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What Caused The French Revolutions

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Throughout history there have been many revolutions, such as the French Revolution, that were caused by people rebelling against their governments. The French Revolution commenced after the Enlightenment became popular. The Enlightenment was a period in time where new ideas were spread and people started thinking differently about the world that they lived in. Enlightenment thinkers, like John Locke and Voltaire, begin inspiring the citizens of France to rebel against their government if they felt like their rights were being limited or they did not feel protected. The two reasons for the French Revolution were: the rebellion of the third estate and France’s horrible leaders. The French Revolution was caused because the third estate rebelled against their government. The third estate consisted of the bourgeoisie, traders, laborers, apprentices, servants, and poor peasants which made up about 97 percent of the population. The third estate rebelled against their government because they were not receiving fair rights. They had no say in their government; they had to pay half of their income for taxes and titles, and didn’t own as much land as they should have since they had the biggest population. Whereas …show more content…
Although Napoleon Bonaparte did great things such as; grant constitutions, introduced law codes, abolished feudalism, made an efficient government, made education a top priority, started a new banking system, revolutionized the art of war and rebuilt France he was a horrible leader. Napoleon was a horrible leader because he had a bad ego and executed many people just because they disapproved of his leadership skills. He was exceedingly egocentric by crowning himself king, forsaking his army when they were losing battles, and appointing high positions to his relatives. Napoleon was an idiot for appointing his son the King of Rome when he wasn’t even a year

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