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Video Games and Agression


Submitted By amberdance
Words 332
Pages 2
I had a hard time choosing one perspective, however, I did choose to focus on the Psychodynamic perspective. This perspective focuses on your unconscious rather than what you do while you are awake and aware of your actions. A lot of our unconscious influences come from what we experience, hear, say, and do as a child. The Psychodynamic perspective include our childhood experience as a key role in determining and shaping our personalities and behaviors. This is the time where we soak up everything and generally learn how to behave in different situations. We are also learning our abnormal behaviors, fears, phobias, and our aggressive tendencies. Where are not always sure of where we pick up and learn certain behaviors, but most of them are learned by observation and what we see affects the way we think. While we always have the constant standards of behavior from the media and video games showing the violence towards others, we tend to believe that this is the correct behavior and thus we try to portray what we see. Our undesired impulses are buried deep in our minds. As our conscious is relearning the difference between right and wrong, our subconscious is constantly bringing to the forefront of our mind the actions and behaviors we learned as a child. This is causing a conflict for us. You know what you learned as a child are beginning to shine through as not correct, but as you try to learn the difference, some where deep inside your mind you know that this is not the right behaviors.

The video games you play, send message that violence, crimes, and even sexually graphics are normal and okay to do. The more you play the violent games the easier it is to believe this is an acceptable action. it keeps those learned behaviors as a child at the forefront of our minds.

The Bible teaches us the difference between right and wrong and what is expected of us as

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