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Two Years Are Better Than Four Summary

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You have two choices when it comes to college, four years or two. Most people decide on four, more than likely because that is what they talk to students about in high school. Community colleges and two-year colleges seem to get overlooked. Two-year colleges are just as good, if not better than, four-year colleges.
In “Two Years are Better than Four,” Liz Addison argues that community colleges matter just as much as a four-year college. Addison proclaims, “The community college system is America’s hidden public service gem.” (Par. 6) Unlike Rick Perlstein, who thinks four-year colleges are the better option. Addison also talks about how at a community college; everyone has equal opportunities to succeed. Some people that go to community college might be the first person in their family to go to college. Due to community college being cheaper than a four-year college it makes it easier for those people to attend college. Most people will pick a four-year college. They think that is what they’re supposed to do due to that’s all high schools talk to you about. Community colleges and two-year colleges are not a bad option. They are more affordable, everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed, and are a springboard for more education. Students can benefit from a two-year …show more content…
When students are juniors in high school is when they typically start to look at colleges. They start going to college fairs, career fairs, and campus tours. They are also taking their hardest classes in high school to try to prepare themselves for the next couple years ahead. When talking about colleges you hear people talk about four-year colleges. Most of the time they never mention a community college. There are rare occasions when there is a community college that pairs up with a four-year college. For instance, Jefferson Community and Technical College pairs up with The University of Louisville and Spalding

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