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Vampire Human Contract


Submitted By jjcham
Words 440
Pages 2
Jeff Cunningham
BUL3130_CMB 14
Assignment 4
3 October 2014

Vampire-human contracts for the purchase and sale of blood

I proposed the creation of legalized “blood markets” to allow us humans to transfer our property rights in our blood to vampires on a consensual and contractual basis. If both parties benefit, and their is voluntary consent the human-vampire contract should be enforced. It turns an act that was once in the shadows, a sign of duress, into now a legal exercise that has joint cooperation with a beneficial voluntary trade. Their is mutual assent for both parties, the Offeror, the human and the Offeree, being the vampire. When both parties benefit I don’t believe safety or the morality should be questioned. If anything, the incentive is stronger to increase safety within the market. The need to regulate and screen the blood to test quality would increase as well as the price the vampires will be willing to pay for it. This quality alone would be all the reassurance a vampire would need to keep paying for their blood versus the duress circumstance in the past. This newly legal “blood market” could in turn help drive the economy with the growing demand for blood. This would present a lot of opportunity for the humans, being the suppliers. If a potential crowding- out argument arises, these “vampire entrepreneurs” would respond to demand by seeking new ways to harvest alternatives. We as humans have property rights to our on blood and from an economic standpoint it seems rational. The legal uncertainty should be overlooked because this market would be by definition, voluntary. Their is a bargained-for consideration amongst the two parties. Humans would be seeking capital while the vampires seek a need such as blood. If the capacity among the parities is contractual in that it excludes children or minors, the contract should be enforced.

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