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Violation: Grand Corruption In The United States

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According to Webster’s dictionary, corruption is defined as “dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery” or “the abuse of entrusted power for private gain”. There are many ways which one may define corruption, as it is a very broad topic open to interpretation. Corruption is different from state to state, country to country. Corruption can be split into separate categories including grand, petty, and political. These categories vary greatly depending on the amounts of money lost and the sector where it occurs (Shah 4). Grand corruption generally refers to acts committed at the highest level of government that usually distort policies and the general functioning of the state. This enables leaders to benefit greatly at the expense of the public good. On the other hand, petty corruption refers to everyday abuse of entrusted power by lower …show more content…
Gerrymandering involves the redrawing of election district boundaries to give an electoral advantage to a particular candidate or party. It has been recognized as an American political art from since 1812. The US Constitution specifies that Representative seats should be apportioned among the states based on the results of the decennial Census, but says nothing about how states should draw district boundaries for their Representatives. The first example of Gerrymandering comes from the person from whom the term is named after. Governor of Massachusetts Elbridge Gerry redrew the US Representative districts of the state in order to win the 1812 election. Gerrymandering was discovered in America, but is not solely an American thing to do. Countries such as France, Canada, Germany and Greece have also been accused of gerrymandering in order to give a certain party majority over the other. Most recently, in 2016, Malaysia’s government was accused of gerrymandering when they redrew the electoral boundaries ahead of possible polls in order

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