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从多伦多飞金斯顿的飞机超级小,连两位机组人员一共才20人。乘客座位只有9排,一排坐2个人。飞机一下子变小,人数也变少后,我的安全感也降低了,坐在窗户旁一边欣赏下面多伦多的夜景,一边又开始暗自恐惧起来,所幸在空中飞行的时间不长,二十来分钟就回到地面了。 我暂时住在Hill老师妹妹Rosemary家的房子里,一天16加元,不算太贵。来这里已经过了两夜,总算明白倒时差是啥滋味了,该睡的时候睡不着,不该睡的时候一睡就是五个小时,醒来是晚上十点,对不住,又该睡觉了。过了两夜感觉好多了,这时候近早上八点,北京时间是近晚上八点,正好反过来。 昨天白天没闲着,早上Rosemary载我去超市购物,买这几天的食物,买了一大堆简单的食物花去40多加币,说实话,真的很便宜,我在国内拿一千六人民币补助,这边拿一千六加币,我按一千六的标准来衡量,国内40多还不够我买的樱桃,这边的樱桃真不错,个儿超级大,颜色殷红,才3.3加币一斤。 下午去办银行卡,逛女王大学。这边办银行卡真是太方便了,办卡,开通网上银行,存款,全部一起不到十五分钟。这边的大学的确是没大门,也没个名字挂那里,找了很久,问了好几个人才找到,问的最后一个人是在女王大学旁边问的,这大学就像一个稍微人多点的街区罢了。我就随便看了看,倒是托找女王大学的福,我也把金斯顿的那一带好好逛了一下。 这边的downtown不算特别干净,室内不抽烟,人们都跑到室外来抽烟了。对了,这边的百事可乐比国内的好喝,浓多了,有591ml,才$2一瓶。 来了才知道我们和别人的差距有多大。虽然这个小城才10万人口,她的繁忙地带很少有高楼大厦,都是两到三层楼高的小洋房,但这里大部分的居民住的都是别墅,不管大小和花园面积。切身看了才真正体会到我们中国普通老百姓的生活质量是多么差了呵!越看越痛苦,不停地念叨那句话:“仓廪实而知礼节,衣食足而知荣辱。“ 今天还要去办手机卡,有机会去教堂看看,感受一下上帝之光吧。 临时住处的主人也蛮有意思,似乎有点洁癖,但还算幽默,我说我得向领事馆报到了,她说那你要告诉他们我带你去买食物,带你去逛downtown的事哦,我就开玩笑对她说:“那当然了,他们会发奖章给你的!”她居然还真相信了,立马愣了一下。

金斯顿记人记事(二) 2011.8.27 金斯顿

来金斯顿已近一星期,初来乍到的兴奋感逐渐消退,随之泛起的则是寂寞与孤独了,尤其在这house只有我一个人的此时。或许静下来写写游记是排遣孤独感的好方法吧。 我决定住在Rosemary家,$495一个月,水电家具什么的都有,可能是托Hill老师的关照,我房间还装有电话,她还有几辆自行车,我可以借用。房租虽然有点高,但这价钱也找不到条件更好的了。而且随着对Rosemary的了解和对房子周边环境的熟悉,我倒舍不得走了。这里环境的确很好,属于富人区,早上起来可以看见松鼠到处找东西吃,还有乌鸦蹲在树上嘎嘎地叫。 来之前,有人说老外并不像表面上看去那么热情,让我提防点,可能我运气好,Hill老师的妹妹Rosemary其实是一个很热心的人。仔细观察了几天,原来她有强迫症,但主要是出于保护她父母留下来的这幢木制house的强烈愿望,可以理解。她母亲已经80岁了,今天大概是去看她母亲去了,临走之前仔细交代了如何防火防盗。金斯顿这个小城隔不了多远就会有一个类似派出所的地方,那里都停有警车、消防车还有救护车,这让我想起了上海的好多次大火,如果放在金斯顿,应该不至于那么惨烈吧。 刚来的时候,听英语听的头晕,说英语说的头疼,这几天在Rosemary的帮助下,慢慢开始习惯,而Rosemary教我英语却教得头疼了,尤其是提醒我在NO后面加thank you,Yes后面加please。现在我礼貌很多呵! 有时候与她会有些小冲突,比如说我在用碗柜的餐具之前会用水冲一下,她说这是对她的侮辱,“我们加拿大人从来不把脏餐具放到碗柜里!” 我说放在碗柜里面难道没细菌之类的东西吗,我哪有侮辱的意思?“是你有偏见!” 或许出于礼貌,她没有再继续说。 而关于年龄、小孩、工资之类的问题,我也拐弯抹角地弄清楚不少。比如我问到金斯顿平均工资差不多是多少,她说这个问题在加拿大不礼貌,没人去问,所以她也不大清楚。她只知道穷人一年至少可以挣2万加币左右,教师可以达到8万,医生恐怕最高,尤其是做脑部、心脏手术的医生,收入上百万都是可能的。她又告诉我她自己赚钱很少,很大精力都用在给印度的一个小学整理要捐赠的图书上了,这是志愿的,没有收入,她已经整理出5018盒了,一盒大约能装十五本书左右。她租了两个仓库来存放,还带我去看过一次,的确让我很震撼。她不愿意多谈,而我却越来越想了解这个人。 Rosemary已近50岁(她打电话时告诉别人年纪,被我听到了),没有小孩,结婚没有我没问,似乎没结婚。但她看上去怎么都不像有那么大年纪,按照我们中国的说法就像个大姑娘一样,爽朗的笑声,丰富的表情,松垮的牛仔裤,完全让你无法猜出她的年纪。有次她问我:“我看起来老么?”我说:“不老啊,你30岁?”她开心地哈哈大笑起来。我在中国从没见过在这个年纪还这么活泼的女人,Rosemary让我感觉很神奇。 有一次,隔壁的一老太太问我觉得金斯顿怎么样,我说这里是个amazing的地方,她接着问是什么让我觉得神奇,我忽然灵光一闪,我告诉她这里的人们看上去很祥和。他们真的太悠闲了,白人都晒成了黑人。 今天我骑车去闹市找卖运动鞋的地方,鞋店没找到,倒是路过一个小广场时,那里正好有四个歌手在表演。后来才知道现在是金斯顿的“蓝调”音乐节,他们在为开演唱会搞宣传,我正好赶上听了最后五首歌。(有兴趣可以体味一下这感伤的蓝调,很适合中产阶级社会的情调,其中有个歌手的歌我找到了一百多人围坐在那里,还有不少行人驻足,倾耳聆听,或随着节奏摆动。在这难以听到汽车喇叭声的闹市,蓝调的音乐回荡在空中,反而更加给人以平和与宁静的感觉。 可惜我在回去的路上就没那么平和了。没找到鞋店,只好往回赶,在路上正好看到一家专门卖东方商品的地方,就进去买了些酱米油盐醋生姜大蒜,于是手上便多了一包东西,但骑车就不方便了。在国内骑车带上一包东西,我从没觉得别扭过,但在这里就有点怪异了,因为我是路上唯一一个骑车还提东西的,路上的人都忍不住扫我几眼。 在一个路口,我转到一条单行道上,但我是逆向骑车,还没来得及骑到人行道上去,迎面开来一辆车,离我一米左右擦我而去,忽然那辆车在我身后缓下来对我大嚷:“get out of my way!"我连忙转到台阶上的人行道继续缓缓前行,没多久,又有两位年轻女子从人行道上迎面走来,擦肩而过后,我就听见背后一位女士嘟哝:”oh! Chinese person!" 我占了她的道,让她很不爽吧。 从穷人国来的我实在没法平和了,一路上心绪不宁,感叹穷人难当呵…… 这边的人把生命与健康看得也要比我们国人重视多了,看来是整个社会富足以后,生命的价值才能得以凸显。Rosemary和她的一个朋友坚持要我骑车的时候戴上头盔,我就觉得戴这东西诡异,在国内哪有人戴这玩意呢!在金斯顿很少见到不戴头盔骑自行车的人,我就算一个了。以后骑车行远路的话就戴上吧。 来了一直没找到机会去教堂观摩,Rosemary告诉我这附近有中国人专用教堂,听说明晚有免费的晚餐,这得去看看。

金斯顿访中国教堂记(三) 2011年08月30日 金斯顿

前晚去了Rosemary介绍的中国教堂,原来是一个家庭教会,在一座小私宅里,男主人是菲律宾华裔,姓杨,已近七十岁,看上去非常健朗,女主人是越南华裔,五十来岁,他们来金斯顿已经很多年了。 因为学校还在放假,来人不多,算我来了四个中国人,两个意大利人,外加一个蹭饭吃的女黑人。连煮了几天泡面的我一看摆在那里的菜就乐了,有韭菜炒蛋、竹笋炒肉、红烧肉、肉末豆腐、清蒸鱼、白斩鸡和香菇鸡汤,还有西瓜做点心,都很合我口味。不过要先祷告再吃饭,我也半睁半闭着眼睛照葫芦画瓢咕哝了两下。由于我一个人都不认识,所以吃的有些斯文,一个随朋友一起来的大学生就不那么客气了,拼命吃,扒完米饭后还吃了一堆白斩鸡,并大夸美味。这朋友的干劲真让人佩服。 吃完饭后他们便开始上晚课,又是唱诗,又是念经,中文英文的都有。而我实在很抱歉,本想好好听听经义,但很不巧,时差效应发作,吃饱饭后便想睡觉了,很勉强才睁着眼睛。那位杨老先生虽然能讲汉语还能讲意大利语,但他的英语发音实在太浑浊,具有催眠效用,好不容才挨到结束。当杨先生约我第二天早上十点过来时,我立即感觉头大如斗,但还是怀着歉意答应了,因为我也想感受一下这家庭教会的魅力。 第二天过来我倒是很清醒,他们吃完圣餐后,杨先生又开始传道,这次意大利人不在,所以就用中文讲。尽管一边听着杨先生讲道,一边饥肠辘辘地闻着厨房传来的菜香很难受,我还是认真听了。杨先生传道还是蛮有一套,他把上帝与人的关系比喻成恋爱关系,所以不能供奉其他的神。 他还用自己的经历来举例他所感受的上帝的真谛。他刚来金斯顿的时候找工作,但雇主嫌他太肥不要他,他非常沮丧。就在回去的路上,他等红绿灯时,背后忽然飞来几只肥肥的鸽子,在地上啄食物吃。他忽然想起了上帝的话:我让那些花鸟虫鱼不劳作都能吃到食物,何况你们呢?刹那间他豁然开朗,连这些肥胖的鸽子都能活下来,自己还有什么好怕的! 这是我第一次参加基督徒的聚会,谈不上什么感受,总之是没有大彻大悟到去教堂受洗的那个境界了,但我能感觉出这样的小聚会在海外的确是很多漂洋过海的游子们很好的去处。他们还为来这里参加聚会的人提供帮助,来者不拒。而对于基督教来说,来的人多了,拉更多人到队伍里的机会当然也就多了罢。 我同我的舍友(上海人,公司支助过来读MBA)谈起这个家庭教会时,他有点慷慨激昂,他说他不信上帝,自诩佛教徒,颇有民族主义情绪的味道。我却是见庙烧香,遇神拜神,在我看来,宗教的真意在于对已知的爱和对未知的敬畏,没必要把自己完全抛进去。 这位上海来的同胞年纪有三十多,第二个孩子都快出生了,他已经办理移民。他说他和他的朋友们对国内的形势极不乐观,所以争相办理移民。与他随便聊了一下,没想到此人很有见识。 我跟他谈起在路上看见一个很大的路口的红绿灯停电了,所有的车辆仍然井然有序地依次前行,每个方向每次过三到四辆车,对他感叹本地人的素质真高,恐怕只有我们古代王朝的盛世时才有这样的民风呵,他倒是对加拿大人不以为然,认为美国人素质更高,他认为: 美国才是真正的移民国家,是一个大熔炉,而加拿大不过是马赛克,所有的人就像拼凑在一起的五颜六色的点一样。因为加拿大是一个高福利的国家,这种高福利国家的老百姓对于外来的移民,尤其是对华裔极为排斥。比如在竞争强的温哥华、多伦多等地,富二代住豪宅,开好车造成本地人心态不平衡,穷人他们又鄙视,高级知识分子、技术人才又过来抢他们饭碗,他们更是敌视……但美国就不同,只要你有能力就可以在这个国度生存。金斯顿还好,没什么歧视。但你在这里可以感受到华人其实还没有白人热情,白人看见你了会点头微笑,但华人互相见到了都不理睬对方,这就是加拿大没有把华人完全融进来之处,而在美国,不管是什么人,互相见到了都会微笑。这就是美国的伟大之处! 这位仁兄的话的确很有意思,加拿大是否这样,我还需要观察,但现在欧洲的排外情绪愈来愈浓,似乎是与高福利有关……
金斯顿郊外游记(四) 2011年9月3日夜 金斯顿

Rosemary和她的男朋友Detlef(德裔)的确很热心,今天特意带我去金斯顿郊外骑车,还在安大略湖游了会泳。当然这也是我的热心的回报,我帮他们搬家具,修剪草坪,做了不少杂活,看来好心总有好报在全世界是相通的呢,也证明了人性是通的罢。 去郊外的路上发现这边到处是大片大片的草坪,不得不感叹这里地广人稀,加拿大完全有条件弃置如此多的土地呵!又暗自哀叹起国人的命运来,人家在争相前往郊外寻找宁静时,我们却为了在闹市寻找一片安身之处而焦虑不止…… 到了郊外,发现乡下的房子比市区的房子更豪华,我去的那一块在安大略湖湖边,都属于湖景房,一栋栋别墅就像英国乡下的那种小庄园一样,非常精致。 和我们一起去游泳的还有Detlef的一对老年夫妇朋友,一行五人就我一个年轻人。先骑车绕湖环行,再找个地方下水游泳。岸上到处是湖鸥闲逛,专往有人的地方走,等着人们喂东西吃。我们下水的地方有一群野鸭,它们居然也不怕我们,看来是被人们喂习惯了。我告诉Detlef,它们很美味哦,Detlef说的确如此,他和他朋友曾经抓过野鸭回去烧烤吃。看来这德国人也不老实呢。 今天本是个好机会来享受一下加拿大人的休闲生活,但运气实在欠佳,我一下水,脚趾就被水底的尖石给划伤了,没游几下就上来止血,还好不严重。他们居然还特地带了创可贴,看来他们常被划伤啊。 有个细节让我很感动:他们把我止血用过的纸巾又重新放进袋里带回去。我当时就完全没想到这个问题!我当时还在纳闷Detlef的朋友为啥盯着我用过的纸巾看呢! 回来后我就一直想,他们的素质怎么就这么高呢?我忽然想起一个朋友说过的一句话:“我只相信移风易俗!”是啊,这样的民风是潜移默化,耳濡目染,辅以教育才培育出来的,制度与风气相辅相成,缺一样都不可成事。 中国有很多制度,但遵守的不多,更多的是潜规则。上世纪50年代初的时候可是有好风气,百废待兴,气象万千,但好运并未降临……就算我们现在开始努力,至少也要上百年吧。 过去太多人谈国民性,那真是扯淡。人性是相通的,都有七情六欲,都有悲天悯人之心,都渴望被理解被尊重,都有荣誉的渴望,本质一样。那些在谈话中动不动就要加上国民劣根性,并作出一副恨铁不成钢的气愤状的人,实际上是一种虚骄,一种傲慢。喜欢指责别人的人一向如此。 而搞思想改造更是害人害己,因为那是神的事情,与人无关,而想充当神的人也向来没好下场。 我以为,我们要做的事情其实很简单,就是多让老百姓自己管理自己,再就是搞好教育。人们自己会慢慢摸索,形成一定氛围,并感觉自己身在其中,从而生发出要维护这个风气的责任感与荣誉感。我想,长此以往,盛世之风定能再现。 再等一会便是抗战胜利纪念日了,不由得又悲叹起多灾多难的祖国来。

金斯顿随记之五 2011年9月11日 金斯顿

算下来已经去那个中国家庭教会念经三次了,第二次去的时候,男主人杨先生便宣布我已经是基督教徒,有资格享用圣餐(葡萄汁和薯片),还送给了我一本中文版的圣经。说实话,连续三次听下来,我觉得杨先生的布道真的不太高明,有点拘泥于形式。没怎么讨论经义,大部分时间都是在唱读圣诗,念圣经,听的最多的就是“阿门”!几次让我昏昏欲睡。记得有一位中年男人吃完晚饭闲坐时,看见了杨先生家里的中文报纸,大感惊奇,想拿起来翻翻,但杨先生疾步走过去制止他,并用因为太急而显得有点发尖的声调喊道:“不准看!读圣经前不要看报纸,否则就心不诚了!” 但昨天晚上去,倒真让我感觉到了基督教的力量。他的夫人王女士讲述了她1979年从越南逃难出来(越南当时实行财产充公政策,可能是针对华人)来到金斯顿后三十几年的艰难经历,她自己讲着讲着黯然泪下,我们听得亦是感慨万千。 王女士1979年来金斯顿的时候已经25岁,一开始通过教会的帮助学英语,找工作。很快便与一教友恋爱,那男子让她等五年再结婚,结果那男子却始乱终弃,另结新欢,王女士怕触景伤情,十数年不与教会接触。在此后的人生中,为了追求更好的生活而拼命工作,并投资开餐馆,又与一律师恋爱, 但那律师却在她生意破产,欠债几十万的困难时刻消失得无影无踪。王女士变卖一切家当后心灰意冷,甚至有过自杀之心。走投无路之下,教会的朋友们再一次伸出援助之手,帮她住进了教会的老年公寓房(房好,价格实惠,只需收入的30%做租金),教友们的爱点燃了她继续活下去的希望。但那时她已经四十来岁,尚未婚嫁,她已经做好了孤老一生的打算,但就在近乎绝望时,用她自己的话来说就是“主又把现在的丈夫送给了我”。 开始了新生活的王女士大彻大悟,想当年自己拼命赚钱也没得到幸福,自己不过一个没有任何技能的洗衣工,现在也不愁吃住,都是上帝的赐福,还要追求什么呢?她便开始做自己力所能及的一切来帮助别人,传播上帝的福音。自从她和她丈夫开始主持这个家庭教会以来,不怎么会烧火做饭的她便开始学习做菜,现在每个星期六晚上和星期天中午她都要做好几个人的饭菜,有一次举办活动甚至做过三十几个人的饭菜! 中国饭菜的做法实在很费神,为节省时间,我现在是一次性都是炒两盘菜,份量够我一天到两天吃,连这样我都嫌麻烦,而我现在也能切身体会到我父亲天天烧火做饭的辛苦了。想想王女士这些年来每个星期如此,不辞劳苦为无数像我这样素未谋面,而且以后很难再见面的陌生人准备丰盛的饭菜,敬意便油然而生。这正是基督教的魅力所在啊!这就是爱的传递罢。 除爱与宽恕的核心价值外,基督教还提供了一种互助的社区文化,围绕一个教堂形成的互助社区结构,类似于中国古代按家族聚居在一起而形成的共同体。这种结构虽然在现代工商业社会中逐渐消解,但她的基因已深入西方社会的骨髓,一不经意间,你就触摸到了。 今天我去参加了一个由女王大学中国留学生联合会举办的郊游活动,主办者是一位曾在中国呆过的黑人女士Mimi。去了三十来个中国学生,还有近二十个本地及其他国家来的留学生也参加了。这次活动与教会有联系,主办者通过教会的关系组织了志愿者(多为老太太)开车载我们到乡下的一个小湖边,在那里还安排了一幢湖边别墅作为接待场所,并准备了两艘快艇和几条独木舟让大家享受湖上风光,那些志愿者还自带了供应全部人员的食物作为晚餐。活动主办的真的非常棒(居然有粽子吃,可惜我没吃到),Mimi发表了一番演讲,大意是:是爱让我们不分国籍,不分地域聚在一起,在以后的学习生活中,不要把自己关在房子里、图书馆里,多出来参加身边的活动,因为有很多人都想拥有你的爱,也有很多人时刻都在爱你,关心你。 多么好的演讲!看来英语是要比国语(普通话)更容易表达自己的感情啊。向志愿者表示道谢后,我们还一起唱了一首《朋友》。可惜我忘记歌词了……末了,Mimi还告诉我们每星期五和星期天有讨论圣经的活动,也提供晚餐;每星期三下午还专门有英语老师做志愿者为留学生辅导英语。 想来想去,我来这里主要都是与教会在打交道,不管是中国人的家庭教会,还是加拿大本地的教会组织。这基督教真是提供了很多东西啊!有信仰,有道德伦理规范,还有互助的组织结构,基督教应该是西方社区社会的内核中的内核吧。 但中国(大陆)传统的儒家伦理道德的崩溃及家族结构的解体,尤其是被一系列从文化到思想到社会的革命给革掉以后,人与人相处就真是乱套了,来这里我反倒体会得更深。昨天去学校体育馆打篮球,事先一些中国留学生在网上发帖约好的,我是慕名而去。全部都是中国人在一起打篮球,感觉很亲切,哪知没玩多久,就有人因为言语与动作的冲突几乎要打起来。真是让人郁闷至极。 我明显能感觉出来其中有几个人言语中的侵略性与攻击性,他们总是喜欢嘲讽、取笑对方,你来我往中就来了火气,所有的人也就跟着都不太冷静了。其实很多时候,他们的取笑并非是有意去激怒别人,而是一种无意识的表露,渐渐成了习惯,我想这就是言行与欲望都缺少控制与规范的缘故。我也有这种习惯,一直在反省自己,希望能纠正过来。 在与台湾人交往的时候就感觉他们有礼貌得多,而大陆人聚在一起的时候会显得很放肆(包括我在内)。这边很多中国人把加拿大人叫“鬼”,这种言语中所带有的心理背景就已经很病态了,尤其是从一个我认为很优秀的人的嘴里说出来的时候,我当时就感到一阵恶心,特别是他语调中所流露出的不屑与鄙视让我感到惊讶。 本来对中国留学生大为失望,不想去参加今天的活动了,但后来还是想想,应该再去考察一下。幸好那几个打篮球最粗暴的没去,连那个认为“‘鬼’组织的,不吃白不吃”的伙计也没去。去的人多是新生,表现得很文明,也很配合。可惜大多都没带小礼物,我也只带了一张在北京飞机场免税店买的剪纸,只好在回去的时候送给载我们的老太太了。 这次去也交了不少朋友,大家留了联系方式,计划以后一起出游,去蒙特利尔,甚至打算去古巴。这里到古巴去玩,是落地签。十月份出游大概$380,七天六夜。如果组到十个人一起去,会有更多优惠,比如住更好的招待所之类的。说的我极为心动,这也是搞过共产主义的国家,不去怎么行!




礼拜结束后,另外一个大厅便开始了教会活动的展览,人们可以报名参加。我走到一个展柜前,原来是一个圣经学习会,类似于专题讲座,主题有上帝为什么让人们遭受痛苦,上帝是谁,什么是恶,什么是教堂等。看上去很有意思,我便驻足多观察了一下,没想到立马就有一位女士来邀请我参加,她说的英语带法国腔调,我没怎么听明白,但她让我留下邮件地址我倒是听明白了,回来后就收到了邀请信(今晚的活动)。 昨晚先去参加一个由上次组织郊游活动的Mimi组织的圣经学习活动,专为留学生主办,人数不多,一起十二个人左右,主题是“你在怕什么?”每个人向大家分享自己的忧虑与恐惧,这种体验很奇妙,我也参与了。我告诉他们我最近这几年有着越来越强的焦虑感,我总是担心别人对我不满意,让他人失望,担心自己在老去后一事无成。这种忧虑实在很幼稚,还夹有强烈的虚荣心,但又真真切切地困扰着我,怎么也赶不走,昨晚当着那么多人的面说出来后,忽然有种如释重负的感觉,一下子轻松许多,真像洗了澡一样。



今天晚上便去参加了那个关于基督教的专题讲座,去的人不少,约五十来个人,摆了六张圆桌。 讲座是一个视频,可惜我英语水平还不够好,没听懂,倒是跟坐我旁边从非洲来的两位女大学生聊得起劲,末了,她们竟邀请我去参加一个由大学生自己组织的圣经讨论会。当时我真不想再加入什么圣经讨论会了,否则一个星期我就有四个晚上和一个早上都得去参加教会活动,但一听到那两位女孩子说什么真的很希望你出现在讨论会上时,我想:完了!怎么好意思让人失望呢!为了中非人民的友谊,答应罢。


这边也有不少中国来的朋友不愿意去参加教会活动,宣称自己不是基督徒,听上去总感觉带有情绪在里面,似乎很骄傲,又仿佛有点不屑。我就苦口婆心地劝道:中国有句古话,叫入乡随俗,不深入别人的社会与文化的核心,在这里怎么能过得好呢? 其实在我参加的活动中,讨论圣经所占的时间往往并不长,大多数时候都是吃东西,随便聊聊,更像一个party,互助组织。而说是讨论圣经,实际上是在讨论信仰、道德规范、罪恶与自我这类问题,跟我过去想象的完全不同,不能从字面意义上去简单猜测。


在这边教会活动还在继续参加,而随着了解的越多,对基督教的理解也逐渐深入些了。这边的教会活动真是多,大小节日提供极为优惠的山村度假不说,每星期周末除了bible study,还常常开party,大家自己带一些菜到教友家聚会聊天玩游戏之类。而这些活动并不是只有基督徒才参加,像我这样的非基督徒跑去趁热闹的数不胜数。除了基督教组织,还有许多其他公民组织,我想,公民社会的魅力也在于她为人们提供了一个个活动、交往的平台,使人们的生活更加丰富多彩,激发出更多的人生之路吧。如果你对赚更多的钱没兴趣,也可以加入这些社会组织,天天搞公益活动,而这些组织给的工资也不低呢! 在金斯顿就有个由教会人士支助的留学生组织,专门为留学生主办活动,感恩节,圣诞节,英语学习什么的,由于他们有教会背景,很容易拉到赞助,如果他们有什么付费活动,往往价格都很便宜,这就便宜我们这些拮据的留学生了,不用消耗太多便能享受加拿大人的闲适生活:滑雪,滑冰,曲棍球,划独木舟,坐游艇,雪上足球,登山,攀岩,骑马… 这个留学生组织的领导人叫Mimi,她是一个坚定的基督徒,卢旺达大屠杀中,她年仅22岁,丈夫遭厄,留下她和两个儿子,没多久便从刚果逃难来加拿大。她逃难出来的经历很传奇,她说她当时只有一张飞往美国的飞机票,没签证没钱,还不懂英语,就来到了美国,结果在机场不许入关。她在洗手间祈祷上帝来救她,结果就在她刚走出洗手间,绝望不知何所去时,迎面走来一个中年男子,问她:“从刚果来的么?”她听懂了刚果,就立刻点头,没想到那人竟把她带出了机场,领她来到一个大巴上,原来大巴上那些人都是逃难出来的刚果难民,那个中年男子把他们带到一间酒店,让他们免费住了一个星期,跟他们办好了签证,最后还发了路费! Mimi后来又通过教会组织的帮助来到了加拿大,学了英语,把两个儿子也移民过来了,她曾经在北京呆过半年,所以对中国也有感情,和我们这些华人留学生关系都很好。这边的留学生也多是华人。昨天我们一些朋友还去她家吃了晚饭,我和邓杰弄了一些粉蒸排骨带过去。 她的大儿子依旧不能从父亲的惨死中恢复过来,因过度吸食大麻而住院,昨晚便又跟我们聊起了那些往事和她的心境。她说她知道是哪些人杀了她丈夫,她也曾经无时无刻不想着那些人被雷给劈死,了她心头之恨。但她知道她必须得继续活下去,那就不能让愤怒占据自己的心灵。她相信那些害死她丈夫的人迟早会接受上帝的审判,但那是他们与上帝之间的事,而她要从悲痛与仇恨中摆脱出来继续前行。 听着Mimi爽朗的笑声,坚定的语气,看着她那悲天悯人的眼神,我深深地折服了。我也见过很多人有着曲折不幸的生活,但他们总是沉迷于自己的伤痛无法自拔,在自怨自艾中等待,消磨,颓废…像Mimi这样的奇人,真的不多。 我想基督教信仰未必就是这类差别绝对的原因,这多与性情相关吧,但基督教给她提供了精神依靠,这是肯定的。 来这边真学到了不少东西,也见识了另外一个世界,而我却越来越想回来了,真想再与诸位师友齐聚一堂煮酒论英雄啊!

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...Vaccines: The Right Choice? Alex Hauke Walmart Pharmacy Abstract This research paper takes an in depth look at the question of whether vaccines are the right choice when it comes to your health and staying healthy. Opposing views say that vaccines are unsafe and pose more risks than benefits, this paper explores those claims using rebuttable sources and helps readers to better understand vaccines and what their benefits and risks are. Most believe that the benefits of vaccines far outweigh the risks but some still have doubts and some very rare cases of vaccines causing disease have added to this doubt. This paper explores the world of vaccines in an effort to educate the less knowledgeable. Research Findings Introduction The history of vaccines begins with the long history of infectious disease in humans, and usually it is reported that the origin goes back as far as Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, 400 B.C. He described diphtheria, mumps, and epidemic jaundice among other conditions (Hussein, et al. 2015). The earliest methods of immunization and protection against smallpox dates back to about 1000 A.D., and are attributed to the Chinese. It has been said that the son of a Chinese statesmen was inoculated against smallpox by blowing powdered smallpox sores into his nostrils. Another way of inoculation was the removal of fluid from the sores of an infected person and then rubbing it into a cut or scratch of a healthy individual. It took almost six centuries...

Words: 2724 - Pages: 11

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...generation ago no longer exist, hardly. Diphtheria, rubella, polio ... does anyone even know what those things are? Vaccines, modern medicine, our ability to feed billions of people, those are triumphs of the scientific method. And to my mind, the scientific method -- trying stuff out, seeing if it works, changing it when it doesn't -- is one of the greatest accomplishments of humanity. So that's the good news. Unfortunately, that's all the good news because there are some other problems, and they've been mentioned many times. People wrap themselves in their beliefs. And they wrap themselves so tightly they can’t be freed. Not even the truth can free them. And whilst everybody is entitled to his or her own opinion, they’re not necessarily entitled to their own facts. People have lost faith in institutions, in authority, and sometimes in science itself, and there's no reason we shouldn't have. There are questions and problems with the people we used to believe were always right, so be skeptical. Ask questions, demand proof, demand evidence. Don't take anything for granted. But here's the thing: When you get proof, you need to accept the proof, and we're not that good at doing that. And I say that because we now live in an epidemic of fear. About 12 years ago, there was a story published that linked the epidemic of autism to the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine shot. Consequently, tons of studies were done to see if this was true. The data came back. The...

Words: 787 - Pages: 4

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...In the article “Vaccines, What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You”, Rob Pell contrasts the safety and effectiveness claims of vaccines to the actuality and scientific backing of vaccines administered in a medical facility. Rob Pell makes a clear argument that patients and parents of young minors are not fully informed on the truth about vaccines and that they should think twice before making a decision to be injected before they are informed upon the true effectiveness and safety claims of the manufacturer. Pell believes that those with a “pro-vaccine mentality” are in danger and need to rethink their decision before unknowingly going through with a vaccine that could possibly not help, but rather hurt them. Rob Pell is able to support his anti-vaccine argument through the use of statistics and facts. One important statistic he recognizes is” In the US and England, the death rate from Pertussis (whooping cough) dropped from about 60 deaths per thousand in the mid-1800s to about 2 per thousand in the early 1950s, even before the Pertussis vaccine was used. Deaths from measles from the mid-1800s until the 1963 introduction of the measles vaccine fell at a nearly identical rate.” Rob Pell uses this specific statistic in order to show that even before vaccines were administered, in both cases the death rate was already decreasing rapidly throughout the United States and England. An extremely important fact Pell uses to further his point is “A 1978 survey of 30 states showed that more than...

Words: 668 - Pages: 3

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...In this day and age, it is particularly important to keep up with current information about vaccines. Like most forms of medicine, they can be either beneficial or detrimental. This double-edged sword is why parents are starting to think twice about not only vaccinating themselves, but their children as well. In theory, a vaccine is supposed to “help develop immunity by imitating an infection, but this imitation infection does not cause illness. It does, however, cause the immune system to develop the same response as it does to a real infection so the body can recognize and fight the vaccine-preventable disease in the future” (1). When you are given a vaccine, your body is essentially being tricked into thinking that you are going to be sick, and the immune system learns how to combat the specific illness. Before vaccines, you had to fight off an infection the old fashioned way: you had to contract the disease. The term for this is called natural acquired immunity. “With natural acquired immunity, you suffer the symptoms of the disease and also risk the complications, which can be quite serious or even deadly” (2). Being given a vaccine can be advantageous, though. For one, it is less expensive to prevent an illness than to cure it. “In a 2005 study on the economic impact of routine childhood immunization in the United States, researchers estimated that for every dollar spent, the vaccination program saved more than $5 in direct costs and approximately $11 in additional...

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...typically occurring in childhood. This infectious disease can be prevented by getting a vaccine. A vaccine is a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases. In the past 50 years, vaccinations have saved more lives worldwide than any other medical product or procedure. The intriguing story of vaccination goes all the way back to ancient Greece. Ever since the invention of the first vaccine more than two centuries ago, there has been plenty of controversy over the morality, ethics, effectiveness, and safety of vaccination and immunization. Parents should be required to vaccinate their children. Throughout this essay, the focus will be on the health of the children, the falsifying data about vaccinations, and the benefits of them. Every parent’s biggest concern is the health of their children. As a parent, you make informed choices about your child’s health and safety every day. The health of any child depends heavily on if they receive vaccinations. The children that receive these vaccinations tend to be more resistant to some diseases than those who do not. Because of advances in medical science, your child can be protected against more diseases than ever before. Some diseases that once injured or killed thousands of children, have been eliminated completely and others are close to extinction primarily due to safe and effective vaccines. When asked in a survey, 60% of the sample answered all children should be required...

Words: 1128 - Pages: 5

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... In the recent article, “Many Americans Don't Get Recommended Vaccines Before Travel” by Rachael Rettner, the study of Americans visiting travel clinics found that more than half of people who did not get a measles vaccination before traveling. Another study found that more than two dozen Americans were sickened with hepatitis A while visiting a resort town in Mexico in early 2015. The studied were presented here at IDWeek 2015, a meeting of several organizations focused on infectious diseases. “People did not inject vaccination before travelling because they were not concerned about illness”, the study said. “About half of all U.S. measles case are tied to people who catch the disease while traveling abroad”, said Dr. Emily Hyle, an instructor at Harvard Medical School in Boston, who led the measles vaccine study. Measles and hepatitis A are most infection diseases effect American’s health and outbreak. As a result, Americans should be aware of the dangers of infectious diseases. Injection recommendation vaccination when they go travelling. This article is relevant to me because I do not inject vaccination before travelling. I have never been to realize the importance of vaccines. Many adults think of measles as a child's illness , they don't have a chance to get sick. The article gave helpful information on how vaccination prevents people to get infection...

Words: 308 - Pages: 2

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...Vaccines, Do They Cause Autism in Children? Michael L Eisenmenger Western Governors University Vaccines, Do They Cause Autism in Children? Vaccinations have been used for centuries to prevent the spread of some of the most dangerous diseases in humans. In 1998, a research study from Dr. Andrew Wakefield was published in the journal Lancet, suggesting common vaccinations were the cause of autism in children (Brink. 2013). That study has since been retracted by the Lancet and Dr. Wakefield has had his medical license revoked. However, the rates of vaccinations have declined because of the study and new outbreaks of diseases once considered eradicated are killing children. Research has shown that vaccines are not a cause of autism in children because the preservatives suspected of causing autism have been removed from them, research studies have shown no link between the two, the original research has been proven false, and the diagnosis of autism has changed. Ever since the debate of vaccines being a cause of autism has started, the ingredient thimersol has been one of the focus’ of study. Thimersol is a preservative that was used in vaccines until 2001. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated, “In 2001, thimersol was removed or reduced to trace amounts in all childhood vaccinations except one type of influenza vaccine, and thimersol-free alternatives are available for influenza vaccines.” (CDC, 2014) Thimersol contains the type of mercury...

Words: 1938 - Pages: 8

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...Mercy Health 4200 McAuley Place Cincinnati, OH 45242 513-853-5938 Patient Immunization Record Patient Name: Address: Lindsey A Ancrum 5950 Galleon Ct Hilliard, OH 43026 Patient ID: 081-44-2000 Company: Springfield Regional Med. Ctr. Dept: SRMC Consol Nursing Unit Comment: Active Series Immunization/Reason ID & Description Result Complete? Date Done Date Read FLU - Influenza Virus Vaccine - Seasonal FLU - Influenza Virus Vaccine - Seasonal FLUPROOF - Proof of Flu Vaccine Received Elsewhere HEPBDEC - Hepatitis B Vaccination Declined HEPBSAB - Hepatitis B Surface Antibody MUMPTITR - Mumps Titer RUBELLAT - Rubella Titer RUBEOLAT - Rubeola Titer TDAPPRF - Proof- Tet/Dip & Pertussis Rec Elsewhere VARVAC1 - Varicella Vaccine VARVAC2 - Varicella Vaccine #2 TB - Annual Surveillance TB - Annual Surveillance TB - Annual Surveillance TB - TB Proof for New Hire #1 TB - Preplacement 2nd test of 2-step Lab Test - Respirator Fit Test 10/07/2010 09/16/2011 10/01/2012 States already had in 1999; no proof >150, Presumed Immune 284.0, Positive 54.4, Presumed Immune >300.0, Positive Y Y 09/08/2004 05/30/2003 06/26/2013 06/26/2013 06/26/2013 02/02/2012 07/07/2003 08/08/2003 03/09/2011 04/13/2011 03/05/2012 09/05/2012 06/26/2013 08/30/2013 04/16/2011 03/07/2012 09/07/2012 06/28/2013 Unavailable Not Read Negative 0.0mm Negative 0.0mm Negative Negative 0.0mm N-95, 3M 1870, One Size 9/24/2013 O:\REPORTS\CUSTOM\PATIENT IMMUNIZ RECORD CUSTOM_Custom report by OHR for BATAVIA-EH ...

Words: 255 - Pages: 2

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Use of Vaccines

...The best reasons to get vaccinated are to protect yourself and to protect the people around you. 1. You may no longer be protected. You may have received a vaccine as a child. But some vaccines require a booster if you want to remain protected. Protection may not be life-long for diseases like pertussis (whooping cough) or tetanus, which is usually given with the diphtheria toxoid. The CDC recommends a booster for the latter every 10 years after an initial childhood series. 2. Getting vaccines helps protect kids -- especially babies too young for vaccines. Whooping cough vaccines are recommended for pregnant women (preferably between 27 and 36 weeks' gestation) and people who have contact with young babies. The same is true for the flu vaccine. There’s no flu vaccine licensed for infants younger than 6 months old. “We call that creating a cocoon of protection around the baby.”. 3. Some vaccines are just for adults. The shingles vaccine is a good example. Shingles (also known as herpes zoster or zoster) is caused by a reactivation of the chickenpox virus. It can cause a severe and painful skin rash. The risk for shingles increases as a person ages. The vaccine is recommended for adults 60 and older. 4. You may need them when you travel. Headed to the developing world? You may run into illnesses you’d never find at home. The yellow fever vaccination is required for travel to parts of sub-Saharan Africa and tropical South America. The Saudi Arabian government also requires...

Words: 756 - Pages: 4

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The Use of Vaccines

...THE USE OF VACCINES Vaccines have been considered instrumental in making the world a healthier environment for children and adults alike; however, vaccines do impose some health risks.  It is important for all parents to consider both the benefits and risks of vaccines when deciding whether or not to have a child vaccinated. Vaccines are made up of products that stimulate a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. They are usually administered through needle injections by mouth or sprayed into the nose. They are made up of small amounts of weakened or dead versions of bacteria, viruses, or other antigens that stimulate the immune system to create antibodies that prevent future infections from the disease. There are fourteen vaccine-preventable diseases that are considered potentially serious and have been routinely vaccinated against; these are: Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Meningococcal, Rotavirus, Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Polio, Hepatitis A and B, Pneumococcal disease, Varicella (Chicken Pox), and Haemophilus Influenza Type B (HIB disease). Not long ago, these diseases disabled and killed millions of American children but because of the United States high compliance with childhood immunization schedules, these diseases have now become very uncommon (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2015).  Immunization is a subject that evokes very strong opinions...

Words: 1426 - Pages: 6

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Vaccine Debate

...Tichina Berryhill Professor Rouse English 102 26 September 2015 The Vaccine Debate During the last ten years or so, there has been a debate on childhood vaccinations. This debate all started from the acquisition that vaccines cause autism. Since the debate, many parents have been skeptical on whether or not they will get their children vaccinated. From the negative comments that are going around from highly respected people new parents doubt vaccines importance to the world. Parents are concerned, which they should be, about if vaccines are beneficial or harmful to their kid’s health? Some claim that vaccinations are needless and unsafe. With the misleading information in parent’s ears they are stuck with the big question. Should I vaccinate my child? Since this vaccine debate, “about 40 percent of American parents today has chosen to delay certain vaccines or outright refuse to allow their children’s physicians to vaccinate their children with one or more of the recommended or mandated vaccines” (Largent). As the rates of being vaccinated go down, it is putting not only that child in danger but also the whole community. Diseases that were once gone are on the rise.” A 2013 study published in the journal Pediatrics reports that California’s worst whooping-cough outbreak, which infected more than 9,000 people (Rothstein)”. Also “the CDC reports that from Jan. 1 to Feb. 28, 2014, 54 people in the U.S. have reported being infected with measles” (Sifferlin)...

Words: 1559 - Pages: 7

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The Role Vaccines about vaccines you should have a little bit of an informational back around of what the vaccine was invented for; and that can also be known as a virus. A virus is a small infectious agent that can reproduce only surrounded by the cells of other organisms. There an epic debate in the sicftic community on where they alive or not most believe they are not because are not made of cells, cannot reproduce on their own, do not grow or undergo division , do not transform energy , lack machinery for protein, synthesis are so small that they can only be seen with an electron microscope. Viruses are composed of nucleic acid, proteins and, in some cases, lipids as well. Nucleic acid, which can be either DNA or RNA, encodes the genetic information that is necessary to make copies of the virus. Often viruses can be passed on by touching , Body fluids such as blood, saliva and semen can contain the infecting organisms and transmission of such fluids, for example by injection or sexual contact, is important, particularly for viral infections like hepatitis or AIDS. How do vaccines work? During the small pox epidemic Mr. Edward Jenner noticed that the milk maids who caught the cowpox virus didn’t catch smallpox. Later in 1796 he created a small serum with a weaker form of the small pox virus the (ect. The Cow Pox) so that the body knew to recognize the virus before it did any major damage. Mr. Jenner’s pioneer vaccine had opened the gate-way to many if not all of the vaccines used for...

Words: 943 - Pages: 4

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Autism And Vaccines

...Vaccines have double the human life expectancy for over 150 years and have eradicated diseases like smallpox and soon polio could be the next disease to be eradicated from the world. The concept of vaccines has existed around the world for hundreds of years. One of the first methods of vaccinations was known as, variolation (Nazarko, 2013). Variolation was popular in China as well as other countries in the Middle East during the 10th century. Asians and Middle Eastern people collected samples of dry tissues from the scabs of smallpox survivors and would put it into healthy people’s bodies. The process of variolation consisted of making a wound on a person’s arm and inserting the dry tissues scabs in the wound to contract the virus and obtain...

Words: 1553 - Pages: 7

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Forced Vaccines

...Shannon Shull 1 Writing assignment 1 9-9-13 A Philosophical Argument on Forced Vaccines “A Philosophical Argument on Forced Vaccines” is an article written for by a man named John Burke. Burke published this article on July 16, 2009, arguing that the medical field and doctors don’t always know what is best for anyone. He encourages the readers of this article to do their research about the good and the bad of the vaccines that the government makes them get. He is not writing to change their opinion on vaccinating their child; he just simply says there is a lot of research out there that most people don’t know The article was posted on Infowars homepage of Alex Jones, an American radio host, author, conspiracy theorist and documentary filmmaker. Jones has different articles published on his website that would make you believe that he is against the government and the requirements to vaccinate children. Burke’s audience seems to be geared towards those debating against if they should immunize their children. It all started when Burke was involved in a discussion with a friend about vaccines. The friend had a child who wasn’t up to date on their vaccines and the friend was debating on whether or not to get them. Without thinking about it Burke automatically was in favor of yes you should get the vaccines. After a few days Burke thought back on the conversation and was asking himself why he didn’t think more about the topic before...

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