试问对方辩友:我们又将如何否定儒家思想在抵御西方歪风中的作用?没有深入地了解儒家思想就一味地去批判,批判。最终埋没了其中有价值的东西,忽视了儒家思想抵御西方歪风的功能不说,还搞得自己价值观模糊,世界观迷离。难怪现在要为我们的民族“招魂”啊!我的陈辞完毕,谢谢!

正 方:主席,各位女士、先生,在座的各位来宾,以及对方辩友们:大家好!社会日渐进步,物质生活水准日渐提高,我们摆脱了过去祖先们所担虑的贫穷以及困乏,人类日夜向往的幸福日子似乎就要来临了。但是,眼看着大楼越盖越高,而人情味却越来越薄。父母们为了子女一辈子任劳任怨,老来还被送进了养老院。而企业辛辛苦苦培养的人才不但带着商业机密离开,而且还罢工,怠工,甚至和你打对台。我们有一天终于发现了:荷包里的钱是越来越多,但是快乐却越来越少。这一切都是由于西方极度的功利和自私的歪风,使得我们的美梦全被吹散。所幸的是人类并不是短视和冷漠的动物。两千多年以前,孔子倡导的儒家思想就指出了个人应该修身养性,追求一个完美的人格,协调人际的关系,然后达到一个温文有礼,有秩序的社会,所谓“大学之道,在明德,在亲民,在止于至善。”从成宜,曾暂,到修身,齐家,治国,平天下,这些就是儒家思想里面告诉我们的。儒家思想在文化上告诉大家要克己复礼,遵守社会的规范,这样使得人际的关系各有分际。而在社会上讲求尊亲睦邻,孝顺和气,这样,使得每个人的行为各有所规,而在经济上重视伦理,使得劳资的关系能够稳定和谐,如此一来缓解了劳资的冲突。而在政治上,崇尚的是德治,一切以民为本,要求的是政治家个人道德。因此,儒家思想的完全发扬正可抵挡防御西方歪风的继续蔓延扩大。我方辩友将继续从政治、经济、文化、社会各方面为大家阐述发扬儒家思想可以抵御西方歪风。

主 席:时间到,谢谢(掌声)!现在我们是请反方第一位代表罗洁同学发言,时间是3分钟,我们请——

反 方:谢谢主席先生!各位:我方观点是儒家思想不可以抵御西方歪风。对方同学描绘了一幅美丽的图画,认为只要有了儒家思想,西方歪风便可以药到病除。但是,对方同学却没有举出一个西方歪风荡然无存的乐园。事实上,在儒家思想的社会中,极端个人主义恶性膨胀,彩装少年成群结队,色情暴力泛滥成灾,家庭责任日渐淡薄的现象不仅存在,而且愈演愈烈。西方歪风到底有没有被抵御呢?没有!既便在儒家思想大力提倡的社会中,西方歪风也是没有被抵御的。我们认为儒家思想不可抵御西方歪风,是因为它理论上没这种功能,实际上不能抵御。第一,儒家思想是一种伦理本位主义的思想,要它对具体的社会行为发生直接的作用,需要一定的条件。任何思想都不能直接对社会行为产生作用,需要有具体的落实,空头大道理抵不上一个具体的实际行动,否则的话,新加坡中央肃毒局只要对那些瘾君子们讲讲儒家思想不就可以万事大吉了吗?但是他们没有,他们是采取了社会学和生理学的方法。第二点,儒家思想作为文化传统有其精华,也有其糟粕。杜维明教授说:儒家思想有庄严的一面,也有阴暗和落后的一面,其阴暗的一面不仅不能抵御西方歪风,它还能产生东方歪风,使两风结合,愈刮愈烈(笑声)。如,“唯女子与小人难养也”,“宁可使由之,不可使知之”,“存天理、灭人欲”。孔子说:“父母在,不远游”,如果照此办事的话,我们不就来不了新加坡了吗?何以到这里辩论抵御西方歪风?我们说抵御当是指有效的抵御,就像穿一件棉袄可以御寒,当然是指以不感到冷为前提。可是,儒家思想是一件美丽的丝绸衣服,在西方歪风冰天雪地人人自危的时候,它是起不到抵御的作用的。西方歪风长驱直入,这是一个现实的事实。现在哪个社会没有西方歪风的侵入呢?儒家思想有没有抵御呢?我方认为:抵御西方歪风要靠综合治理,多管齐下。不是思想改变人,而是社会环境改变人。西方歪风产生于一定的社会条件,以滋生于物质主义的极端个人主义为首要因素,抵御它不能光靠理想,光靠说教。对待当今越刮越烈的西方歪风,必然要猛药下客,快刀斩乱麻,必须采取社会学的综合治理方法。谢谢!

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...the popular toys in the 1990s, which are Tamagotchi, Barbie, and Lego. The first digital toy is the Tamagotchi Tamagotchi means a handheld digital device, which can be cared for as a digital pet including feeding, playing, and cleaning up after it. For example, the first Tamagotchi was created in Japan by Bandai in 1996. It went on to sell 76,000,000 units worldwide by 2010 (“Tamagotchi,” 2015). It was quite cheap with the price depending on the different versions available, in total there were 11 different variations, with prices ranging from $10 for the cheapest and up to $70 for the most expensive (“Tamagotchi Price,” 2015). The device was aimed at young children around the age of 6. It was aimed to promote nurturing instincts as the children would actually care for the digital pet, and if they failed at this the digital per would die (Baguley, 2013). Moreover, as there were strict laws governing ownership of pets in some countries, the Tamagotchi was an excellent solution for families unable to buy real pets for their children. This is why the device sold so many units. Some of the devices had communication abilities, which allowed children not only to play but also linguistically interact with the toys. This was seen as an educational component to the toy. As the toy was completely non-violent it became a popular choice for parents as a suitable toy for their children’s development. In summary, the Tamagotchi is the first digital toy. The second popular toy is Barbie ...

Words: 824 - Pages: 4

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Toy Project

...which toys are age appropriate for a child you should consider some important guidelines. Some specific guidelines for finding toys appropriate for all ages, you should consider making sure the toys are well made meaning no shared parts or splinters and no parts of the toys are able to pinch the child. You should also make sure that the toys are painted with non-toxic and lead free paint. Also, you should take into consideration that the toys are shatter proof so when they are dropped, the toys wont break and shatter and cut the child. All toys should be easily cleaned to help minimize the spread of germs. When buying electric toys, they should "UL Approved" (underwritters labortory). Also, if you are buying toys for children under the age of 3, the toys should be big enough so the child can't swallow the toys and choke on them. Traditional toys are great. These include traditional dolls, small metal vehicles, and wooden building blocks. I came across some resources that I found helpful in my research. They include: Abrams,S. (1990), Toys for early childhood development. Atlanta, GA: The Center for Applied Research in Education. Piaget,J. (1962), Play,Dreams, and Imitation in Childhood. New York: W.W. Norton and Company. The age recommendations are based on developmental abilities of an average child. That means that the toys should...

Words: 904 - Pages: 4

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Toys and Gender

... GENDER AND TOYS As all we know, we begin to learn our gender as soon as we are born. And it strengthens in time. The most effective reason of this is the environment. What I mean is the family and teachers. Thus, toys are very important for gender discrimination. As different colors for boys and girls are learned from the beginning, toys are, too. For example, dolls are given to girls while boys play with cars or balls. There are some reasons for different toys according to gender. Firstly, it makes us ready for our duties in the future. In some sort, it decides that home is the place of women and work is for men. Secondly, there are gender differences in abiliities and behaviour as Kimberly Wright Cassidy writes. There are some generalizations about gender issues. For example, girls are better at verbal and writing skills while boys are better at numerical skills like math or phsyics. This leads parents to choice different toys. Another generalization is that boys are more active than girls. However, there are some axamples like Egalia which is a school stopping gender differences and Baby X experimentation which denies these generalizations. In ‘’X A Fabulous Child’’ written by Louis Gould, the baby X is given both doll and ball. In addition to this, ball is given by the mother while doll is given by the father. At the end, it is seen that the baby X is good at games inside and outside. Toys determine gender before the...

Words: 432 - Pages: 2

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Mattel Toys

...Elizabeth Harris MGMT 430 Week 8 Assignment 2 Mattel designs, manufactures, and markets a broad variety of toy products worldwide through sales to its customers and directly to consumers. Mattel’s business is dependant in great part on its ability each year to redesign restyle, and extend existing core products and product lines, to design and develop innovative new products and product lines, and successfully market those products and product lines. Mattel plans to continue to focus on its portfolio of traditional brands that have historically had worldwide appeal, to create new brands utilizing its knowledge of children’s play patterns and to target customers and consumer preferences around the world. The objective of Mattel is to continue to create long-term stockholder values by generating strong cash flow and deploying it in a disciplined and opportunistic manner which is outlined in Mattel’s capital a investment framework. To achieve this objective, management has established these three overarching goals. The first goal is to grow core brands by continuing to develop popular toys that are innovative and responsive to current play patterns and other trends. Additionally, Mattel plans to pursue additional licensing arrangements and strategic partnerships to extend its portfolio of brands into areas outside of traditional toys. The second goal is to improve execution in areas including manufacturing, distribution, and selling. Mattel continues to focus on improving...

Words: 597 - Pages: 3

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Sales in Toy Industry

...GROUP 7 GROUP 7 TOY INDUSTRY SUBJECT: SMSP TOY INDUSTRY SUBJECT: SMSP DHARAM JOSHI VISHAL NARULA POOJA SAMPAT VINEET HARDA CHIRAG SHAH KUNAL PAREKH DHARAM JOSHI VISHAL NARULA POOJA SAMPAT VINEET HARDA CHIRAG SHAH KUNAL PAREKH GROUP MEMBERS GROUP MEMBERS India’s market potential The Indian toy industry is estimated at about 1.4 billion US dollars and until now has generated only 0.5 per cent of the global market. However, growth of some 15 % promises a rapid rise in this statistic, especially in the context of the growing middle class and increasing demand for quality and luxury goods. In recent years, cities like Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Pune have become the most important manufacturing sites of the Indian toy industry. Among the local manufacturers in India about 59 % are still focusing on the production of cheap and unbranded toys which appeals to the price-sensitive Indian consumers. In the future it is expected that these companies will shift towards branded toys as well to stay competitive with international companies. Internet retailing is becoming a more and more important distribution channel due to several reasons. Consumers have increasing access to the internet and online retailers often have better merchandise in terms of variety, new launches and the offer of branded toys. The share of internet retailing in sales grew from 1 % in 2007 up to 18 % in 2012. Focus on quality Indian consumers pay more and more attention to high-quality...

Words: 3089 - Pages: 13

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Toys Commodity Chain

...The toy industry has been a thriving industry around the globe for a very long time. Manufacturers of toys have invested billions of dollars to come up with new ideas, that fits the expectations of everchanging preferences of children who are the main consumers of the products. Today in the post-fordest era of capitalism and globalization, this industry effects so many people from different areas of the world. After studying the commodity chain of toys with geographer’s perspective this paper will conclude how, despite being a multi-billion-dollar industry (World Toy Market, 2007-2016), the current commodity chain of toys is inefficient benefiting only the executives that dwells in modernized/developed countries like USA at the expense of the...

Words: 256 - Pages: 2

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Gg Toys Case

...Gg Toys Case St G.G.Toys Thedecline margins our popular in on Gtoftry doIIproduct become has intolerable. production Increasing haae costs dropped pretaxmarginto less our than10%, below historical our 257omargins, wearegoing If far to increase margins, need consider our we to drastically shiftingour production towards sfecialtydolts aie that earning large prnniumin priceoaer standard line. a our doll -Robert Parker,President, G.G.Toys Background Robert Parker, president of G.G. Toys, was discussing last month's operating results with Audrey Hausner, G.G.'s conkoller, and David Morehouse, G.G.'s manufacturing manager. The meeting was taking place in an atmosphere tinged with apprehension because margins on thelr most popular product, the "Geoffrey doll," had been declining rapidly in the last few years due to rising production costs (summary operating results for the previous month, March 2000, arc shown in Exhibits 1 and 2). Parker saw no choice but to shift the company's product mix towards specialty dolls that carried a high price premium, and thus, a 34% margin. G.G. Toys was a leading supplier of high-quality dolls to retail toy stores throughout the U.S, The comPany had started with a unique design for molding highly durable dolls using vinyl and resin materials. G.G. quickly established a loyal customer base among retailers because of the high quality and popularity of its manufactured dolls. It soon established a major presence in the market with its high-volume...

Words: 329 - Pages: 2

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Toy Project

...lesson # 405498 Exam# 405498 Student ID # 21954934 Exam name Graded Toy Project Toy 1 : Pop Up Picture Book Description: This is a pop up picture book. Depending on the age of the child, the book teaches them many different things. Why is this toy developmentally appropriate for a child in this age group? This is appropriate for this age group because it develops the child’s brain in more than one way. Is this toy appealing to a child in this age group? Why or Why Not? Yes! The picture and colors also any animals in the book will capture the child’s eye immediately. Would a parent select this toy? Why or Why Not? Yes! I believe any parent would select books for their child because it teaches them basic things such as colors, letters, numbers animals and sometimes noises. Would you select this toy for a child in this age group? Why or Why Not? Yes! Because the book like I mentioned before can teach the child various different things and help them build skills they might have already mastered. Toy 2: Building Blocks Description: These are building blocks which can teach children many things such as fine motor and gross motor skills. Why is this toy developmentally appropriate for a child in this age group? Because it teaches kids things such as balance and gravity and beginning math concepts such as matching and grouping and also confidence in creating things. Is this toy appealing to a child in this age group? Why or Why Not? Yes. It is appealing...

Words: 545 - Pages: 3

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Preschool Toy Selection

...When choosing toys for young children an early childhood educator has guidelines to follow to make sure they are appropriate for a specific age group. First, the toy needs to be developmentally appropriate for the age group in question. This means the toy should be challenging but not frustrating. The complexity of the toy needs to be age appropriate as well. If the child is unable to figure out how the toys works, he or she will not want to play with it they will give up and move on to another toy. The toy also needs to be safe for the intended age group. This means the toy passes the choke test for ages 0-3. There should be no sharp edges that could scratch or cut the child. Any possible eye danger should be considered as well. Another guideline to be considered is whether or not the toy is appealing to a child in the intended age group. The color, shape, and style should be considered and looked at when choosing appropriate toys. Play opportunities with the toy should be open ended, meaning the toy should stimulate thinking within the intended age group. There should also be more than one answer or way to use the toy. In an educational setting, toys should be multicultural but not stereotypical, meaning there should be no biases or prejudices in the classrooms. Weapons should not be included with toys and any aggression should not be encouraged. There are many other ways and guidelines to be considered when purchasing age appropriate toys for children. These should be...

Words: 851 - Pages: 4

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Toy Analysis Essay

...Everyone has a toy that they loved to play with while they were growing up. However, most did not realize that these toys were building blocks for their development. There are numerous toys that are being sold in stores, like Toys R Us and Babies R Us that are amazing for kids. Toys are able to stimulate perceptual abilities, motor skills, etc. with bright lights, animal sounds, bright colors, and various shapes. The toys I picked to analyze are, Fisher-Price Bright Beats Dance & Move Beatbo, VTech Busy Time Activity Cube, Fisher-Price Classic Xylophone, and Fisher-Price Wood 40-Piece Learn and Grow Blocks. The Fisher-Price Bright Beats Dance & Move Beatbo is a very colorful and interactive toy. This toy is for the age’s 9-36 months. I believe this is an...

Words: 1108 - Pages: 5

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Future Life with Toys

...Subject: Children’s toy Future Life with Toys Tags: Toy, Gender Stereotype Above picture comes from Liuyuhen’s tumblr. This is a typical gender stereotype for children’s toy. Girl will get dolls or anything that female should have. And boy will get cars or anything can represent muscling. Color of the toy is also different for each gender. Girl normally will get toy that is pink, red or purple. Boy will get toy that is black, blue or grey. This social construct norm create stereotype for two genders and potentially affect children’s future career. The difference between two genders’ toy reflect adults’ expectation for their children. Women are assumed to do in-house work or light work such as baby sitting, housekeeping and supporting work (like nurse). Men are assumed to do out-house work or heavy work such as joining army, constructing and political work. When children receive their toys, the toy will represent their future expectation from their parents. When children grow up with these stereotypes and expectations, they might have subconscious feeling about what they should behave or what they should do in order to fit these social construct norm. Some opponents might argue that when children getting older and have their own independent consciousness, this doesn’t necessarily mean they grow up to be in-house worker or out-house worker. However, several studies are showing that toy could affect children’s career. According to an article “Do children's toys influence their...

Words: 457 - Pages: 2

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Gender Toy Marketing

...When you think of a gift for a little girl, what comes to mind? A Disney Princess DVD? A mountain of pink cupcakes? A toy convertible for Barbie? These are the things that most of us have come to believe that all girls like. These are also the products marketers have created for girls… Notwithstanding the foregoing, there is an ongoing debate about gender-based marketing and in particular with gender-based marketing being focused on young children. . One of the events that triggered this debate was when LEGO came out with a product line for girls called Friends. The TV ad shows wonderful town of Heartlake where “Stephanie” and her friends get to enjoy “all the things girls love”: interior decorating, getting pedicures and baking cupcakes. The sets feature taller and shapelier feminine figurines that lock into pink, purple and pastel green settings, such as a dream house, a splash pool and a beauty shop. LEGO has created this product based on four years of behavioral research. This research purportedly led them to the conclusion that girls like everything pink, romantic and cute [5]. The product has generated outrage. The company was accused by many parents of feeding kids the gender stereotypes and locking them in to blue and pink roles in very young age. Marketing to children is even more of a grey area than marketing to women. When it comes to child psychology the foundation of any debate is the question as to whether their tastes are a product of either nature or...

Words: 1025 - Pages: 5

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Toy Library

...solution for kids belonging to the middle and lower section of the society to play and learn at an affordable price. KidzCraft also runs a chain of Day Care Centers which provides a solution for the working parents and increases the interactivity among children from a very tender age which improves their overall personality. 1.2 Product KidzCraft has a range of products and services for children 1. Toy Retail. 2. Toy Rentals. 3. Day Care Centers. 4. Kids Entertainment. 5. Events for Kids for their overall development. 2.1 PEST Analysis 1. Political The Political situation in India has so far been very good for new industries. It has further provided many subsidies for new industries further in certain states like Gujarat are inviting new players to enter their state. 2. Economic The Indian toy industry has shown a double digit growth rate for almost a decade, as the population is increasing the demand for toy is also increasing in proportionate with the increase in the number of children. Moreover the Indian Toy industry is facing heavy competition from the Chinese toy industry. Thus KidzCraft is going to exploit the double digit...

Words: 3040 - Pages: 13

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Stereotypes And Gender Differences In Toys

...The impressions and messages that people receive as a kid affects the way people view things as they grow older. When people think of kid’s toys, people do not really think much more beyond the surface of the toy. Toys are some of the first things kids interact with, which means the messages that these toys send to the kids are impactful and will leave an impression on them. Boys and girls’ toys enforces multiple ideologies on how boys and girls should act and be. When going to any type of toy store, people can clearly see difference between the toys for girls and the toys for boys. Even the simplest of toys are separated by gender just because of the color scheme that it holds. Legos are simple toy blocks, but they have two separate sets, one for girls and one for boys. The appearance of the toy, the activities of each set, and the packaging of the toy reinforces stereotypes and the connotative meaning of boys and girls. One difference between the girl and boy Legos are their packaging. The packaging of the girl and boy Lego sets are almost completely different. The boy packaging has dark colors, such as blues, blacks, greens, yellows and reds. Some of the boy packaging also has just boys playing with the Legos on the front of it. When it comes to the boys’ Legos none of the colors are bright and colorful, but the girls’ Legos...

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