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Understanding and Teaching Students with Adhd


Submitted By reviver
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Understanding and Teaching Students with ADHD

Evening Degree Program
High Point University
Understanding and Teaching Students with ADHD

The stereotypes are those which we are all too familiar with: the school boy who refuses to stay in his seat for more than a few minutes at a time; instead he goes back and forth to the pencil sharpener or the trash can over and over again and is constantly tapping something when he happens to be seated. We also know of the schoolgirl who never stops staring out the window peacefully daydreaming instead of paying attention to the lesson at hand. It is now common knowledge that this type of behavior seen in the boy can usually be attributed to a neurological disorder called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Hallowell & Ratey, 1994). This diagnosis is also given to the girl in this example even though she doesn’t show signs of hyperactivity. In this case the term Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is sometimes used, although it is generally agreed that both are suffering from the same problem (CHADD, 1996). Both of these scenarios pose a difficult challenge for the educator. How can teachers most effectively work with children who have ADHD?

What is ADHD and how is it treated? Teachers need to understand the condition of ADHD before trying to learn how to make instructional changes for the afflicted children. ADHD symptoms were previously thought to stem from the brains inability to filter competing sensory inputs like sight and sound. However, it is now thought that kids with ADHD are unable to stop their impulsive response to such stimulus (Barkley, 1997). It is still not clear what the direct causes of ADHD are, but most researchers agree that the problem is genetic or biological. It might be easy to assume just any fidgety child or one who doesn’t pay attention may have this ailment, but

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