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Understanding Student Misconceptions


Submitted By drichmond
Words 1314
Pages 6
Understanding Student Misconceptions Dominiquea Richmond
Grand Canyon University: SED:544-O101

Understanding Student Misconceptions Understanding and identifying student misconceptions is the core of teaching. To become an exceptional and exemplar educator one must consider and identify any student misconceptions as part of the planning process in creating daily lessons. Identifying student misconceptions during the planning process assist educators in addressing them during direct instruction and or small group instruction; thus preventing them from appearing later in the lesson. If misconceptions aren’t identified during the planning process they will arise during assessments and often times that is too late. Identifying student misconceptions prior allows educators to correct them before assessments; thus providing a true picture of what the student has learned.
Misconceptions in Language Arts During practicum observations hours which are required for this program and currently teaching Language Arts, there have been many student misconceptions observed. For instance, one very common misconception is creating text-dependant questions. With a latest reading concept called Close Reading part of the process is to have the students generate text-dependant questions. Students often struggle with the concept that a text-dependant question is generated where the answer can be found in the text; that in order to answer the question one must refer back to the text. Instead of creating text-dependent questions students typically will make comments and or generalizations about the text. In some cases they will provide their opinions or what they liked most or disliked most about the text. In addition, instead of making comments some students struggle with the concept of creating text-dependant because it seems too simple of a task. Students

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