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Submitted By colbie82
Words 742
Pages 3
Victoria Clark
Recording, Analysing and using HR information.
Activity A
Deliver information on Data management.

Reasons why Organisations need to collect HR data.Organisations need data as a point of reference or to be able to retrieve information whenever it is needed. For example, each organisation has to keep accurate records or information of their employees in order to be able to use this information for planning ahead for the business. Also accurate records of employees are kept in order to help the organisation make precise decisions whenever queries arise in relation to each employee on a case by case basis.Organisations also need data as a legal requirement. For instance, in order to be able to make accurate tax returns to the government then the organisation will need to store certain data for each employee. Also for payroll purposes personal details of employees need to be kept. Other reasons organisations keep data is to make it available to employees such information like the organisation structure, company policy and the HR Handbook which is may be useful as a point of reference for employees as well.Types of data to be collected:
1, Contact details: The contact details for each employee especially home addresses. This is essential if correspondence need to be sent out to each employee, such as contracts, pay slips, pensions or leave information. It is important for each employee to receive the appropriate communication and not to be ignored
2, Sickness Records: Another type of data that may be useful for the human resources department of an organisation is the Sickness Records. This type of data can be collected periodically (monthly or quarterly) and compared or analyzed against each employee’s attendance records. This helps the human resources to manage the attendance record of the organisation accurately and inform line managers of the constant attendance offenders in order to discourage further occurrences or for long term sicknesses that need the company’s support.

Methods of storing HR Data:

Paper files:
Paper records of HR data are always stored in the folder manually and are kept in locked cabinets. The HR team needs to make sure that records can be reached and found easily. All filled records must be well organized, usually they are sorted in alphabetical order so that any member of the HR team can look through the files and easily find the needed information. Paper filing is a cheap and effective way of keeping HR data and can be easily locked away.

Electronic Files:
This is the probably the most effective and secure way of recording, storing and managing HR data. Date can be accessed quickly, has a high level of security with a controlled password and can eliminate problems that may occur with misfiling. Searching for the information is also easier on a computer system. This is also a cost effective way of storing data.

Give an explanation of at least two essential items of UK legislation relating to the recording, storing and accessibility of HR data:

1.1) The Importance of HR records1) To safety legal requirements.Government departments’ e.g. Inland Revenue can demand information on how many people you employ, what they are paid, what they have been paid over a number of years and how many hours they have worked. Working time regulations and national minimum wage ACT each require specific records relating to hours of work and in the NMA pay details. HR should take all responsibilities to safe legal documents of organisations. All this legal requirements will help in future for company projects as well as take over companies’ records like new starters and leavers are legal records for company and that record has to maintain by HR.HR has to provide safety to all legal and official documents as they are useful in future procedures.2) To provide the organisation with information to make decisions.Knowledge and information are essential to good decision making for any organisation. For individual’s access to accurate information is also essential. HR information has been slow to be highly developed in this area however it is becoming more readily available. As so many suppliers can supply similar packages the level of customer service has become the real differentiating factor. Clearly for shared services that includes the internal customer. Having essential information e.g. turnover detail can really help to identify problems or improvements. Documents which help organisation to take projects as per previous documented decisions.

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