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Week 6 Assignment


Submitted By dhilsabeck
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Homework Assignment

NETW 420

February 15, 2014

Professor Viviane Ruiz

SNMP stands for Simple Network Management Protocol. SNMP is one example of a management protocol. This is an application layer protocol that helps in administrating and supervising network assets across the web. The SNMP has three key components. They are the managed devices, the agents and the network management system. Show below is the relationship between the managed devices, agents, and NMSs components (Simple Network Management Protocol, 2012).

Managed devices are network nodes that contain the SNMP agent and are connected to the network that is managed. They will gather and store information then they make the information available to the Network Management System by using SNMP. These devices are routers, servers, switches, computers, printers and many other devices. The agent is a network management software module that is installed on a managed device. The agent is knowledgeable of the management information and can make it compatible to the SNMP. The Network Management System implements the applications that will conduct the monitoring and controlling of the managed devices. There is usually more than one NMS on a managed network (Simple Network Management Protocol, 2012).
SNMP uses four basic commands while it monitors and controls a managed device. These four commands are read, write, trap, and the traversal operations. The Network Management System uses the read command to monitor the managed devices. It will study the different variables that are retained by the managed device. It uses the write command to control the device. The NMS can change the values of the variable by using this write command. Alternatively the managed device will send a trap message to the NMS to report certain events that happen on or to the managed device. The Network Management System will use the traversal operations to figure out which variables the managed device supports so that it can gather this information that is needed (What Is SNMP?, 2003).
Examples of the basic commands: snmpget Command snmpget -mALL -v1 -cpublic snmp_agent_Ip_address sysName.0 snmpwalk Command snmpwalk -mALL -v1 -cpublic snmp_agent_Ip_address system snmpbulkwalk Command snmpwalk -mALL -v2c -cprivate snmp_agent_Ip_address entPhysicalTable>time3 snmptable Command snmptable -mALL -v2c -cprivate snmp_agent_Ip_address sysORTable
This list is not all inclusive but just a few examples of the different types of commands that can be used with SNMP (SNMP Command Examples, 2010).
The Management Information Base (MIB) is the collection of information that is organized into a theoretical tree. SNMP accesses the MIBs for the information that is contained within its database. The MIB is made up of managed objects that are identified by object identifiers (OID). One of the characteristics of the managed device is the managed object. These objects can be made up of one or more instances or variables (Clemm, 2007).
The OID or object identifier identifies a managed object which is within a MIB hierarchy. Every variable in a MIB module is represented by a node in that tree. This tree is called the object identifier tree. The top level object identifier belongs to a different standard organization, while the lower levels OID are given by the connected organization. Show below, it can be seen the various Hierarchies Assigned by Different Organizations in the MIB tree (Simple Network Management Protocol, 2012).

Clemm, A. (2007). Network Management Fundamentals. Boston, MA: Cisco Press.
Simple Network Management Protocol. (2012, Oct 16). Cisco:
SNMP Command Examples. (2010). Oracle:
What Is SNMP? (2003, 03 28). Microsoft:

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