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Von Steuben's Role In The Revolutionary War

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¨ If they mean to have war, let it begin here.¨ - John Parker (1729-1775). I feel the Revolutionary War was revolutionary with things bad that happened along the way. The war was revolutionary because it allowed independence to come to all the colonists, and allowed them to part away from Britain.

The commander-in-chief during this war was George Washington. George Washington played a very big role and was in charge of making decisions, but kept his plan secret from his own men. The person that was mainly by his side through it all was Friedrich Von Steuben. George Washington chose Von Steuben because of how strong and fearless he was. Washington's soldiers were trained by Von Steuben to be less fearful and stronger than ever before.

Something …show more content…
What you know as "The Battle of Bunker Hill" was not actually fought on Bunker Hill. The Americans hid there to get closer to Britain. During this, the American's had very little gun ammo and were left to fight with their Bayonets (a sword / knife on the end of a gun)

Taxation without Representation played a big role during The Revolutionary War. British were issuing taxes on things like tea and sugar before the war started. Which were known as the Tea

Act and the Sugar Act. What led to this war, was people from Massachusetts and dressing up like Mohawks to throw tea into the Boston Harbour.

Benedict Arnold was someone nobody liked talking or even thinking about. Benedict Arnold betrayed Americans during the war to go fight with the Britains. He did all of this for money and to be apart of the British army. Once he figured out that Americans were suspicious, he escaped to England to help fight. The British were also known as Lobsterbacks, because of what they wore, which was a red …show more content…
The Sons of Liberty was an organization that protected the colonists rights and fought against all the taxes that were enforced by the British Government.

Thomas Paine said the quote, ¨ These are the times that try men´s souls¨. This quote was said to describe the beginning of the American revolution. He also wrote the pamphlet, "common sense'' in 1776. In the pamphlet, it talks about separating from Britain. The name really fits what was going on at the time because common sense is knowing what you want, and proving what you want.

In the mean time, Paul Revere had heard about the news that the British were coming. He began to try and warn the patriots about the redcoats coming, as well as letting the minutemen know. Something that happened while the patriots and minutemen were preparing, they created a Liberty Tree. This was a tree that the patriots and minutemen stood up against the British by rallying against them. The tree was taken down by loyalists in 1775. '' Minutemen were colonists who organized to form well-prepared militia companies self-trained in weaponry, tactics, and military strategies from the American colonial partisan militia during the American Revolutionary war. They were also known for being ready in a minutes notice.

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