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Unit 3 Assignment 1


Submitted By Cgrove869
Words 364
Pages 2
October 1, 2014
Unit 3 Assignment 1
There are three key parts I will have to take into account while designing a Remote Access Control Policy for Richman Investments. These three parts (Identification, Authentication and Authorization) will not be all for the Remote Access Control Policy, I will need to include the appropriate access controls for systems, applications and data access. I will also need to include my justification for using the selected access controls for systems, applications and data access. The first part I need to implement for this Remote Access Control Policy is Identification, which is defined in this sense as: physical keys or cards, smart cards, and other physical devices that might be used to gain access to something. What needs to be done for the Remote Access Control Policy is a group member policy needs to be setup which uniquely identifies each user. Users should be identified by rank with higher ranking users requiring more authentications. Each individual user should be assigned to a group based on rank with special permissions. Using this system for Identification will make our company more secure in day to day operations.
The second part I need to implement for this remote access control policy is Authentication, which is defined as: what you know or passwords, numeric keys, PIN numbers, secret questions and answers. For remote access, there must be proof that the person is who they say they are every time they attempt to access a workstation with a retry limit. This is to help thwart any hacking attempts that could be made such as: Man in the middle attacks, keylogging and brute forcing. Also using knowledge authentication for recovery will make it harder to any potential threats to take ownership of an account.
The last part I need to cover is Authorization, which is what you are: this means biometric security

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