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Wes Moore Family Narrative Analysis

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Family narrative Wes Moore, had a strong family presents that supported him in being successful in work and in personal life. “The single most important thing you can do for your family may be the simplest of all: develop a strong family narrative”(Feiler 2) The family narrative influences the child’s ability to be successful, the three narratives are ascending, descending, and oscillating. Ascending is the example of "Son, when we came to this country, we had nothing. Our family worked. We opened a store. Your grandfather went to high school. Your father went to college. And now you. ..." ( Feiler 3) Ascending is negative and the child is giving a common expectation of success. “ Second is the descending narrative: "Sweetheart, we used to …show more content…
In Moore book, he goes into subchapters which give different perspectives of the same connections in the main chapters such as Esther Benjamin's who is head of the Peace Corp story of her and how her family narrative helped her. Her family makes her be intrinsically motivated “family simply doesn't watch over her they are the reason she is who she is” (Moore 135). The way it intertwined is that if the person doesn't have a strong self of personal self they will not be able to muck out a definition of success for themselves. “I also try to remind myself that while there is always a big picture ambition or goal on the horizon it's important to savor the little moments the one that will never come my way again” (Moore 196) he is talks about how he wants to be sure that he can be able to be open minded. He talks about how Martin Luther King makes people connect and how people can sacrifice themselves which connects us “People who saw themselves as links in the chain of humanity reaching out and connecting to the next link binding us together” (Moore 194), is the perfect way of setting an example of family narrative because it shows that we all support each other and with each other stories holding us …show more content…
He was able to talk to him and he told him to hold before he died. The grandfather ended up passing before he could see him “I took a walk around the base, trying to hold it together . in a combat zone, I would not let my soldiers see me breaking down..”( Moore 94) he wanted to make sure that his manliness was still intact. This is a display of having the male stereotypes, the man box as Tony Porter called. Another example of the stereotypic of male gender is “But I was a leader, and I felt that in order to be heroic, I couldn't show my emotions in their rawest form”(Moore 95). Again Moore is exhibiting the gender bender of not being able to have the able to be successful in display his emotions and thoughts besides aggression and

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