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Integrative Management Thinking

IAGE 601_2012_FT/PT1/PT3

|Assignment Name: |《赢》读书报告 |
|Assignment Number: |1 | |Teacher: |Zheng Fan范徵 |
|Student Name(s): |王晓峰 |
|Student Number(s): |0123700830 |
|Class: |2012PT1 | |Team Number: |8 |
|Submission Date: | |

赢是伟大的不仅仅是“好”,而是真正“伟大的”。因为当公司盈利的时候,人也得到了成长,对成功企业的每个员工来说,他们在市场上也有了更多的工作机会和创业机会。杰克•韦尔奇把商业问题归纳为一句话:怎样才能赢?。在完成《杰克•韦尔奇自传》之后,韦尔奇在世界巡游宣传过程中遇到了成千上万了不起的人,他们提出了许多千奇百怪的问题,为了给他们满意的答复,韦尔奇把自己知道的梳理清楚,撰写了《赢》这本书,把故事讲给他们听。 “怎样才能赢”,韦尔奇将《赢》分成了五个部分进行阐述。他们分别是:一,有关的基础;二,你的公司如何才能赢;三,你如何赢得竞争;四,你的事业如何才能赢;五,有关赢的其他问题;本文主要通过对第一和第二部分的讨论来学习韦尔奇对企业和员工管理方面的经验和建议。 有关的基础,这部分包括:使命感和价值观;坦诚;考评;发言权和尊严。首先,韦尔奇谈到使命感和价值观对于企业的重要性。良好的使命感和价值观总是存在于企业运营过程中。使命感是指引前进的方向,价值观引导你到达目标的行动。有效的使命感在可能的目标与不能的目标之间寻找平衡。企业的价值观是人们的行动。公司的使命感和价值观必须融为一体、共同发挥作用。最普遍的情形是,公司的使命与价值之间出现偏离,是因为商业生活中出现的各种小危机。 接着,坦诚精神,缺乏坦诚是商业中最卑劣的,它会从根本上扼杀敏锐创意、阻挠快速行动、妨碍优秀的人们贡献自己的才华。即便如此,人们之所以不说出自己的想法,是因为这会给自己带来更多的便利。坦诚将吸引更多的人到对话中,它也可以推动速度的加快,最后它可以节约成本,而且是节约许多成本。要普及坦诚必须鼓励它、表扬它。甚至夸张的把这种精神展现出来,证明给大家看。 考评是如何赢得基础之一。公司经理人需要清楚,哪些员工或哪些业务取得了出色的成绩,哪些表现最差;他们需要扶持强者成长,把没有效率的剔除。这样,公司才能争取“赢”的结局。公司只有这么多资金和精力,因此,想要赢得负责人必须将资金投放到回报最丰厚的地方,同时尽可能的减少不必要的损失。并且韦尔奇提出其别考评制度(“20-70-10”比例体系),希望把最优秀的人才吸引到自己的团队来,就必须勇敢的执行这一制度。这一制度并不完美,但它和坦诚一样,把商业运作变得更流畅。 基础部分最后的是发言权和尊严。韦尔奇认为我们需要关注企业中的每个人,人们希望有机会说出他们的思想,拥有自己的观点、看法,获得倾听的感受。并且人们希望自己的工作、努力和个性而得到尊重。可是在只有老板才有发言权的情况下,如何能够实践坦诚和推行区别考评制度呢?韦尔奇通过长期的克罗顿维尔培训形式来解决日常的官僚作风和其他障碍。人们希望得到发言权和尊严,而企业也将从中受益。 公司如何才能赢。第一是领导力,不只是自己的事。如果有一天你成为领导,在你成为领导之前,成功只同自己的成长有关;当你成为领导以后,成功都同别人的成长有关。因此领导的工作就是帮助员工成长,韦尔奇提出以下领导准则;1.坚持不懈地提升自己的团队,把同员工的每一次邂逅作为评估、指导和帮助他们树立自信心的机会。2.不但要让员工们抱有梦想,而且还要拥抱它、实践它。3.深入到员工们中间,向他们传递积极的活力和乐观的精神。4.以坦诚精神、透明度和声望,建立别人对自己的信赖感。5.有勇气,敢于做出不受欢迎的决定,说不得罪人的话。6.以好奇心、甚至怀疑精神来监督和推进业务,要保证自己提出的问题能带来员工们的实际行动。7.用于承担风险、勤奋学习、亲自成为表率。8.懂得欢庆。对大多数人来说,一旦自己成为了老板,领导才能的培养就开始了。 第二是招聘,招聘到好的员工非常困难,优秀的员工就更加难了。必须确保应聘者的基本素质是正直、智慧、成熟。在招人方面韦尔奇则树立了4E和1P法则。4E分别是Energy 积极向上的活力;Energize激励别人的能力;Edge决断力,即对麻烦的是非问题做出决断的勇气;Execute落实工作的执行能力。另外1P则是Passion。对于经理或部门主管除了4E和1P,还需要考虑4个特征真诚、敏感性、爱才和坚韧的弹性。 第三是员工管理,当你已经得到了出色的选手,接下来该怎么办。员工管理可以包含为很多方面,韦尔奇把它归纳为6种基本实践:1.把人力资源管理提升到重要的位置,提升组织的首位,并且相信人力资源管理人员具有特殊的品质,能够帮助经理们培养领导者、发展事业。实际上,最出色的人力资源管理者即是牧师,又是父母。2.采用一套严格的、非官僚化的业绩评价体系,同时认真考察员工品行,就像《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》要求的那样。3.创造有效的激励机制-通过金钱、认同和培训的机会来激发和留住员工。4.积极对待员工周围的管理——包括同工会、明星人物、边缘分子以及捣乱分子的关系。5.与惰性抗争,不要忽略中间的70%的群体,而是把它们看成组织的心脏和灵魂。6.尽可能设计扁平化的组织结构,清晰的揭示出各种关系和责任。 接着便是“分手”解雇别人不是件容易的事。有些情况下员工不得不遭到解雇,第一种情况因为违背诚实正直的品行而遭到解雇——包括偷窃、说谎、欺骗以及其他违背道德或法律的情况。第二由于经济原因导致的裁员,这种情形更为复杂。所以公司里的每个员工,而不仅是高层,都应当知道公司的经营状况。如果能做到这样,那么一旦发生裁员的情况,手下的员工们能有一定的准备。第三种由于业绩不佳遭到的解雇。通常由于业绩不佳遭到地解雇令人感到更加痛苦和棘手。解雇员工容易出现的三种严重的错误:行动太匆忙、不够坦诚、拖得太久。正确处理解雇时注意不要制造太大的意外并且把羞辱感减到最小。令人遗憾的现实是解雇员工是商业日常运营中的组成部分。这样的事情通常是让人痛苦的,但也不是必然的。只要处理得当,虽然它不会让人愉快,但是至少能够让人可以接受。 即使是大山也要撼动,变革。一提到变革就让人不知所措,坐立不安。韦尔奇为变革提出了四条准则:在每一次发生变革运动时,确定一个清晰的目标或指标。为变革而变革的办法是愚蠢的,只会产生消极影响;招募和提拔忠实的追随者,以及能适应变革的人;清理并去除反抗者,即使他们有不错的业绩也在所不惜;利用以外的机会,包括那些源于其他人的不幸的机会。变革来临的时候,不要被太多的包袱。 最后,危机管理。当它来临时千万不要坐以待毙。解决危机要领导者有绝好的平衡能力。利用一直到的信息和掌握的一切来分析和解决危机。韦尔奇建议处理危机时无种假设。假设问题本身要比表现出来的更糟糕;假设这个世界并不存在秘密,每个人最终都会知道一切事情的真相;假设你和自己的组织对危机的处理将别人以最敌对的态度描述出来;假设在危机处理过程中,有关的任何事情会产生变化;假设你的组织将从危机中挺过来,而且会以为经历了考验而变得强壮。危机过后公司会建立一道保护层来防止第二次发生同样的事情。并且应该最大可能的把握每次危机的价值,把它分享给他人。 至此我们从韦尔奇的经验了解到,坦诚、使命感和价值观对企业管理的文化的重要。并且从招聘、员工管理和解雇来了解人力资源的真正作用和对企业的未来人才培养的贡献。最后领导力,变革和危机管理让管理者在了解到在企业管理中管理者所起的作用和领导者对员工的影响,并且在企业遇到问题或者困难时所给出管理者的建议。虽然可能此书对于企业和员工管理的解决并不完美,但是它为我们在日常企业运营中作为管理者提供相关的思考方法和见解。

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...你好 第一课 (一) 陆雨平: | 力波,你好。 | 力波: | 你好,陆雨平。 | (二) 力波: | 林娜,你好吗? | 林娜: | 我很好,你呢? | 力波: | 也很好。 | 你忙吗 第二课 (一) 林娜: | 陆雨平,你好吗? | 陆雨平: | 我很好。你爸爸、妈妈好吗? | 林娜: | 他们都很好。你忙吗? | 陆雨平: | 我不忙。你男朋友呢? | 林娜: | 他很忙。 | (二) 丁力波: | 哥哥,你要咖啡吗? | 哥哥: | 我要咖啡。 | 弟弟: | 我也要咖啡。 | 丁力波: | 好,我们都喝咖啡。 | 她是哪国人 第三课 (一) 哥哥: | 力波,那是谁? | 丁力波: | 那是我们老师。 | 哥哥: | 她是哪国人? | 丁力波: | 她是中国人。我们老师都是中国人。 | (二) 丁力波: | 陈老师,您好!这是我哥哥,他是外语老师。 | 陈老师: | 你好。 | 丁力波: | 这是我朋友。 | 陈老师: | 你好!你也是老师吗? | 朋友: | 您好!我不是老师,我是医生。 | 陈老师: | 力波, 这是你奶奶吗? | 丁力波: | 不是,她是我外婆。 | 陈老师: | 外婆,您好! | 认识你很高兴 第四课 (一) 老师: | 可以进来吗? | 林娜: | 请进!杨老师,您好。这是我朋友,他是记者。 | 老师: | 请问,您贵姓? | 陆雨平: | 我姓陆,叫陆雨平。 | 老师: | 你好,陆先生,认识你很高兴。 | 陆雨平: | 杨老师,认识您,我也很高兴。 | (二) 林娜: | 我是语言学院的学生。我姓林,叫林娜。我是英国人。你姓什么? | 马大为: | 我姓马,叫马大为。 | 林娜: | 你是加拿大人吗? | 马大为: | 我不是加拿大人,我是美国人,也是语言学院的学生。我学习汉语。 | 餐厅在哪儿 第五课 (一) 马大为: | 请问,这是王小云的宿舍吗? | 女学生: | 是,请进,请坐。 | 马大为: | 谢谢。王小云在吗? | 女学生: | 她不在。 | 马大为: | 她在哪儿? | 女学生: | 对不起,我不知道。 | 马大为: | 没关系。好,再见。 | 女学生: | 再见。 | (二) 马大为: | 小姐,请问餐厅在哪儿? | 小姐: | 在二层二〇四号。 | 马大为: | 谢谢。 | 小姐: | 不用谢。 | 宋华: | 大为,我们在这儿。 | 马大为: | 对不起,我来晚了。 | 王小云: | 没关系。 | 我们去游泳,好吗 第六课 (一) 王小云: | 林娜,昨天的京剧怎么样? | 林娜: | 很有意思。今天的天气很好,我们去游泳,好吗? | 王小云: | 太好了!什么时候去? | 林娜: | 现在去,可以吗? | 王小云: | 可以。 | (二) 丁力波: | 杨老师,明天您有时间吗? | 杨老师: | 对不起,请再说一遍。 | 丁力波: | 明天您有时间吗?我们去打球,好吗? | 杨老师: | 很抱歉,明天我很忙,恐怕不行。谢谢你们。 | 你认识不认识他 第七课 (一) 林娜: | 力波,明天开学,我很高兴。你看,他是不是我们学院的老师吗? | 丁力波: | 我问一下。请问,您是我们学院的老师吗?...

Words: 5277 - Pages: 22

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Tamiga Wang

...Case 2 – the Death of the iPod * iPod Classic – hasn’t been updated since September 2009 * shipping times slipped from 24hrs to 1-3 days in UK, US reported short supplies * speculation device may soon be discontinued * not even mentioned at annual Apple Developer conference in 2010 * decline as company moved to other devices as iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch as these helped generate record-breaking profits to US20b. * iPod developed 10yrs ago (2001), brought to market under not good circumstances. * “the unveiling of a breakthrough device” with a hint: its not a Mac. * Apple’s CEO first failed to know how important downloading would become to the online generation in its first models of iMac (i=internet) as it had no slot drives for burning CDs or DVDs * Jonathan Ive – the man behind the revolutionise the business, company lost its sense of identity and purpose – * However, the launch of first iMac saw Jobs making great play of Apple’s digital hub strategy, pictured Mac as centre of new digital ecosystem where we would plug in all wonderful new devices * iPod was not the first or the cheapest or largest capacity device on market...only compatible with Macs whereas the majority of people use PCs * the coming of iTunes Stores in 2007 (video store): Apple become the number 1 music provider in the world, taking over music business * changed the way we think about technology and design, the way we shop, consume media and interact...

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...endorsements, sources of primary data, or illustrations of effective or ineffective management. Copyright © 2009, 2010, 2011 President and Fellows of Harvard College. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, call 1800-545-7685, write Harvard Business School Publishing, Boston, MA 02163, or go to This publication may not be digitized, photocopied, or otherwise reproduced, posted, or transmitted, without the permission of Harvard Business School. Purchased by: CHUAN LAN on August 24, 2013 110-045 A Letter from Prison Computer Associates and Stephen Richards Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA) began as a four-person start-up in 1976. Its founder, Charles Wang, sought to fill a growing need for mainframe computing software for IBM computers. Computer Associates offered a range of products, including database, application, and financial management software, to fulfill the computing needs of businesses.1 In 1988, soon after graduating from Avondale College in Australia, Stephen Richards joined CA's Sydney office. Within two years, Richards became manager of the...

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India-China Diplomacy

...The data analysis is based on the journals, articles, books and websites I have used for the literature review. It gave me fascinating results. It is must to say that Sino-Indian relationship is based on powerful basics and there is a big potential as well to develop and strengthen the ties between the two. There is no doubt that India and China are both strongest countries in Asia in terms of Economy. Moreover both of them are developing at a rapid pace. The rest of the world has started to take these two countries seriously and the day might come when they will be the ones to drive the world. Even the economy is growing rapidly and with consistency. Both of them today are world’s fastest growing nations. In recent years, India and China are constantly on fourth and second leading economies respectively. They have left back other huge economies like few European countries and also countries like Japan, Russia, etc. The other fact is that both of them are world’s most populous countries, so it might be the case that in terms of per capita income they are at lower rank, but in terms of total GDP, they are constantly on the leading positions. These two countries are responsible for a big part of world’s total GDP. If we look at India, there is a huge number of people living below poverty line and also the basic needs are not available for the whole population, it is surprising that it still occupies its place in the world’s top five economies. It is the same case with China where...

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Finance and Economy

...How would changes in exchange rate policy impact growth in China as well as the rest of the world? from the case china float or not to float How would changes in exchange rate policy impact growth in China as well as the rest of the world? How would changes in exchange rate policy impact growth in China as well as the rest of the world? How would changes in exchange rate policy impact growth in China as well as the rest of the world? How would changes in exchange rate policy impact growth in China as well as the rest of the world? How would changes in exchange rate policy impact growth in China as well as the rest of the world? How would changes in exchange rate policy impact growth in China as well as the rest of the world? How would changes in exchange rate policy impact growth in China as well as the rest of the world? How would changes in exchange rate policy impact growth in China as well as the rest of the world? How would changes in exchange rate policy impact growth in China as well as the rest of the world? How would changes in exchange rate policy impact growth in China as well as the rest of the world? How would changes in exchange rate policy impact growth in China as well as the rest of the world? How would changes in exchange rate policy impact growth in China as well as the rest of the world? How would changes in exchange rate policy impact growth in China as well as the rest of the world? How would changes in exchange rate policy impact growth in China as...

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...Answer to the general question of the case of Asian Paints-Global Expansion Strategy Now we are living in the global village. It becomes possible mainly for the bussiness. In business, Expansion is the very common term. It happens when a company wants to diversify their product & market. If a company wants to expand their market outside of its own country that is called gobal expansion. This case is mainly dealt with the global expansion strategy of Asian Paints Ltd & the general question is how far the company has achieved its objective of becoming “one of the top five decorative paint companies in the world by the year 2010”? It is India’s largest paint company and a market leader in decorative paints. Forbes Global magazine USA ranked Asian Paints among the 200 Best Small Companies in the World for 2002 and 2003 and presented the 'Best under a Billion' award, to the company. Asian Paints is the only paint company in the world to receive this recognition. Forbes has also ranked Asian Paints among the Best under a Billion companies in Asia In 2005, 06 and 07. But it will be tough for them to become one of the top five decorative paint companies in the world by the year 2010. In 2009, world market share of this company was just 0.6%. That is not satisfactory for achieving their main objective. On the other hand, they are running their bussiness in only 23 countries. Other top companies like AKZONOBEL (NED), PPG Industries (U.S.) , Sherwin-Williams (U...

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