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Unit 4 Labs


Submitted By flj9392
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Unit 4 Labs
Introduction to Programming
Mr. Nguyen

Lab 4.1 – Pseudocode and Modules
Module main ( ) //Declare local variables 1. Declare String clientName 2. Declare Real feetUTP 3. Declare Real subtotal 4. Declare Real taxCost 5. Declare Real totalCost

//Module calls 6. Module inputData ( ) 7. Module calcCosts ( ) 8. Module displayBill ( )

End Module

//this module takes in the required user input There will
//be a display and input for each variable
Module inputData (Real Ref feetUTP, String Ref clientName)

9. Display “What is your name? “ 10. Input clientName 11. Display “How many feet of UTP do you need? “ 12. Input feetUTP

End Module

//this module calculates subTotal, taxCost, and totalCost
//you also need feetUTP passed in to calculate subTotal
Module calcCosts (13. subTotal, taxCost, and totalCost)

14. subTotal = feetUTP * 0.21 15. taxCost = 0.06 * subTotal 16. totalCost = taxCost + subTotal

End Module

//this module displays clientName and totalCost
Module displayBill (17. clientName, and totalCost) ` 18. Display “clientName” 19. Display “totalCost”

Lab 4.2 - Flowcharts and Modules

Lab 4.3 – Visual Basic and Modules
Module Module1

Sub Main() Dim clientName As String = "NO VALUE" Dim feetUTP As Double = 0 Dim subTotal As Double = 0 Dim taxCost As Double = 0 Dim totalCost As Double = 0

inputData(clientName, feetUTP) calcCosts(feetUTP, subTotal, taxCost, totalCost) finalBill(clientName, totalCost)

Console.Write("Press enter to continue...") Console.ReadLine() Console.Write("The client is: " & clientName) Console.WriteLine(" Total: $" & totalCost) Console.ReadLine()

End Sub Sub inputData(ByRef clientName As String, ByRef feetUTP As Double) Console.Write("Enter the clients name: ") clientName = Console.ReadLine() Console.Write("Enter the number of feet of UTP installed: ") feetUTP = Console.ReadLine()

End Sub Sub calcCosts(ByVal feetUTP As Double, ByRef subTotal As Double, ByRef taxCost As Double, ByRef totalCost As Double) subTotal = feetUTP * 0.21 taxCost = subTotal * 0.06 totalCost = subTotal + taxCost

End Sub Sub finalBill(ByVal clientName As String, ByVal totalCost As Double) Console.Write(clientName) Console.WriteLine() Console.Write(totalCost) Console.ReadLine()

End Sub
End Module

Lab 4.4 – Challenge: Ping and Website Launches

Module module1

Sub Main() Console.WriteLine() Console.WriteLine(" Lab 4.4 - Challenge: Ping and Website Launches") Console.WriteLine() Console.WriteLine() pingMe() openWebsite() Console.ReadLine() finalOutput()

End Sub Sub pingMe() Shell("Ping.exe", , True)

End Sub Sub openWebsite() Dim myTargetURL As String = ""

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(myTargetURL) Console.WriteLine() Console.Write("Press Enter to continue....") Console.Read() Console.WriteLine()

End Sub Sub finalOutput() Console.WriteLine("Shell - Provides a handy way of quickly invoking external processes") Console.WriteLine("Ping.exe - Is a simple network utility to test whether or not a device such as a router, server or switch is contactable.") Console.WriteLine(" Data packets are sent out to the device to see if the device recieves them or not.") Console.WriteLine("Declaring Variables - You declare variables by typing Dim <variable> As <Datatype>") Console.WriteLine() Console.Write("Press Enter to continue....") Console.Read()

End Sub

End Module

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