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Week 2 Assigment


Submitted By lilmommie33
Words 255
Pages 2
Week 2 Assignment: Understanding Effective Money Management Assessment A, Part 1: Creating a Personal Financial Statement - Assets | 1 point | Car: Bluebook value $1250.00Cash: $378.00Savings Accounts: $826.00 |

Assessment A, Part 2: Creating a Personal Financial Statement - Debts | 1 point | Rent: $750.00Electric/ Gas bill: $131.75Cable/ internet/ Phone bill: $80.42Credit Card: $31.00Cell phone bill: $72.37 |

Assessment A, Part 3: Identify Money Management Tool | 1 point | Explain to Monica how the money management tools were identified. | Students should explain how they evaluated various cash management products and services. |

Assessment A, Part 4: Creating a Personal Financial Statement – Steps | 1 point | Drag the steps listed on the right into their correct sequences on the left. When done click the Send button | Step 1: I got all my financial stuff together – bills, loans, bank statements, etc. | Step 2: I balance my checkbook. | Step 3: I decided what were my assets and what were my debts. | Step 4: I enter my assets in the program. | Step 5: I enter my debts in the program. | Step 6: The program gave me a Net worth figure at the end. |

Assessment B: Creating a Monthly Cash Flow Statement | 1 point | For each item listed, decide whether or not it is a fixed or a variable expenditure. | Electric bill: fixed expenditure | Coffees: variable expenditure | Credit card bill: fixed expenditure | Rent: fixed expenditure | Student loan payment: fixed expenditure | Groceries: variable expenditure | Entertainment: variable expenditure | Cable bill: fixed expenditure |

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