Premium Essay

Was Socrates a Sophist


Submitted By bellu
Words 389
Pages 2
Why Socrates is not a sophist? How are his motives and method of doing philosophy different from the sophists

The Greek word sophist (sophistēs) derives from the words sophia, and sophos, meaning "wisdom" or “wise” since the time of Homer and was originally used to describe expertise in a particular knowledge or craft. Gradually, however, the word also came to denote general wisdom and especially wisdom about human affairs (for example, in politics, ethics, or household management)

First of all, sophists took money for their efforts. They charged people and claimed that their teachings would make people wiser. Socrates, on the contrary, made no money for his efforts, and he did not claim he was making anyone wiser. In fact, he claimed he was only helping them remember what their souls forgot but couldn't remember.

Secondly, the sophists were not loyal to any single city. They moved around from city to city. Socrates, on the other hand, always remained loyal to Athens. He did not have the need to travel abroad to practice philosophy.

Thirdly, Socrates believed in universals. The sophists, on the other hand, were relativists. Protagoras, for instance, considered man "the measure of all things". For the sophists, there is no "true" or "false", and no "right" or "wrong". It is relative to the individual. Socrates rejects this.

Fourth, the sophists emphasized the PERSON who is speaking, rather than what can be said about a topic. So, while Socrates would wonder what can be said about justice, holiness, or wisdom, the sophists would take their own authority (or the authority of a great poet) over the words of a common man like Socrates. The sophists genuinely believed they were among the wisest and that they were able to teach others to be wise as well.

Fifth, consider the role knowledge plays for the sophists. For the

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